
Сосновые души

586 байт добавлено, 16:29, 19 мая 2013
4.Далее поговорить с лесным духом.
5. Вернуться к Тинди Вайлдбранч.
# Collect the following
#* Kill 6 {{Monster|A forest retaliator|forest retaliators}} for {{Item|piece of animated bark|animated bark}}
#* Obtain 5 {{Item|living leaf|living leaves}} from the treetops near Scarstone - fly through the green sparklies with your flying mount.
# Create {{Item|Voice of the Leaves Draught}} potion
#* Right-click either the stack of bark or stack of leaves in your inventory, then select the combine option from the examine box
# Return to where you were attacked and speak to {{NPC|a forest spirit}} {{Loc|3500|-868|402}}
# Return to Tindi Wildbranch
*Мин. {{Coin|1|35||||}}