
Килонгские Равнины

1103 байта добавлено, 11:13, 17 мая 2008
Новая: {{ZoneInformation| abbrev= КР| introduced = Rise of Kunark| levelrange = 65-75| azones = Ярсатские Пустоши, Замок Карнор, [[Насфарские ...
abbrev= КР|
introduced = Rise of Kunark|
levelrange = 65-75|
azones = [[Ярсатские Пустоши]], [[Замок Карнор]], [[Насфарские Болота]], [[Чардок]]|
instance = Public |
uid = 318|
timelines = {{timeline|Килонгские Равнины}}|


This is a huge zone that stretches over three maps. The western part is accessed by running through the mountains (left after docks). To the North West through Yeticave, you will get to the part with entrance to [[Chardok]]. The Eastern part, has access to the [[Fens of Nathsar]] and is found either by following the mountain on the right or swimming along the shore around the first mountain part.

== Notes ==

This zone contains the EQ1 zones of: Burning Woods, Dreadlands and Firiona Vie.

== Maps ==
[[http://maps.eq2interface.com/map.php?zone_id=319 Teren's Grasp (west) EQ2Map]]
[[http://maps.eq2interface.com/map.php?zone_id=318 The Docks (center) EQ2Map]]
[[http://maps.eq2interface.com/map.php?zone_id=317 The Fens (east) EQ2Map]]

[[Категория:Rise of Kunark]]