
Арасай (раса персонажей)

2269 байт добавлено, 19:49, 30 мая 2008
Новая: {{dab|Arasai (disambig)}} {{CharacterRaceInformation| city=Neriak | district=Darklight Wood| str=10 | agi=30 | sta=10 | int=25 | wis=25 | mental=1 | heat=1 | cold=1 | ...
{{dab|Arasai (disambig)}}
city=[[Neriak]] |
district=[[Darklight Wood]]|
str=10 |
agi=30 |
sta=10 |
int=25 |
wis=25 |
mental=1 |
heat=1 |
cold=1 |
magic=4 |
divine=2 |
poison=4 |

== Overview ==
The Arasai are a twisted and malicious evil version of the [[Fae]]. They were corrupted by [[Dark Elf]] [[Queen Cristanos]] through torture and dark magic after the theft of spirit blossoms which allow Fae to be reborn. This is very similar to [[Innoruuk]]'s original corruption of [[Tunare]]'s previous creations resulting in their own state. The Arasai treat Queen Cristanos as though she were a goddess. They take great pleasure in defiling and torturing the lesser races of Norrath.

[[Arasai -Hate Gives Rise To Another Superior Race!|An ingame book]] written by Tier'dal details the story.

Like their uncorrupted brethren, the Arasai have more beginning resistance points than earlier races (not confirmed in game), assumedly safe fall, and racial traditions some consider to be strong like Glide and Arasai's Flight.

== Arasai Traditions ==

{| border=1 style="background-color:#f5faff;;border:1px solid #a3bfb1"
|- style="background-color:#cee0f2"
! colspan=3 | Choose one of these every 10th level up to 80.
|- style="background-color:#cee0f2"
! Name !! Effect || Duration
|Escaping Dive ||Area Deaggro and 10-meter teleport ||Instant, 5 min recast
|Aerial Dodging ||2% melee crit or spell crit, +5 defense ||Permanent
|Glide ||Jump farther (long hang-time) ||Permanent
|Arasai's Endurance ||In-combat Power Regen||Permanent
|Arasai's Flight ||+5% movement Speed ||Permanent
|Magic Protection ||+3% Magic Resistance ||Permanent
|Arasai Savvy ||+5 Intelligence ||Permanent
|Neriak Precision ||+5 Artificing ||Permanent
|Transmograpy ||+5 Transmuting ||Permanent
|Dark Envy ||5% Melee and Spell Crit<br/>10% Increased Casting Speed<br/>+25 DPS, -Parry, -Defense ||24 seconds, 5 min recast
|- style="background-color:#cee0f2"
! colspan=3 | Innate Abilities
|- style="background-color:#cee0f2"
! Name !! Effect || Duration
|Wind Walker||+50% movement speed||36 sec, 5 min recast
|Slow Fall||Slow Fall (aka feather fall), unless mounted or struck while falling||Permanent