
Библиотека Императора

96 байт добавлено, 23:20, 18 июня 2009
Именные мобы
* Tank and spank, had a couple of small adds.
'''Drago''' [[Драго]] - the arena fight
* Fight Drago in the middle of the room.
* He has a frontal AE that does slashing and divine damage.
* Points on innermost big star point to the letters THEER, green points at T, purple at H (looks like a N almost), blue at E, yellow at E, red at R.
'''Octuss''' [[Октасс]] (jadeзеленый), '''Sslortis''' [[Сслортис]] (blueсиний), '''Sunrise''' [[Рассвет]] (goldзолотой), and '''Nightfall''' [[Закат]] (purpleфиолетовый)- [[Свод Загадки Сафира]]
All do slashing/divine damage in addition they also do: