Одиссея Теней. Глава 8: Алоха, Аэронавты! — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Вам нужно взять [[Посох Тира]] и проникнуть в Пустоту через вход во дворец в нижней части Пустошей Йкеши на скале Череполомов. Отправляйтесь в [[Дворец Фержула]].  
*Вам нужно взять [[Посох Тира]] и проникнуть в Пустоту через вход во дворец в нижней части Пустошей Йкеши на скале Череполомов. *Отправляйтесь в [[Дворец Фержула]].  
*Прежде всего вам нужно полностью зачистить "обычную" зону. После убийства Фержула и возвращения через портал в центральную комнату, вы найдете там группу Аэронавтов.
*Поговорите с ними и обновите задание.
*Теперь вам нужно справиться с Варсуном
**Так как бой с Варсуном очень тяжел даже для группы опытных игроков, предлагаем один из вариантов выполнения задания.
==Убить Варсуна==
I should take the [[Staff of Theer]], and then enter the Void Palace through Brokenskull Rock and explore it.
(notes: have to finish [[Palace of Ferzhul]] and destroy the crystal as OoA and AoB.)
Once entered Ferzhoul, you first have to clear the “normal” Zone. After you have killed Ferzhoul and return thru the Portal to the Center Room you will find the Group of Ethernauts. Dialog updates the quest and the next step is to kill Varsoon.
This is very difficult and therefore we wanted to post the Script…
==Varsoon Script==
The Varsoon Room itself contains of one main room and three adjacent rooms. The right hand one we call “Razor” Room, the middle one “Heat” Room and the left one “Life” Room. In each room there is a Portal. Varsoon itself is immune to attacks as long as he is in the Main Room. As soon as he enters one of the Script Rooms there is a beam of blue light from the Portal to him and he loses his Damage Immunity. There are 3 Crystals rotating around Varsoons Head. Each crystal stands for a room-script you have to complete. All 3 Scripts have to be done in ONE Fight. If you die during the encounter, Varsoon resets.
The Varsoon Room itself contains of one main room and three adjacent rooms. The right hand one we call “Razor” Room, the middle one “Heat” Room and the left one “Life” Room. In each room there is a Portal. Varsoon itself is immune to attacks as long as he is in the Main Room. As soon as he enters one of the Script Rooms there is a beam of blue light from the Portal to him and he loses his Damage Immunity. There are 3 Crystals rotating around Varsoons Head. Each crystal stands for a room-script you have to complete. All 3 Scripts have to be done in ONE Fight. If you die during the encounter, Varsoon resets.

Версия 17:09, 14 декабря 2008

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Серия Одиссея Теней [edit]
1. Одиссея Теней. Пролог: Послание от Королевы или Одиссея Теней. Пролог: Приказ Владыки
2. Одиссея Теней. Глава 1: Улетаем, улетаем
3. Одиссея Теней. Глава 2: Боги, наверное, сошли с ума
4. Одиссея Теней. Глава 3: Разрушитель разбился
5. Одиссея Теней. Глава 4: История повторяется
6. Одиссея Теней. Глава 5: Разорвать цепи
7. Одиссея Теней. Глава 6: Пушки Череполомов
8. Одиссея Теней. Глава 7: Барабаны Войны
9. Одиссея Теней. Глава 8: Алоха, Аэронавты!
Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Signature  (ОД)
Уровень 80 (Тир 9)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Топи Йкеши еще, Кабинет Владыки Лукана Ди Лире еще (The Shadow Odyssey)
Начало задания добрые персонажи получают это задание после выполнения Главы 7 от Профессора Фондфейта в Фирмрут-Мут
злые персонажи должны поговорить с Владыкой Ди Лире
Одиссея Теней. Глава 7: Барабаны Войны
Панель навигации
Серия Одиссея Теней

Что означает эта информация?


  • Вам нужно взять Посох Тира и проникнуть в Пустоту через вход во дворец в нижней части Пустошей Йкеши на скале Череполомов. *Отправляйтесь в Дворец Фержула.
  • Прежде всего вам нужно полностью зачистить "обычную" зону. После убийства Фержула и возвращения через портал в центральную комнату, вы найдете там группу Аэронавтов.
  • Поговорите с ними и обновите задание.
  • Теперь вам нужно справиться с Варсуном
    • Так как бой с Варсуном очень тяжел даже для группы опытных игроков, предлагаем один из вариантов выполнения задания.

Убить Варсуна

The Varsoon Room itself contains of one main room and three adjacent rooms. The right hand one we call “Razor” Room, the middle one “Heat” Room and the left one “Life” Room. In each room there is a Portal. Varsoon itself is immune to attacks as long as he is in the Main Room. As soon as he enters one of the Script Rooms there is a beam of blue light from the Portal to him and he loses his Damage Immunity. There are 3 Crystals rotating around Varsoons Head. Each crystal stands for a room-script you have to complete. All 3 Scripts have to be done in ONE Fight. If you die during the encounter, Varsoon resets. Generally Varsoon has some effects that you will encounter the whole fight, regardless where you are in the Script. - A random Kick - A random Poison DOT that should be cured by Potion by each Group Member - A random Curse that deals AOE Damage.

The issues are “Mana”, “Heat Damage” and a hell lot of Coordination work! Our group personally thinks that the “Razor” Room is the hardest Part so we started off with this one. Here Varsoon will spawn Adds, Robots already known from PoA or Nektulos, those whirling rotating guys with Blades on the Ends. These spawn immobilized and do not despawn during the fight. They are on a 10s Timer, but there is no “group” emote you could use for an ACT-Trigger. The Robots spawn randomly on one of the Group members Position. The Group member where the Robot spawns gets an emote MSG from Varsoon. The Trick is to have someone announce a “move” every 10s. Stay close together with the group and move every 10s. The typical Noise of these robots can be heard at spawn and approximately 1s before you get the Trauma.

We chose to start clockwise on the outer edge of the Room running from corner to corner. When we reached the end of the outer round we changed to the inner circle changing direction. On the inner circle you can move from a corner to the middle of those “lanterns” and then to the next corner. As you can see in the drawing we had him down to 33% completing the outer rim and than doing just about a quarter in the inner rim. Varsoon then falls down and takes about 2-3 seconds before he gets up on the feet again. Time for you to take a quick run (we used Mana-Run) to move from this room to the next. The sequence you do the rooms is irrelevant but the best is to keep ways short. Try to reach the middle room before Varsoon enters the room to avoid being Mana-drained to 0. The red dotted Line marks the fighting Movement and the green dotted line marks the Move to the next room.

The Heat Room is not too hard. You have two zones. The outer zone (outside the statues) is a Mana Drain Area and the zone inside the Statues holds Fire Damage DOT for you. The Fire Damage is not too bad and can easily be healed against. Getting Curse means just to spread out to protect others in the group. Kick gives little extra damage, but remaining in heal-range should be not an issue…

From here you move to the final Room. There also is Add Spawn, but the Adds give Varsoon a possibility to heal himself. I would guess that the Heal Adds spawn every 20s. They spawn left or right of the Portal and can be targeted with “/target Void”. Burst DPS them out as soon as they spawn. The heal Proc is pretty good and he gets it for every Add you have. We made up a hexagonal standing in this room to have the Melee-DDs in Range of the Add-Spawn Points, have Varsoon centered in the group, enough space between everybody to cover the curse and to have everybody in Heal Range. This leads to let the Tank stand next to the Portal flanked by 2 Melee DDs. Followed by 2 Healers and opposite to the Tank a Ranged-DD.

Credits for the Script to Burdy, Jaybee, Belsambor, Thargonis (VME, Valor), Seltak (Stille, Valor), Spiraltraveller (Consortium Mysticum, Valor)…

--Thargonis 00:56, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

After the Varsoon fight

- Once you killed Varsoon in all three rooms in ONE Encounter he finally dies and the quest advances with a little Video Sequence.

- Thereafter you have to talk once again to the Professor in Firmroot where you receive a FABLED Reward as listed below.

- The Quest “Aloha Ethernauts” continues nevertheless and you are called to Antonia Bayle or Lucan D’Lere where you receive the Title “Hero of the Ethernauts” and a FABLED Cloak (Melee / Heal&Cast).


Если у вас есть свободная минутка, пожалуйста, скопируйте (Ctrl+C) следующую строку:
и пройдя по вот этой ссылке, вставьте (Ctrl+V) скопированную строчку в окне редактирования и нажмите Записать страницу. Спасибо!

Серия Одиссея Теней [edit]
1. Одиссея Теней. Пролог: Послание от Королевы или Одиссея Теней. Пролог: Приказ Владыки
2. Одиссея Теней. Глава 1: Улетаем, улетаем
3. Одиссея Теней. Глава 2: Боги, наверное, сошли с ума
4. Одиссея Теней. Глава 3: Разрушитель разбился
5. Одиссея Теней. Глава 4: История повторяется
6. Одиссея Теней. Глава 5: Разорвать цепи
7. Одиссея Теней. Глава 6: Пушки Череполомов
8. Одиссея Теней. Глава 7: Барабаны Войны
9. Одиссея Теней. Глава 8: Алоха, Аэронавты!
Информация о задании
Категория в журнале Signature  (ОД)
Уровень 80 (Тир 9)
Сложность Героическое
Стартовая зона Топи Йкеши еще, Кабинет Владыки Лукана Ди Лире еще (The Shadow Odyssey)
Начало задания добрые персонажи получают это задание после выполнения Главы 7 от Профессора Фондфейта в Фирмрут-Мут
злые персонажи должны поговорить с Владыкой Ди Лире
Одиссея Теней. Глава 7: Барабаны Войны
Панель навигации
Серия Одиссея Теней

Что означает эта информация?


  • Вам нужно взять Посох Тира и проникнуть в Пустоту через вход во дворец в нижней части Пустошей Йкеши на скале Череполомов. *Отправляйтесь в Дворец Фержула.
  • Прежде всего вам нужно полностью зачистить "обычную" зону. После убийства Фержула и возвращения через портал в центральную комнату, вы найдете там группу Аэронавтов.
  • Поговорите с ними и обновите задание.
  • Теперь вам нужно справиться с Варсуном
    • Так как бой с Варсуном очень тяжел даже для группы опытных игроков, предлагаем один из вариантов выполнения задания.

Убить Варсуна

The Varsoon Room itself contains of one main room and three adjacent rooms. The right hand one we call “Razor” Room, the middle one “Heat” Room and the left one “Life” Room. In each room there is a Portal. Varsoon itself is immune to attacks as long as he is in the Main Room. As soon as he enters one of the Script Rooms there is a beam of blue light from the Portal to him and he loses his Damage Immunity. There are 3 Crystals rotating around Varsoons Head. Each crystal stands for a room-script you have to complete. All 3 Scripts have to be done in ONE Fight. If you die during the encounter, Varsoon resets. Generally Varsoon has some effects that you will encounter the whole fight, regardless where you are in the Script. - A random Kick - A random Poison DOT that should be cured by Potion by each Group Member - A random Curse that deals AOE Damage.

The issues are “Mana”, “Heat Damage” and a hell lot of Coordination work! Our group personally thinks that the “Razor” Room is the hardest Part so we started off with this one. Here Varsoon will spawn Adds, Robots already known from PoA or Nektulos, those whirling rotating guys with Blades on the Ends. These spawn immobilized and do not despawn during the fight. They are on a 10s Timer, but there is no “group” emote you could use for an ACT-Trigger. The Robots spawn randomly on one of the Group members Position. The Group member where the Robot spawns gets an emote MSG from Varsoon. The Trick is to have someone announce a “move” every 10s. Stay close together with the group and move every 10s. The typical Noise of these robots can be heard at spawn and approximately 1s before you get the Trauma.

We chose to start clockwise on the outer edge of the Room running from corner to corner. When we reached the end of the outer round we changed to the inner circle changing direction. On the inner circle you can move from a corner to the middle of those “lanterns” and then to the next corner. As you can see in the drawing we had him down to 33% completing the outer rim and than doing just about a quarter in the inner rim. Varsoon then falls down and takes about 2-3 seconds before he gets up on the feet again. Time for you to take a quick run (we used Mana-Run) to move from this room to the next. The sequence you do the rooms is irrelevant but the best is to keep ways short. Try to reach the middle room before Varsoon enters the room to avoid being Mana-drained to 0. The red dotted Line marks the fighting Movement and the green dotted line marks the Move to the next room.

The Heat Room is not too hard. You have two zones. The outer zone (outside the statues) is a Mana Drain Area and the zone inside the Statues holds Fire Damage DOT for you. The Fire Damage is not too bad and can easily be healed against. Getting Curse means just to spread out to protect others in the group. Kick gives little extra damage, but remaining in heal-range should be not an issue…

From here you move to the final Room. There also is Add Spawn, but the Adds give Varsoon a possibility to heal himself. I would guess that the Heal Adds spawn every 20s. They spawn left or right of the Portal and can be targeted with “/target Void”. Burst DPS them out as soon as they spawn. The heal Proc is pretty good and he gets it for every Add you have. We made up a hexagonal standing in this room to have the Melee-DDs in Range of the Add-Spawn Points, have Varsoon centered in the group, enough space between everybody to cover the curse and to have everybody in Heal Range. This leads to let the Tank stand next to the Portal flanked by 2 Melee DDs. Followed by 2 Healers and opposite to the Tank a Ranged-DD.

Credits for the Script to Burdy, Jaybee, Belsambor, Thargonis (VME, Valor), Seltak (Stille, Valor), Spiraltraveller (Consortium Mysticum, Valor)…

--Thargonis 00:56, 7 December 2008 (UTC)

After the Varsoon fight

- Once you killed Varsoon in all three rooms in ONE Encounter he finally dies and the quest advances with a little Video Sequence.

- Thereafter you have to talk once again to the Professor in Firmroot where you receive a FABLED Reward as listed below.

- The Quest “Aloha Ethernauts” continues nevertheless and you are called to Antonia Bayle or Lucan D’Lere where you receive the Title “Hero of the Ethernauts” and a FABLED Cloak (Melee / Heal&Cast).
