
Большой кошель с порошком

4 байта добавлено, 16:54, 7 июня 2008
Нет описания правки
timeline = Килонгские Равнины| <!-- Do not include the word Timeline -->
jcat = Килонгские Равниныравнины| <!-- The category in which this quest appears in your quest journal. -->
level = 69| <!-- The level that appears in your quest journal. Use 'Scales' if quest level scales with player level. -->
diff = SoloСоло| <!-- Solo, Heroic or Epic --> szone = Килонгские Равниныравнины| <!-- The zone in which you receive the quest -->
patch = Rise of Kunark| <!-- The game release when this quest first appeared -->
aaexp = yes| <!-- if not blank, this quest gives Achievement experience -->
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