
Старейшина Экрон

24 байта добавлено, 10:33, 11 ноября 2008
Нет описания правки
rquests = |
aaxp = Да| <!-- Yes, or amount of AA Experience -->
sp = Мин. {{Status|16000}}| <!-- Yes, or amount of Status Points -->
Have your MT pull this mob between the wall and the walkway. Have the MT group stay tight as LOS issues will come up from time to time. Rest of the raid will be assisting the off tank. At around 70% or so the mob will spawn a heroic orange con add. Have your off tank meet the add and be careful that he turns it away from the raid. (adds have a pretty nasty AE) At this time you will notice that a targetable but not killable baby dragon will be running to groups of eggs. This mob will spawn three more adds (even con down ^ arrows) Either have your offtank get agro of those also or have your sk/brawler grab them...They are cake burn all down, back on named..Rinse and repeat (mob emotes when ever the orange con add is going to spawn)