
Серия Топи Йкеши

6046 байт добавлено, 17:50, 18 ноября 2008
Новая: {{TLInformation| szone =Топи Йкеши | patch =The Shadow Odyssey | levellow =75 | levelhigh=80 | diff =Соло| prev =[[Серия Кунзарские Джу...
szone =Топи Йкеши |
patch =The Shadow Odyssey |
levellow =75 |
levelhigh=80 |
diff =Соло|
prev =[[Серия Кунзарские Джунгли]] |
next =[[Серия Ярсатские Пустоши]] |
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==Dropship Landing Zone==

===={{NPC|Kali Hodpodge}}====
*[75] [[Carried Away in the Wind]]
*[75] [[Distributing Tasks]]
*[75] [[A Wrench in the Plans]]

===={{NPC|Dirby Umbridge}}====
*[75] [[Unique Appendages]]
*[76] [[Unique Flyers]]
*[76] [[Unique Opportunity]]
*[76] [[Unique Alloys]]

===={{NPC|Wayth Bitsnbobs}}====
*[76] [[Hail, Fair Reptiles!]]
*[76] [[Purchasing Metal]]
*[76] [[Rummaging for Salve]]
*[76] [[Gnomish Keepsakes]] ''(opens up quests from [[Moors of Ykesha Timeline#Ranger Zim'za'ai|Ranger Rim'za'ai]])''

===={{NPC|Ember Tizzlespring}}====
*[76] [[A Cannon to Sail By]] ''(allows you to use the Cannon at U.J.L.)''
*[76] [[Missing Crew... and Ship Parts]]
*[76] [[The Signal]]
*[77] [[The Missing Link]]
*[77] [[Boosting the Signal]]
*[78] [[Assistance for Firmroot]] ''(sends you to Firmroot Moot)''

===={{NPC|Rosalina Goodfallow}}====
* [[The Shadow Odyssey, Prologue: A Missive from the Queen]] ''(starts the good-aligned version of the signature quest. Will be moved to Qeynos/Kelethin(?) at release)''
* [[The Shadow Odyssey, Chapter 1: Come Sail Away]]
* [[The Shadow Odyssey, Chapter 2: The Gods Must Be Crazy]]
* [[The Shadow Odyssey, Chapter 3: Veilbreaker Down]]

===={{NPC|Gabblin Bittlegrip}}====
* [[Trail to the Past]] (Heroic) ''(heritage quest for Shining Metallic Robes?)''

===={{NPC|Amelia Bogstrutter}}====
*[[Bogstrutter's Field Guide to the Moors of Ykesha]]

===={{NPC|Aymee Quickspoke}}====
*[[Ship Out]] ''(tradeskill faction quest)''

==U.J.L. 1.0 (Unintended Jettison Location)==
*[77] [[Sow the Seed of Destiny]]
*[77] [[A Stinky Suit]]
*[77] [[Cultural Differences]]
*[77] [[A Nuknok Delicacy]]
*[77] [[An Unwelcome Task]]
*[77] [[End Processing]]

*[77] [[All Systems... Down]]

*[77] [[Sufficient Samples of Thullosian]]
*[78] [[The Mysteries of Ykeshan]]
*[79] [[The Mysteries of Tik-Tok]]

===={{NPC|Ranger Zim'za'ai}}====
*[76] [[Soko-Flee]]
*[76] [[Knock the Nuknok]]
*[76] [[Putting A Spin On The Matter]]
*[76] [[Rust Buckets]]
*[76] [[Cod, That Was Horrible]]

===={{NPC|Shaman Zaz'i'zaz}}====
*[76] [[Taking Inventory]]
*[76] [[Scrapping for Scrap Metal]]
*[76] [[Fangs for the Assistance]]
*[78] [[Retrieving the Artifact]]


===={{NPC|Lucius Vandermarr}}====
*[79] [[Ruined within the Ruins]]
*[78] [[An Unusual Congregation]]
*[78] [[Void-Touched Venom]]
*[78] [[Void-Touched Vocation]]
*[78] [[A Sharing of Intelligence]]

===={{NPC|Hop Wrenchwit}}====
*[78] [[An Essential Repair]]
*[78] [[An Essential Repair, I Swear]]
*[79] [[An Essential Repair, For Real This Time]]

===={{NPC|Recorderbot lwf8.6}}====
*[79] [[Tonal Reciprocance]]

===={{NPC|Shaman Skullcleave}}====
*[79] [[A Dirty Job]]
*[79] [[The Adventures of Bonk]]
*[79] [[Greenmist, or Not Greenmist]]
*[79] [[Unlock Their Secrets]]

*[76] [[Fighting Swamp Foot]]

===={{NPC|Fip Marrsquire}}====
*[79] [[Suspiciously Sokokar-ish]]
*[79] [[To be Tagged, or Not to be Tagged]]
*[79] [[Soko-What?]]
**[[Prove Ye Be a Swabber]]
**[[Swabber the Deck - Beltza Gizzardslurper]]
**[[Swabber the Deck - Yurip Honorbound]]
**[[Swabber the Deck - Delivery to Gunthak's Shanty]]
**[[Swabber the Deck - Stock the Loft]]
*[79] [[A Higher Purpose]]
**[[Officer Training - Chieftain Irtzit Bloodweaver]]
**[[Officer Training - Deliver to Brokenskull Rock]]
**[[Officer Training - Sir Vipwi Marrswatch]]
**[[Officer Training - Deep Sea Diving]]

===={{NPC|Captain Lip Marrsquire}}====
*[79] [[Where Has the Gip Gone?]]


===={{NPC|Nurtza Skullcrusher}}====
*[78] [[Making an Ally of Grobb]]

*[79] [[Over the Hills and Far Away]]
*[79] [[Ramble On]]
*[79] [[Communication Breakdown]]

*[79] [[Gator Snacks]]
*[79] [[Bleach the Leech]]
*[79] [[The Egg Harvest]]
*[79] [[The Walking Billboard]]
*[79] [[Gator Infestation]]

===={{NPC|Urp Brightblade}}====
*[78] [[Endear Oneself to Tupta]]

===={{NPC|Tiptup Strongheart}}====
*[79] [[Homage on Ancestral Grounds]]
*[79] [[Help Haunted]]
**[[Help Tiki]]
***[79] [[The Spirit Sees All]]
**[[Help Wik]]
***[79] [[Fallen But Not Forgotten]]
**[[Help Zul]]
***[79] [[The Old String of Betrayal]]
**[[Help Mog]]
***[79] [[Not Really Deep or Murky, Actually]]

===={{NPC|Merza Valorarm}}====
*[79] [[A Curious Sort of Patient]]
*[79] [[No Guts, No Healing]]
*[79] [[Clinical Trials for Trees]]
*[79] [[Deliver the Guts]]

==The Overlook==
===={{NPC|Alden Strongaxe}}====
*[76] [[Midday Perk]]

==Tillage Patch==
*[80] [[Culling the Corruption]]
*[80] [[Starve Them Out]]
*[80] [[The Case of the Missing Fungus]]
*[80] [[Give it a Rest]]

*[79] [[Vile Strider No More]]
*[79] [[Corpses Galore]]

*[79] [[Vile Crystals]]

==Shadowed Cleft==
===={{NPC|Vip Gloryshield}}====
*[80] [[Frying Small Fish]]
*[80] [[Strike the Strikers]]
*[80] [[Agents All About]]
*[80] [[A Rat's a Rat's a Rat]]

===={{NPC|Lieutenant Fella}}====
*[79] [[No Bites for New Recruits]]
*[79] [[Poor Unfortunate Sifters]]
*[79] [[A Fishy Population Balance]]

===={{NPC|Klip Marrsquire}}====
*[80] [[Fruit of the Sea]]
*[80] [[Spice It Up]]
*[80] [[Fish and Eggs?]]
*[82] [[Something in the Water]]

===={{NPC|Grandpa Krill}}====
*[79] [[Getting Inked]]
*[79] [[Grandpa Hates Sharks!]]
*[79] [[The Allure of Fishing Lures]]

===={{NPC|Butcher Sog}}====
*[79] [[The Wing's the Thing]]
*[79] [[Ocean Delicacies]]
*[79] [[An Exotic Ykeshan Specialty]]
*[79] [[Secret Spices]]

===={{NPC|Swaggerin' Grak}}====
*[80] [[Strike the Strikers]]
*[80] [[Agents All About]]

==Item triggered==
* [[Lore and Legend: Boarfiend]]
* [[A Rune Awakening: Moors of Ykesha]] (Sorcerer only)