
Костяная Трясина

2016 байт убрано, 12:30, 2 марта 2009
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**Raid: [[Остров Равасектов #The Mysterious Cube|Mysterious Cube]]
**Raid: [[The Mutagenic Outcast]]
==Bestiary (Temporary)==
This section is an aid to contributers helping to complete the listings for this zone, and will be removed when complete.
==={{Island|Shattered Weir}}===
*{{Monster|ashengaze basilisk}}
*{{Monster|nocturnal hunter}}
*{{Monster|lesser earthen manifestation}}
==={{Island|Drednever Crash Site}}===
*{{NPC|Cloud Keeper Shekani}}
*{{Monster|ashengaze basilisk}} Basilisk
*{{Monster|wasteland strider}} Spider
*{{Monster|Doomwing warrior}} (66^-67^)(66 Heroic) Droag
*{{Monster|Doomwing excavator}} (66^-67^)(66 Heroic) Droag
*{{Monster|Doomwing agent}} (66^-67^)(66 Heroic) Droag
*{{Monster|Doomwing dracomagus}} (66-67) Droag - sometimes with a {{Monster|draconic homunculi}} (66)
*{{Monster|Doomwing dracomancer}} (66-67) Droag
*{{Monster|Doomwing ambusher}} (66^-67^)(66 Heroic) Droag
*{{Monster|Doomwing marauder}} (66^-67^)(66 Heroic) Droag
*{{Monster|Vornerous drone}} immature Ravasect
*{{Monster|Vornerous stalker}} Ravasect
*{{Monster|Vornerous screamer}} Ravasect
*{{Monster|Vornerous defender}} Ravasect
*{{Monster|fetidthorn horror}} Root Horror
==={{Island|Cacotoxic Stain}}===
*{{Monster|corpse candle}} (66) wisp
*{{Monster|cacotoxic abomination}} (67^^^-68^^^ Heroic)
*{{Named|Haraghur the Deathless}} (72^^^ Epic x2) gazer, surrounded by 6-8 {{Monster|deathless monitor}}s (68) gazer
*{{Named|The King of Balefires}} (70^ solo named) wisp
*{{Monster|Blackscale guardian}} (66^-67^) skeleton
*{{Monster|Blackscale precursor}} (66^-67^)(66 Heroic) skeleton
*{{Monster|Blackscale chaplain}} (66 Heroic) skeleton
*{{Monster|Blackscale dracomancer}} (67) skeleton
*{{Monster|Blackscale dracomagus}} skeleton
*{{Monster|Humator eggbearer}} immature Ravasect
*{{Monster|Humator colonizer}} immature Ravasect (some mature)
==={{Island|Carrion Briar}}===
*{{Monster|soul feaster}}
==={{Island|Halls of Fate (Island)|Halls of Fate Isle}}===
==={{Island|Isle of the Ravasect}}===
*{{NPC|Cloud Keeper Zaggisi}}
*{{Monster|Humator defender}} Ravasect
*{{Monster|Humator director}} Ravasect