
Торговец Ночей мертвецов

1208 байт добавлено, 10:33, 4 октября 2013
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*\aITEM -1170749453 -2053529411 0 0 0:Sathirian Skull Candlestick\/a
*\aITEM -387259014 985526891 0 0 0:Wispy Vampiric Mirror\/a
*\aITEM -759358571 -689208511 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Gargoyle Costume\/a
*\aITEM 1209468866 -2046045861 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Feral Lujien Costume\/a
*\aITEM 1048291011 -682276639 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Fauna Stalker Costume\/a
*\aITEM 1558130858 -1911717058 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Baleful Scarecrow Costume\/a
*\aITEM -494960023 -1943567811 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Ashlock Skeleton Costume\/a
*\aITEM -376782667 -587818996 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Orc Ghost Costume\/a
*\aITEM 248129966 -267867494 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Oggok Ogre Costume\/a
*\aITEM 608557734 -1053243777 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Mindless Corpse Costume\/a
*\aITEM 683880405 166335182 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Holgresh Costume\/a
*\aITEM -1804986848 -2101283149 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Ghoulish Goblin Costume\/a
*\aITEM -1071274131 -1131033777 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Vampire Mage Costume\/a
*\aITEM 2083218978 -211807879 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Undead Othmir Costume\/a
*\aITEM -46619040 442186465 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Thurgadin Spellcaster Costume\/a
*\aITEM 772699586 -86380920 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Skeletal Marauder Costume\/a
*\aITEM 186614246 2088320397 0 0 0:Nights of the Dead Shambling Mound Costume\/a
===Средства передвижения===