
Eastern Wastes White Hawk

1130 байт добавлено, 16:56, 26 августа 2017
Новая страница: «{{EquipInformation |icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png |desc = This beastie is always at the top of its cage, surveying everything in the room with…»
|icon = {{PAGENAME}} иконка.png
|desc = This beastie is always at the top of its cage, surveying everything in the room with it. The sight it has is incredible as well - we can walk in with the meals for the day, and it always focuses in on its own food, wherever we are in the room.
|iname =
|idesc = Призванный {{PAGENAME}}
|iname2 =
|icat = л
|flags = не перед. нет стоим.

|effectlist = Summon Familiar: {{PAGENAME}}
|effectdesc = *Applies Summon Familiar: {{PAGENAME}} when Activated.
** Increases INT, WIS, STR and AGI of caster by 61.6
** Increases Potency of caster by 96.8%
** Increases Crit Bonus Overcap of caster by 45.0
** Summons a pet {{PAGENAME}}

|slots = Талисман
|charges = *
|charmopt = *
|casting = 1,0 сек.
|recovery = Мгновенно
|duration = До отмены
|recast = 0,0 сек.

|classes = -
|level = 1
|itemlink = \aITEM 836505874 -1527544313:Eastern Wastes White Hawk\/a
|obtain =

[[Категория: Фамильяры (тип снаряжения)]]