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===Дополнение [[Echoes of Faydwer]]===
[[Секреты Смотрителя, том III]] - легендарный трофей с монстра [[Tender of the SeedlingsСмотритель за ростками]] в х4 рейдовой зоне [[Изумрудная Роща]]. The recipe requires a legendary ingredient that drops off of non-named mobs throughout the zone called [[Семя Роста]]. Together with a [[облачный корень]] and some common raws, an [[алхимик]] can craft up to 25 [[Отравленные семена Смотрителя]] which is useable by the [[разведчик]]ами. It is possible to purchase this recipe book from the [[брокер]] along with the legendary component, however because of the difficulty of the zone the items will be very expensive and equally rare.
===Дополнение [[Rise of Kunark]]===
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