
Нити для пряжи

1483 байта добавлено, 20:29, 16 июня 2009
Создана новая страница размером {{QuestInformation| timeline = Кунзарские Джунгли| <!-- Do not include the word Timeline --> jcat = | <!-- The cate...
timeline = Кунзарские Джунгли| <!-- Do not include the word Timeline -->
jcat = | <!-- The category in which this quest appears in your quest journal. -->
level = 74| <!-- Level in your Quest Journal. Use 'Scales' if scales with level. -->
diff = Соло| <!-- Solo, Heroic or Epic -->
szone = Кунзарские Джунгли| <!-- The zone in which you receive the quest -->
patch = Rise of Kunark| <!-- The game release when this quest first appeared -->
aaexp = Y| <!-- if not blank, this quest gives Achievement experience -->
prereq = Intoxicating Weapons | <!-- The quest you must complete immediately prior to this one, if any. -->
start = Поговорите с {{NPC|Кerss Rekssok|Кerss Rekssok}} | <!-- How to start the quest. Talk to someone? Examine something? -->
next = Ethernere Escort| <!-- The quest that immediately follows this one, if any. -->
displaytl=y| <!-- IF a template exists for this timeline, show it! -->
altname = | <!-- RARE. Use ONLY if PAGENAME does not EXACTLY match the quest name -->


Kerss Rekssok просит вас сделать следующее:

* Найти 6 свитков с заклинаниями в лагере Order of Rime около Lake of Dismay.

* Вернитесь к Kerss Rekssok.

* Минимум {{Coin||36|79|48}}
* {{Faction|Город Джиниск|+500|улучшение|Quest}} ·