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'''Осколок Любви'''
*Для групп приключенцев ниже 70го уровня, именные мобы в Осколке Любви теперь имеют гораздо меньше ХР.
==Обновление 05 сентября 2009г.==
Test Update
Posted on: September 4, 2009
Collector Rattalis is visiting the Legends of Norrath Museum and is interested in making an offer you cannot refuse!
Runic Deflection should proc slightly more reliably.
House layout files now properly save the scaling of an object.
The save_layout and load_layout commands now properly save and load positions of NPC amenities.
New crafting Achievements have been added.
Certain Achievements have had rewards added to them.
The Antonican Adventurer Achievement should now be able to be completed. The Achievement has been reset.
The Lavastorm Nomad achievement has been reset to allow completion.
Some slayer quests will no longer be added back to your player after converting them to achievements.
The guild event for members earning achievements will now show up in the event list.
Achievements can now be expanded even if they are completed.
Achievements that give rewards will now display the reward when expanded. The rewards can be clicked to open an examine window or control-clicked to view in the dressing room window.
The Commonlands Colonist and Ykeshan Trekker achievements have been reset to allow completion.
The Chronomagi Taskers have moved to be near the Timeless Chronomages (causing them to change zones from Qeynos South -> Harbor and from Freeport North -> East. In Gorowyn and Kelethin, they simply moved)
When mentoring or chronolocking scaled down item bonuses will now be applied correctly.
Improved error message when you are too low level to chronolock.
(Player Feedback) Rare Dungeon Drop Tradeskilled items have been flagged as Lore-Equip Attuneable Heirloom.
(Player Feedback) A large number of the Station Cash and LoN items are now Heirloom.
House items placed in moving crates will now stay in those moving crates, even when you are not looking!
Nightmarish Ceremonial Armor is now No Value.
The Proctor in Somborn should now respond to players if they are repeating the Haunted Mansion quest.
You can now re-enter the center of maze after killing the boss.
The Nights of the Dead Headless Huntsman Costume no longer has the magical ability to grow hair!
Train to Zone! Quest in the Hollow Hedge is now repeatable.
You can once again no longer cancel the final boss' cutscene which causes him to transform.
The house items "basket of rotting pomegranates", "Chalice of Loving Incense" and "Lover's settee" no longer have the Nights of the Dead item description on them.
The Loving Huntress’ body should no longer be so bare.
Tooltips for books inside of packing crates will now look correct.
The threat window now resizes properly.
The welcome screen now displays the name and zone of the daily mission.
Hotbar windows no longer have as much empty spacing around them making it easier to stack them close without overlapping.
There are now save layout and load layout buttons on the /house window to help make it easier to manager your house layout setups!
The raid window has been put on a diet and is now slightly more compact.
The raid window progress bars are slightly larger and more readable.
There are now placeholder icons for the detrimental icons on the raid window.