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[[Image:Logo arcanum revealed.png|250px||right|]]
<big>'''Игровое обновление LU58 "Arcanum Revealed" / "Разгадка откровения"'''</big>
<br />Дата установки на игровые сервера: 13 октября 2010г.
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:''Полная информация об изменениях - [[Обновление 2010.10.13 "Arcanum Revealed"|Обновление 2010.10.13]].''<br />
==<small>Незримое Таинство Зракса</small>==*Дата установки основного контента При жизни верховный шаман Зракс уделял много внимания изучению различных аспектов черной магии, миру духов и прочим тайным знаниям. После его смерти многих из тех, кто обладает связью с потусторонним миром, стали посещать видения - силы зла пытаются вырваться на тест-сервер: 20 сентября 2010гсвободу в мир Норрата. Вы должны отправиться в Руины Гука и удостовериться в том, чтобы открытые Зраксом секреты запретного искусства и та сила, которую от заточил в своей башне, навсегда остались похоронены в Незримом Таинстве.*Ожидаемая дата установки на игровые сервера: середина октября 2010г[[Незримое Таинство Зракса]] - героическая зона для одной группы игроков 90 уровня; для прохождения доступны обычный и сложный режимы. <br><center>{{rtoc#ev:youtube|WUhEpbUg3As|420|}}</center>
{{translate}}==Обновление тест-сервера 20.09.2010г.=====USER INTERFACE===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Теперь можно назначить отдельный цвет для 20 каналов чата.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Теперь можно организовывать до 40 каналов чата, которые будут сохраняться между заходами в игру.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] В кно распределения лута лидером имена игроков теперь отображаются в алфавитном порядке.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Окно торговли расширено и теперь можно передавать одновременно до 12 предметов.*The abilities: Cure Spell, Cure Elemental and Noxious Cleansing work with click to cure and the /cureplayer command.*You can no longer place items on the broker for 0 copper.*The left side of the quest window now properly updates when a quest is ready to hand in.*When sorting the quest journal by zone the current zone will be highlighted in gold.*Targeting a PvP target will no longer open the grouping tutorial window.*Chat bubbles above characters’ heads will now be restored after using the /loadui command.*You can now search for items on the marketplace by name.*The Options window now supports Basic/Advanced mode (toggled by a button in the upper-right corner of the Options UI).**Many options have been flagged as “advanced” and will no longer be displayed when the options window is in “basic” mode.*We made a few modifications to the character window for stats.**There is now a 4th button that has the tradeskill stats and general information.**The second button was moved into two buttons. ===PLAYER HOUSING===*Outdoor area added to the following housing layouts:**NeriakКатегория: 2 Walk of the Dead and 3 Walk of the Dead ===SPELL VISUALS===**Spell Visuals on lifetaps should no longer incorrectly show the damage portion on the caster. ===VITALITY===*Vitality will no longer be reset when you reach max level.*Players at max level will accrue and use vitality as normal. The vitality bonus at max level will increase the amount of XP that is converted into AA XP. ===BETRAYAL===*Spells above apprentice are now preserved after betraying in the following situations:**Betraying to a different class:***Shared spells will retain upgrades***All new spells will start as apprentice**Betraying back to original class:***Shared spells will retain upgrades***Any spells that were upgraded before betrayal will remain**Betraying to the same class:***No spell upgrades will be lost ===GUILDS===*The required experience for guild levels has had its progression smoothed out; “hell levels” have been removed. ===QUESTS===*Many quests in the Kingdom of Sky now also reward house items.  If you have already completed these quests and would like the house items, you can visit Drednever faction merchant Ellywig at the Drednever Crash Site, or acquire one from a friend (they are fully tradeable).*Greater Faydark - Adventurers on the quest "Into Crushbone Territory" are able to now speak with Tuathil Laeds in Greater Faydark to complete the quest, no matter what quests of his you have already completed or are currently on.*Greater Faydark - Adventurers on the quest "The Malgurt" who have lost the "Ul'Alarum Oracle Stone" can now return to Blinik Belestro to receive a replacement item. ===EVENTS===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] The City Festival specialty merchant now has doors in stock!  A different one will be sold in each city.*[по отзывам с Fan FaireИгровые обновления] More tiles are available from some of the enchanted grottos that appear on the 20th of each month! *[по отзывам с Fan Faire] There is now a token exchange merchant located in Stonebrunt Highlands who will sell you Floret of Growth tokens in exchange for old prelude event coin. ===COMBAT===*The stat “Double Attack” has been changed to “Multi Attack” it now can make you attack more than twice if your percent chance is over 100%. For example, if you have 150% Multi Attack, you will now have a 100% chance to make a second attack and a 50% chance to make a third attack! ===ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Fixed an issue where some high end de-taunts like evade were giving hundreds of thousands of points of de-taunt when they should only be giving 2000 to 5000-ish.*AAs that modify spells cast on others, such as the Dirge’s “Enhance: Dead Calm”, now properly modify the buffs cast on others in your group or raid.*Cure curse will no longer be used if the target does not have a curse to cure. *Brigand*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Advancement Abilities can now be applied with “Double Up”.*Clerics*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Steadfast” can't be dispelled randomly.*Coercer*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Possess Essence” can now be cast on bosses and named NPCs.*Crusaders*“Holy Steed” and “Unholy Steed” now grant 25% run speed.*Defiler*“Mail of Souls” no longer shows a duration.*Druid*[Fпо отзывам с Fan Faire] “Serenity” can now be cast while stifled.*Illusionist*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Time Warp” no longer has an immunity timer and applies to both the target and the illusionist.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Time Warp Preparation” no longer uses the same icon as “Time Warp”.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Time Warp” now uses a slightly different icon.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Arms of Imagination” now grants 1% Flurry per rank as well as the 4% AE Auto-Attack.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Personae Reflection” has 20% more health and has higher magical mitigation.*Mystic*“Ebbing Spirit” no longer shows a duration.*Necromancer*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Undead Horde” can no longer be dispelled.*“Siphoning of Souls III” should now grant the correct souls.*Priest*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Wrath” has had its power cost drastically reduced.*Scouts*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Freehand Reversal” now grants Weapon Damage Bonus instead of double attack.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Unencumbrance” now grants Weapon Damage Bonus instead of double attack.*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Coule” is now a frontal combat art which deals damage and reduces the target's accuracy substantially for a short duration. It has a very low chance to miss.*Troubador*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Requiem of Reflection” now lasts for two minutes when it triggers.*Warde*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] “Infuriating Thorns” can now be cast on the Warden. ===(PVP) ABILITIES / ALTERNATE ADVANCEMENT===**Defiler*“Mail of Souls” now has a 40 second reuse in PVP Combat.*“Mail of Souls” no longer shows a duration.*Druid*“Tunare's Grace” now only cures one effect of each type in PVP Combat and has a 40 second reuse.*Fury*“Abolishment” has a 40 second reuse in PVP Combat.*Inquisitor*“Resolute Flagellant” has a 40 second reuse in PVP Combat.*Mystic*“Ancestral Balm” now has a 16 second reuse in PVP Combat.*“Ebbing Spirit” now has a 40 second reuse in PVP Combat.*“Ebbing Spirit” no longer shows a duration.*Templar*“Cleansing of the Soul” now only cures one effect of each type in PVP Combat and has a 40 second reuse.*“Devoted Resolve” now has a 40 second reuse in PVP Combat.*Warden*“Verdant Whisper” has a 40 second reuse in PVP Combat.*“Tranquility” now has a 120 second reuse and heals for less in PVP Combat. ===AMENITIES===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] The crafting supply depot amenity can now hold up to 200 unique items.*Guild Hall Mailboxes can now be set to the Paineel style. ===TRADESKILLS===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] All items required by carpenter tradeskill writs are now made on the woodworking table. *[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Adorning merchants in Butcherblock Mountains and Kelethin now sell Transmuting Dilutions recipes which allow the conversion of higher quality transmuting components into lower quality products.*The adorning daily quest now works off your actual skill not your modified skill.*Far Seas Supply Chain and Tools of the Trade buffs now properly increase the amount of progress and durability gained by the percentage specified and should be more helpful than they were before.*These only increase the gain, and have no effect if you lose durability or progress in a tradeskill round.*These effects increase the gain from tradeskill abilities such as Varnish and bonus progress you get from a success or critical success!*Woodworkers and their customers rejoice!  Woodworkers can now make totems that stack up to 100 in your inventory.  (Old totems that already existed remain unchanged.)*The tinkered items Call of the Tinkerer, Repository of Construction, and Heart Stopper devices are now usable by anyone of the required level, tradeskill OR adventurer (formerly they were adventure level only).*Tradeskill fuels are now named more consistently to make them easier to remember and to find on merchants.*All crafted ammo (arrows, throwing knives, etc.) now stacks to 200 for more storage convenience.*Level 10 den harvesting nodes are now more common in New Halas.*Neriak now has more clipboards available in the crafting area for picking up tradeskill writs.*Failing to counter an event while tinkering now only produces an actual explosive fireball for the more major failures, instead of any failure.*Tinkered fireworks now have a lower fuel cost to make.*Jewelers now have recipes for necklaces in the level 10 and 20 ranges. *Dusts used by alchemists to make potions and poisons now indicate which level range they are for. ===POPULATION===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] Banker Deephathom in Willow Wood no longer chastises you about loans.*Kurista has become the new High Priestess of Growth! She can be found in the same building Eva Corunno'thes occupied in Kelethin. ===ITEMS===*[по отзывам с Fan Faire] The Hua Mein illusion sword can now be used by all classes.*Standard level 80+ mastercrafted jewelry is now equipable at level 82.*Orc petrified eye illusion should now remain while mounted, swimming and climbing.*Fixed an issue where the author of a player-written book would not be able to edit his books after a server move.*The ring of rage now reduces healing by half rather than preventing the user from being able to heal at all.*Fixed issues with Call of the Veteran giving “in combat” errors.*The house item versions of the Mysterious Black Tome, Mysterious Red Tome, and Mysterious Green Tome are now actually colored black, red, and green.  Mysteriousness levels remain unchanged.*The Gorowyn Destrier, New Halasian Courser, Kelethin Courser, and Neriak Destrier can now be purchased from city mount merchants by adventurers that have already completed the quests which now reward them.*The Shadeshire Cap can now be equipped by all mages.*The Ethereal Tabard now has slightly more appropriate stats for a mage item.*The Earring of the Solstice can now be used while moving.*The Gnomish Parachute Pack, Call of the Tinkerer, Repository of Reconstruction, Heart Stopper devices and tinkered Message in a Bottle can now be used at level 5.*Magma armor molds from Lavastorm now stack to 200 and are heirloom.*Limited charge petamorph wands have been removed from the Station Marketplace and replaced by an unlimited charge version.  If you currently have a limited charge version wand in your inventory, you will also find it has been upgraded to the new uncharged version.*Impact should now proc correctly. ===(PVP) ITEMS===*“Mutilation” and “Mangle” once again can be cured. ===GREATER FAYDARK===*Natural Gardens are spawning once more within The Nursery.  ==Обновление тест-сервера 15.09.2010г.=====GREATER FAYDARK===*The Crushbone orcs are threatening the city of Kelethin! Adventurers traveling through Sapling Spur Outpost and Green Knoll are being recruited to help save the mighty city.*Spire Shadow Outpost was forced to move close to the Lower Emerald River due to a pack of kobolds that has moved in from Steamfont. Adventurers are being sought to help remove this threat.*Adventurers within The Nursery will once again find harvestable resources available. ===PLAYER HOUSING===*Outdoor areas have been added to the following housing layouts:**Kelethin: Aerie Kolmas and Aerie Amree, a seven-room acorn**Gorowyn: Timorous Heights and Gorowyn Heights, Gorowyn Six Room**Halas: Manors of Erollisi and Manors of Mithaniel, New Halas Five Room Housing