
Письмо продюсера 2009.08.26

333 байта добавлено, 10:00, 27 августа 2009
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 Tomorrow, Shards of Destiny is going to the Test serverЗавтра обновление Осколки Судьбы попадет на тестовый сервер! Woo HooУра! We hope you are as excited as we are to see the new content and try it out for yourselvesНадеемся, что вы обрадуетесь этому не меньше нас, когда увидите новый контент и сами сможете опробовать его в игре. I encourage youПризываю всех, if you have time in your busy schedulesу кого найдется немного свободного времени, to jump onto Test and try the new content outзайти на тестовый сервер и выразить свое мнение. We would love to hear your feedback and the more people that take partЧем больше игроков примет в этом участие, the more solid we can make sure this update releasesтем более качественным получится обновление на игровых серверах.
One thing you will notice missing from the update notes are the Shader 3.0 changes. Unfortunately the work is turning out to be a little more time intensive than our initial estimates. We did not want to rush it out, as it is a far reaching change that can impact many players and systems, so we are going to let it bake a little longer. Working with it and testing it internally on as many system configs as our compatibility lab can put together, and they can put together a TON, to make sure it causes as little disruption as possible. We want everyone to enjoy the vibrant lighting and shader changes this brings to the game and we hope you can be patient as we continue to tweak it until the next game update, which is tentatively scheduled for early December.