Филуфий Разрушитель

Филуфий Разрушитель
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Расколотый Рубеж (Sentinel's Fate)
Раса Цербер
Уровень 93 Тир 10 Эпический х2
Местонахождение Логово Костей ( 459, -67, 3879 ) /waypoint 459, -67, 3879 Eq2map.gif

Дополнительная база: LootDB

Очки статуса Да

Что означает эта информация?


Philuphii (pronounced "fluffy") is little more than an Epic X2 version of the Crag fight in Outer Vault. Have your designated OT pull fluffy to the edge of his room near the cave and stay there until the adds spawn. Once the adds spawn, your MT will grab fluffy (without the adds) and back him through the tunnel so that his back is against the cave wall. Save your big group heals for his AOE/Knockbacks and from there it's just a matter of dps.