Антракс Гнойный Шип

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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Незримое Таинство Зракса (LU58)
Раса Тролль
Уровень 97▲▲▲ Тир 10 Эпический х2
Местонахождение 3 этаж ( 4, 110, -4 ) /waypoint 4, 110, -4

Легкая версия

  • Руна мора
+55 мдр +55 внс 
2% Базовое значение
2% Крит. бонус
9% Критический шанс
+120 Модификатор умений
все жрецы
  • Трофей из узорчатого сундука с Антракса Гнойного Шипа в зоне Незримое Таинство Зракса
', 'cached': true }; });

Сложная версия

  • \aITEM -2057291661 -1308728568:Anathraxxis' Shrunken Head\/a
  • \aITEM 71264063 1708839279:Diseased Patch of Skin\/a
  • \aITEM 1722514504 2044939047:Festering Band\/a
  • \aITEM -374267612 883103194:Festering Clasp\/a
  • \aITEM 2027187333 1738300394:Festering Sash\/a
  • \aITEM -1587267030 1017293380:Festering Tongue\/a
  • \aITEM 258627846 -786053387:Pox Covered Claw\/a
  • \aITEM 606127111 1108836945:Rot Covered Girdle\/a
  • \aITEM -2016307669 -270451219:Rot Worn Girdle\/a

Дополнительная база: LootDB

АД Да Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?

При прохождении зоны в легком режиме этот монстр героический ур. 96 ^^^


The 3rd named is Anthraxxis Fetidspine. He and his two adds (96^Heroic) become attackable after a six-round ring event, the failure of which sets you back to round one. This is very similar to Valdoartus Varsoon's blade room, complete with the need to have your coercer spam hemorrhage every time it's up in order to interrupt his 27-second noxious AOE "Spew Bile." Around 80%, a red message will pop up and call out someone in your group; you have to move away from the ball of slime that spawns beneath that person and resume the attack.

If you fail to keep him interrupted, one of two things happens followed by an eventual third: 1) he either stifles you then AOEs you, or 2) he AOEs you, either of which tends to be followed by you hitting revive.

We pet pulled him to the room below and it seemed to be a lot less problematic, given that there were no ramps or fire pots to maneuver around. We simply ignored his adds and let them die from AOE/encounter damage, but found in the end that we couldn't pull it off as our coercer's interrupts and stuns kept getting resisted.

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