Ancient Arcannium Coin


EverQuest II информация о предмете
Ancient Arcannium Coin Знак 02e иконка.png
An ancient arcannium disk encrusted with flecks of lumicite. You will be awarded a substantial amount of status if you sell this to someone interested in such curiosities.

This can be sold to certain NPCs for status. Selling it also earns your guild status if the guild is below level 150. Status bonuses granted by the server are not included on items sold to merchants.


</ItemInformation> Как получить: Награда за ежедневные ремесленные задания от Gwynvyn ( 47, 36, -167 ) /waypoint 47.37, 35.67, -167.27 в Малдаре</ItemInformation>
Игровая ссылка: \aITEM -1184677131 -913750004:Ancient Arcannium Coin\/a \aITEM -1184677131 -913750004:Ancient Arcannium Coin\/a

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Этот предмет можно продать торговцам за очки статуса.