

1048 байт добавлено, 11:44, 14 июня 2008
Новая: <!-- BEGIN SUBSTITUTION This is the Example for ZoneInformation. You may remove this commented section from YOUR page Substitute this into a blank page to start a new Zone page! Parame...
This is the Example for ZoneInformation. You may remove this commented section from YOUR page
Substitute this into a blank page to start a new Zone page!

introduced -name of expansion or advpack, or LU##
levelrange - reccomended range of levelsfor adventuring in this zone.
azones - list of adjacent zones, or blank. INCLUDE BRACKETS!!!
instance - zone difficulty. Public, Heroic, or Epic
uid - zone_id from the EQ2Maps homepage
introduced = Echoes of Faydwer |
levelrange = 60-70 |
azones = [[Горы Батчерблока]] |
instance = |
uid = 267 |
[[image:Kaladim exterior.jpg|thumb|right|The Gates of Kaladim]]
==Ring Events==
* Guard Towers
** Clear the mobs on each level to spawn a new set of mobs. Clear the new mobs to spawn the tower boss. Avoid fighting in the middle room as the mobs on the top floor will aggro.
* Ogrebane Arena
** {{info}}
* Bank Vault
** {{info}}
* Miners
** {{info}}
* Avatar
** {{info}}
