
Счастье незнания

82 байта добавлено, 11:46, 1 августа 2009
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cost = 1|<!-- points per rank -->
max = 5|<!-- max ranks you can buy-->
require = вложить 10 ед. в достижения группы 120 AA Points spend and 10 of them in [[:Category:General Shadows AAsРазведчик - ОД Теней|General treeразведчик]] and 10 of them in [[<br> Количество использованных ОД:Category:Scout Shadows AAs120 ед.|Scout tree]]|<!-- What is required to unlock this, Such as how many in what row-->desc = Improves the hate reduction amount of the [[Ignorant Bliss]] poisonsУлучшает снижение ненависти ядов "Счастье незнания".|<!-- description text from the top of the examine window -->
icon = |
passive = yes|
effects = see belowУлучшает снижение ненависти способности "Счастье незнания" на Х%|
<!--Use the quick insert links at the top to build a table for effects by rank-->
{{AAEffectsLine5|Improves the hate reduction amount of Ignorant Bliss by X%.Х по рангу|5%|r2|r3|r4|r5}}