
Категория:Хранитель - ОД

23 байта убрано, 13:35, 6 февраля 2010
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Image:Хранитель - ветка ОД.jpg|center|circle 69 39 20 [[Enhance: Holding Vines]]circle 229 39 20 [[Fire Strike]]circle 349 39 20 [[Enhance: Resurrections (Warden)|Enhance: Resurrections]]circle 469 39 20 [[Remedy Noxious]]circle 549 39 20 [[Remedy Trauma]]
circle 309 104 20 [[Enhance: Regenerating Spores]]
circle 389 104 20 [[Enhance: Aspect of the Bat]]
circle 29 169 20 [[Enhance: Snare (Warden)|Enhance: Snare]]
circle 109 169 20 [[Enhance: Spirit of Wolf (Warden)|Enhance: Spirit of Wolf]]
circle 189 169 20 [[Cold Strike]]
circle 469 169 20 [[Remedy Elemental]]
circle 549 169 20 [[Remedy Arcane]]
circle 29 299 20 [[Enhance: Willow Wisp]]
circle 109 299 20 [[Enhance: Underbrush]]
circle 189 299 20 [[Enhance: Defender of the Forest]]
circle 309 364 20 [[Enhance: Healing Grove]]
circle 389 364 20 [[Enhance: Death Interventions]]
circle 69 429 20 [[Nature Walk]]
circle 229 429 20 [[Force of Nature]]
circle 349 429 20 [[Reformation]]
circle 509 429 20 [[Shatter Infections]]
desc bottom-right
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