Обновление 2006.10.20

На русскоязычных серверах одновременно с LU28 были установлены игровые обновления LU27 и LU26.

Дополнительная информация - на главных страницах обновлений LU26, LU27 и LU28.


Игровое обновление LU26

The Story

Two more Prophets have stepped forward, War and Tranquility, announcing the imminant return of their Gods. Both have appeared in Zek, the Orcish Wastes. The Prophet of Tranquility stands on the docks, to tell all who will listen the stories of Quellious. The Prophet of War can be found before the gates of The Deathfist Citadel, testing those who would learn war at the bloody side of Rallos Zek.

And more than the Gods are moving on the face of Norrath. A landslide has uncovered a crypt entrance behind Nektropos Castle. Be sure to gather a group of strong friends before braving this door! It might not hurt to have a sneaky friend with you, too!


  • The influence of the gods of Fear and Valor can be felt permeating through Norrath!
  • New mysteries await your discovery in Nektropos Castle: Tribulation!
  • Embark on new guild raids to earn status, learn valuable tactics, and gear up!
  • Through your noble efforts (or dirty deeds), unlock access to blackmarket fences on PvP servers!
  • Your leaders have ordered new maps scribed for both cities’ adventure yards!

The Hand of the Gods

Nektropos Castle: Tribulation

  • Whispers abound of strange occurrences near Nektropos Castle. Some claim to have heard the spirit of Lord Everling himself calling out.
  • Rumor has it that recent earthquakes have uncovered burial chambers near this haunted ruin. Perhaps exploration of one such unearthed crypt near the castle could reveal more information.
  • Venture through Nektulos Forest to Nektropos Castle and unravel the mysteries... if you dare!
  • This new journey through one of our most popular landmarks is intended to provide a challenge for a full group of level 70 characters.

City Guild Raid Revamp

  • Guild raids offered by the cities have been completely redesigned to teach some of the fundamentals of raiding, as well as providing a fun way to earn guild status.
  • Each raid is intended for two groups and will scale according to your raid's level.
  • Progressively conquer a series of raids that will help you learn new tactics, as each involves new challenges not encountered in the previous raid.
  • The raids must initially be done in sequence. In order to advance to the second raid, you must complete the first; to get to the third, you must complete the second; and so on. After completing all five new raids, you will be able to go back and undertake them again in any order.
  • Defeating the bosses in these raids awards guild status. In addition, item rewards for defeating the bosses vary based on your level range.
    • Up to level 50, bosses drop rare tradeskill harvests, recipe books, and spell scrolls.
    • Above level 50, bosses have a chance to drop armor molds or patterns.
  • Armor molds and patterns indicate whether they can be made into cloth, leather, chain, or plate armor. Examining the mold/pattern gives a quest. Upon turning the item in to a Quartermaster, you can choose a piece of armor suitable to your class.
  • There are two different levels of molds and patterns that drop: one from bosses around 50 to 60, and the other from bosses that are around 60 to 70.
  • The resulting armor is of Legendary quality and is intended to be basic gear useful for those starting to raid more challenging targets. It provides good stats and resists rather than fancy item effects.
  • To undertake these new adventures, combine two groups into a raid and speak with City Registrar Glamis in Freeport or Royal Accountant Fowler in Qeynos. They will direct your raid members to the portal mages standing near the doors that will take you to your destination.
  • Note: A single raid can have some members enter from Qeynos and others from Freeport. As long as at least one raid member in each city has the same quest, raid members in both cities should enter the same instance.

PvP Fences

  • You can now work for your side to employ fences (brokers carrying goods from the opposing city) in The Commonlands or Antonica, or get rid of a fence from the opposition's territory.
  • To banish the enemy's fence, you must either kill its guards or complete your own fence quest.
  • Ifrit Jankus of East Freeport and Banderspark of Qeynos Harbor are seeking assistance from players to reinstate the operations of G`Thal and Fuddlesprock.
  • Note that you must be level 10 or above to interact with the fence.
  • This is the first quest in EverQuest II that requires you to kill other players!





Zones and Population

  • Zone reuse timers are being modified to have greater consistency. Reuse timers will now follow these guidelines:
    • Small solo zone: No fail timer | 4 hour success timer
    • Large solo zone: No fail timer | 8 hour success timer
    • Group zone: No fail timer | 18 hour success timer
    • Small raid zone: 8 hour fail timer | 3 day, 20 hour success timer
    • Large raid zone: 12 hour fail timer | 5 day, 20 hour success timer
  • Pets should now be able to once again attack Chieftain Merzog in Fallen Gate if he hasn't moved from the spot he initially appears.
  • A number of mobs associated with dynamic camps (ring events) in Tenebrous Tangle have been made uncharmable to prevent certain situations that may break the events.
  • Mobs associated with dynamic camps in Everfrost (such as Bloodhorn and Webclaw's events) have been made no-charm to reduce the possibility of the events breaking. This has also been applied to "the Prophet" dynamic camp in The Sinking Sands.
  • After building the store of eggs needed for training the griffon tamers and griffons have moved into their towers within The Thundering Steppes and Nektulos Forest.
  • Velociraptors should no longer use stealth.
  • Merchants in Maj'Dul are no longer random and will include all types of merchants. Their goods will also scale to your level similar to those in Qeynos or Freeport.
  • Reviving in Blackburrow and Stormhold now place you at the front of those dungeons.
  • Due to a rigorous training program enforced by the Queen, guards in Antonica are now a bit more heroic.


  • Social creatures will no longer respond to calls for help from other NPCs if they are already busy fighting or while they are returning home after a battle.

Fighter changes:

Priest changes:

  • Warden: Willow: Root component no longer affects Epic targets.


  • Any of the Crafting Trainers in Freeport, Haven, or Qeynos can certify characters for their crafting class and specialty. The message received at levels 9 and 19 have been modified to make this clearer. The old certification NPCs can still be used and they now have the Crafting Trainer purpose tag. Also note that you can no longer accrue additional experience into levels 10 and 20. You can no longer get to level 9 with 200% XP then have that carry over into 10, for example.
  • The amount of fuel needed for Wild Apple Juice was reduced from 3 to 1.
  • Pugilist's Fists Wraps will now list Raw Rawhide Leather as their primary component.
  • Pontiff's armor will now have a description of Raw Rawhide Leather.
  • Spirit Totem of the Carnivorous Plant can now be only be equipped by level 60+ characters.
  • A number of recipes that would previously show the item stats for the crude product will now show you what a pristine product will look like instead.
  • The Maj'Dul Coffee recipe now uses the correct amount of fuel.
  • Recipes found in Tailoring Essentials Volume 64 should now all be level 64.

User Interface

  • You can once again /raidinvite a group leader that is in a different zone.
  • The amount of guild status you contribute when you gain personal status should now display correctly.
  • The number of accounts currently in your guild will again update properly as players are added or removed from the guild.

  • You can now get the collectable shinies that are usually available on the Outpost of the Overlord and Queen's Colony in the following adventure yards: The Sprawl (feathers), the Sunken City (shells), Oakmyst Forest (feathers), and The Forest Ruins (shells).

Игровое обновление LU27


  • Get more from your practicing your craft with new Tradeskill Work Orders!
  • The hand of the gods can be felt with two new Live Events!
  • Be rewarded with more experience as a solo or raid player!
  • Assassins, Bruisers, Defilers, and Troubadors: Get your shiny new profession hats!

Tradeskill Work Orders

  • Artisans rejoice! New Tradeskill work orders have been added to the game.
  • You can begin obtaining work orders when you've reached the subclass level (20).
  • Please see a local Work Order Foreman to get yours. Work orders, not cash money. Well, technically you do get rewarded for doing them, but yo...
  • Rewards include faction, status, and coin. Exiles will not earn faction, however.
  • Work orders are both timed and untimed--the component cost for crafting an untimed work order is greater.

Experience Changes

  • While we feel that solo quests can be quite rewarding, we were not satisfied with the experience from solo combat alone, especially for those characters who prefer to target slightly lower creatures. Therefore, we have increased the experience earned in the following situations:
    • Non-Heroic creature experience has been increased slightly.
    • Experience for blue con creatures has been increased slightly.
    • Experience for green con creatures has been increased significantly.
  • In addition, we also wanted to increase the reward for defeating the nastier foes you meet during raids. Therefore, epic creature experience has been increased significantly.

The Hand of the Gods

Profession Hats

  • New profession hats are available for Assassins, Bruisers, Defilers, and Troubadors!
  • Visit the original quest givers for Relic and Hooloh hats and trade your current headgear for your all-new profession hat! Please remember that you cannot change back to the original appearance once the trade has been made.


  • Mounts can now be toggled off by using the whistle or summoning object again while the mount is active.
  • You can no longer set your public access level to friend or higher. Visitor is the new highest default setting. Note that this only applies to the default setting for your house--you can still set specific friends to be trustees to your heart's content.
  • In order to prevent lost items and coin, you cannot zone while a consignment transaction is in progress.
  • You will no longer get an error message if you change targets while harvesting.
  • It should now take a bit longer to drown after you run out of breath.
  • Consigned items purchased while possessing a pet will now correctly be placed in the pet owner's inventory.

City Guild Raids

  • The old society quests used for the city raid guild writs have been replaced with a new quest series to help ensure players zone into the correct instance.


  • When in passive mode, pets will no longer attack aggressors unless they are directly attacked themselves.
  • The Village of Shin is no longer protected via carnage rules.
  • The carnage flag will automatically be applied when entering a city if you are not a member of that city's alignment.
  • Spells that summon dumbfire pets can now be used against other players without first being in combat. Examples include Undead Tide (Necromancer) and Band of Thugs (Brigand).
  • Arena merchants should no longer talk about killses and winses. They have been instructed to stop watching Lord of the Rings and get back to work.
  • Pouch of Trappings and Pouch of Nauseous Memories can now be equipped and used as range weapons.


  • In The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers, the scout that spawns when Lureclaw and Gulp are killed will now run to the shore prior to dying so the rock sample doesn't find its way into geometry.
  • Residents of Beggar's Court who had completed the Big Trouble... quest and stopped talking to Durio Dexus should now be offered his next quest after speaking to him.
  • When a timed stage of a quest fails to be completed, the quest helper window will now update properly.


  • Repair costs on Fabled items have been reduced significantly. Previously, they cost four times as much as Legendary items to repair.
  • The distance that Tarton's Wheel will teleport its user has been shortened. This should make the teleport effect a bit more reliable for its wielders.
  • The Sergeant's Scimitar should now work properly for those who can wield it.
  • The effect on the Scallywag's Plumed Hat should now function correctly.
  • Shields and symbols should now always list in which slots they can be equipped.
  • Certain collection tome pages found in the Forsaken City now have a chance to be a No Trade page that previously were only found on enemies. Page 10 of From Pond to Paladin Vol. II will now drop or be found on page ground spawns.
  • The Narin Earring of Exploration will now equip properly.

Zones and Population

  • The Seraph of the Stags will no longer attack the other creatures around it.
  • Some monster damage types should more closely match their attacks (e.g. badgers pierce because they bite you).
  • To help improve performance in and around Qeynos and Freeport, the loading distance in the cities, villages, and adventure yards has been reduced.
  • Murdunk's Falls have been fully reclaimed and will no longer be called the Pool of Ruins. Our apologies to those who enjoy ruins, but there are plenty others to be found elsewhere.
  • The icefloat in Everfrost carrying tradeskill devices has melted away due to global warming caused by tradeskillers.
  • In The Tombs of Night: A Search For Answers the scout that spawns when Lureclaw and Gulp are killed will now run to the shore prior to dying so the rock sample doesn't find its way into geometry.


  • Maximum power pool increases bonuses have been adjusted to be more consistent throughout level progression. This will increase the amount of maximum power bonuses below level 60, and lower it above 60.
  • Weaker tier spells will no longer be able to overwrite stronger tier spells.
  • The double attack skill will no longer work with ranged weapons.
  • Epic opponents no longer have a chance to score a critical hit when casting spells.
  • The following spells can now be cast while feared:
  • Achievements:
    • Rogue: Torporous Strike: Critical reduction changed to casting and recovery speed reduction.
    • Predator: Placating Strike: Increased melee damage and hate reduction effectiveness.
    • Predator: Toxic Expertise: Modified examine information to indicate it affects spell triggers and not combat arts.
  • Coercer changes:
    • Empathic Link: Removed restriction from hate decrease so that it can affect fighters as well.
  • Paladin changes:
    • Offensive stances now grant additional disruption skill.
    • Wards will now stack with shadowknight reactive heals/damage shields.
    • Divine Favor no longer has a hate reduction component. Its duration was increased from 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Shadowknight changes:
    • Infernal Blessing will now stack with paladin wards.
    • Death March's triggered duration is now 10 seconds, automatically triggers when it is cast, had its DPS bonus reduced, and now reduces casting times.
    • Offensive stances now grant additional disruption skill.
  • Warlock changes:
    • Boon of the Dark: Can be cast on a raid member. If they are a fighter, this transfers a small amount of the warlock's hate toward the fighter.
    • Stop Breath's debuff amount has been increased, and its power cost reduced.
    • The Null Caress spell will no longer cause the target's UI to display the zone loading screen.
  • Wizard changes:
    • Accord can be cast on a raid member. If they are a fighter, this transfers a small amount of the wizard's hate toward the fighter.


  • Fuel amounts in almost every recipe have been modified. Most recipes had their fuel costs reduced, though some now require more fuel. Provisioner recipes were not changed.
  • Tradeskill quests (work orders and writs included) should now use tradeskill level instead of adventure level when determining any applicable experience or status rewards. Tradeskill level will also determine con color in the quest journal for tradeskill quests.
  • Bandoliers, pouches, satchels, and sheaths now have recipes that will allow you to imbue these items with magical properties. These new recipes will automatically be updated in the recipe scrolls that contain recipes for those items already. In addition, all level 60 to 70 imbue recipes will now no longer require additional components besides scintillating materials for build components.
  • Sisal Fiber should now be usable as a rare cloth component in level 10-19 recipes.
  • Minor Vigor is now a level 4 recipe and found in the level 4 artisan books.
  • Disease Imbued Ebony Wands should now be named correctly.
  • The Steel Chain Mantle recipe is now Steel Chainmail Mantle.
  • Rare round shields and bucklers should now use the correct amount of fuel.
  • The Reprieve line of potions should persist while zoning.
  • The level 60 Armorer shield imbue recipes should now be the same level as the recipe to make the items.
  • Essence of Unflinching Will is now called Essence of Burning Will to match the name of the spell it makes.
  • There should now be a clearer progression between level 50 and 60 hex doll effects.

User Interface

  • The character portrait in the inventory window now has a plain background and no longer follows the animations that your character makes in the game world. You can use your mouse to rotate your character around. Why make such a change? We're keeping that under the cloak of secrecy for now...
  • The option that controls the number pad for text input should once again be operational.
  • Double-clicking on an item in your Overflow slot will transfer that item to your inventory instead of opening the Persona window.
  • The guild recruiting icon in the guild window will no longer follow the right edge of the window.
  • Attempting to attune an item in your house vault should no longer give an error about not being in a bank transaction.
  • The "kick from raid" context menu command has been changed to "kick group from raid" to better reflect its functionality.
  • The /kickfromraid command has been renamed to /kickgroupfromraid.

UI Files Updated

  • eq2ui_mainhud_guild.xml
  • eq2ui_inventory_inventory.xml

Игровое обновление LU28


The Hand of the Gods

Crafting: No Longer Just Underground!

  • Have you ever wondered why poor crafters have always been forced to forge their creations in the damp, dark reaches of Norrath? Blame the gnomes!
  • Tradeskillers will now find crafting stations placed throughout their home cities.
  • Now you can display your skill to all your potential customers, without having to work in cramped quarters.


  • The Ironforge Exchange and the Coalition of Tradesfolk will now sell Tradeskill Writ Clipboards for use in your home when you have achieved amiable faction with them.
  • Leona Ward has checked with her suppliers and now sells the necessary fuels.
  • The amount of fuel needed for rare potions/poisons that Alchemists make has been reduced from 8 to 4.
  • Old tradeskill "Reagent" items can now be used as primary components in spell recipes much like Inks/Dyes.
  • Dusts can no longer be used instead of normal Imbue items in imbue recipes.


  • All female run animations have been updated with the exception of frogloks, halflings, and gnomes.


  • You can now find an option under Controls -> Keyboard Settings called Automatic AFK. Enabling this option will cause your status to automatically be set to AFK whenever there is no keyboard (or Mouse[2]) activity for 5 minutes. Using the keyboard again after this will remove the AFK.


  • Swapping wielded or worn items will no longer cause you to lose the benefit from both pieces.
  • The Ancestral Sarnak War Bow will now work properly.


User Interface

  • Houses will tell you how many broker slots they have before you buy them.
  • The Quest Journal will no longer expand all trees every time the player logs in or zones.
  • Looking for group and looking for work at the same time will no longer confuse /who lfg.
  • There is now an option to increase and decrease the font size in text and response bubbles.
  • The timer display in the group quest window will now align and count down properly.
  • You will now receive a notice if you have already been awarded Achievement Experience for a named NPC kill.
  • Consigned items purchased while possessing a pet will now go to the pet owner’s inventory.

Zones and Population

Игровое обновление LU28a

This was a sneak-patch, hence why it has no real LU number of it's own.
