
Серия Равнины Обола

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#[[Convenient Conversion]] (95) - доступно при выполнении определяющего задания [[Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge]]
#[[Religious Studies]] (95)
#[[Search of Scales]] (95) - доступно после выполнения заданиq заданий Deema и Duskrender. Завершение задания обновляет определяющий квест [[ Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge]]
Deema Mertshak в Sanctuary of the Devoted {{Loc|231|90|86}}
#[[Mertshak's Search for a Bite]] (95)
#[[Lujien, not Lycan]] (95)
#[[Littlepaw's Knowledge]] (95) - available after completing доступно после выполнения заданий Duskrender's questsа.
Duskrender in в Sanctuary of the Devoted at {{Loc|260.15, |89.22, |67.32 Copy}}#[[Ascension of a God]] (95)#[[Ascension Assistance]] (95)
Ascension Blackhowl in Sanctuary of a God the Devoted {{Loc|280|94|81}}#[[Rise of the Lujien]] (95)Ascension Assistance #[[Offering for Drinal]] (95)Blackhowl in Sanctuary of #[[Death to the Devoted at 280.53, 94.42, 80.82 CopyHorde!]] (95) - (повторяемое)
Rise Щелкните по статуе в Sanctuary of the Lujien Devoted {{Loc|283|94|79}}#[[An Unfinished Relic]] (95) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timelineдоступно после выполнения задания [[Offering for Drinal (95)Death to the Horde! (95) - (Repeatable)Clickable statue in Sanctuary of the Devoted at 282.61, 94.57, 78.71 Copy]]
An Unfinished Relic (95) - available after completing Blackhowl's quest, Offering for DrinalClickable altar in Щелкните по алтарю в Sanctuary of the Devoted at {{Loc|280|94|83}} Доступно после выполнения задания [[Offering for Drinal]].43, 94Можно выбрать только один квест из двух.45#[[Drinal's Altar: Destruction of the Horde]] (95) - вариант, 83если вы очень преданны.62 Copy Available after completing Blackhowl#[[Drinal's questAltar: Death to the Horde]] (95) - вариант, Offering for Drinal. You can only choose oneесли вы в какой-то мере преданны.
Drinal==Whittled Woodlot==Wegadas в Whittled Woodlot {{Loc|-40|-3|533}}#[[Wegadas's Altar: Destruction of the Horde Woven Knowledge]] (95) - Option if you're very devoted.доступно при выполнении определяющего задания [[Shades of Drinal's Altar: Death to Dashed Upon the Horde Shore]]#[[A Jagged Branch]] (95)#[[Ethershade Parley]] (95)#[[Augur Aggression]] (95) - Option if you're somewhat devoted.Whittled Woodlot#[[Druidic Cleansing]] (95)Wegadas #[[Rooted in Whittled Woodlot at Growth]] (95) -40.49, -3.60, 533.73 Copyзавершение задания обновляет определяющий квест [[Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore]] и активирует Круг Друидов на Равнинах Обол
WegadasMadyl D's Woven Knowledge (95) Lareth в Whittled Woodlot {{Loc|-19|- available when you are working on Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore3|546}}A Jagged Branch (95)Ethershade Parley (95)Augur Aggression #[[Unkempt Desires]] (95)- доступно после выполнения задания [[Wegadas's Woven Knowledge]]Druidic Cleansing #[[Spiritual Guidance]] (95)Rooted in Growth #[[Dreary Coast Guard]] (95) - completing this will update завершение задания обновляет определяющий квест [[Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore and unlock Obol Plain's druid ringCompleting this quest will also open up the Ethernere druid ring in the Norrathian druid ring network.Madyl D'Lareth in Whittled Woodlot at -19.82, -3.70, 546.66 Copy]]
Unkempt Desires (95) - available after completing Wegadas' first questSpiritual Guidance (95)Dreary Coast Guard (95) - completing this will update Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the ShoreClickable journal near Щелкните по журналу рядом с Madyl D’Lareth in в Whittled Woodlot at {{Loc|-18.74, |-3.67, |544.60 Copy}}#[[The Writings of an Unkempt Druid]] (95) - доступно после выполнения задания [[Dreary Coast Guard]]
The Writings of an Unkempt Druid (95) - available after completing Madyl D’Lareth's quest, Dreary Coast GuardDalyana Pinecrest in в Whittled Woodlot at {{Loc|-93.06, |-3.59, |423.75 Copy}}#[[Even the Score]] (95)
Even the Score (95) - this quest is not linked to the Signature timeline. You need to have worked with Venox Tarkog first.Jenni Everling in в Whittled Woodlot at {{Loc|-20.46, |-3.59, |531.70 Copy}}#[[Chock Full of Rocks]] (95) - доступно после выполнения задания [[A Jagged Branch]]#[[Evercursed]] (95)#[[Jenni's Stained Pants]] (95) - доступно после выполнения задания [[One Hungry Bug]]
Scuttles в Whittled Woodlot {{Loc|-21|-3|530}}#[[Hungry Little Guy]] (95) - доступно после выполнения задания [[Chock Full of Rocks ]]#[[One Hungry Bug]] (95) - available after completing Wegadas' quest, A Jagged Branchэто задание можно получить примерно через 30 минут после завершения предыдущегоEvercursed (95)Jenni's Stained Pants #[[Dreary Dating Game]] (95) - available after completing Scuttle's quest, One Hungry Bugчерез некоторое время у Scuttles in Whittled Woodlot at -21появятся дети.01Если поговорить с Jenni, -3.64, 530то одного можно будет забрать себе домой.02 Copy
Hungry Little Guy (95) - available after completing Jenni's quest, Chock Full of RocksOne Hungry Bug (95) - need to wait about 30 minutes to get this questDreary Dating Game (95) - after some time, scuttles has kids. If you speak to Jenni, you can grab one for your house.Bloo the exiled in в Whittled Woodlot at {{Loc|6.19, |7.76, |561.66 Copy}}#[[Soul Provider]] (95) - доступно после выполнения задания при изучении предмета [[Ghostly Corrosion]]
Soul Provider (95) - available after completing the dropped quest==Задания, Ghostly CorrosionObject Triggeredполучаемые при изучении предметов==*[[Gehein Conglomeration ]] (94) - examine an animated изучите оживленную руку Gehein hand (dropped by выпадает из Geheins)*[[The Harrowing Hoard ]] (94) - examine a изучите ключ Horde key (dropped by any выпадает из любых мобов расы Harrowing Horde mob)*[[A Lujien Fang ]] (95) - examine a poisonous изучите отравленный клык Lujien fang (dropped by выпадает из feral Luijens)*[[Ghostly Corrosion ]] (95) - examine a rusty metal bowl изучите ржавую металлическую посудину (dropped from an obol oozeвыпадает из обольской слизи)