
Кровавый ритуалист Д'йер Эв

449 байт добавлено, 17:37, 6 декабря 2012
Нет описания правки
diff = героический|
zone = Throne of Fear|
patch = Chains of Eternity|
group = |
agro = y|
social = |
trauma = |
arcane = |
noxious = |
elemental= |
location = |
mapref = |
uid = |
noimage =3|
idesc = |
race = человек-ящер|
type = разумные|
class = |
levellow = 100|
level = 101|
levelmod = ^^|
diff = героический|
zone = Temple of the Faceless|
patch = Chains of Eternity|
group = |