Категория:Инквизитор — различия между версиями

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Строка 69: Строка 69:
*Урон и прерывание врага: [[Призыв]] (1)
*Урон и прерывание врага: [[Призыв]] (1)
*Damage (Mental), Damage Gradually, and Lower Mental Resistance of Enemy : [[Writhe]] (3)
*Damage (Mental), Damage Gradually, and Lower Mental Resistance of Enemy : [[Writhe]] (3)

Версия 06:43, 29 июля 2009

Информация о подклассе Инквизитор
Архетип / Класс Жрец / Клирик Инквизитор иконка.jpg
Стартовые города
Доступные расы {{{races}}}
Подкласс при предательстве [[:Category:|]]
Броня Латные доспехи
Оружие Молоты, Посохи, Большие молоты, Символы
Щиты Баклеры, Символы
Ремесленник для изготовления умений [[{{{abilities_crafter}}}]]
Ресурс для умений класса «Эксперт» T1−T8: Редкий самоцвет, T9: [[]]

Ссылки на все связанные категории для:
Жрец » Клирик » Инквизитор
АД (KoS) - Клирик Умения
(EoF) - Инквизитор
(TSO) - Тени Снаряжение
(DoV) - Героическое и Престиж
(ToV) - Драконьи
(AoM) - Престиж классовый

Инквизитор призван выполнять роль военной поддержки, обеспечивая союзников восстанавливающими и защищающими усилениями. Инквизитор излечивает раны и любые недомогания, поражая врагов божественной силой.

Доспехи класса

Эпическое оружие

Заклинания по категориям

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Reactive Healing Buffs

Direct Heals


  • Resurrect Ally: Revive (8)
  • Give Group Items to Resurrect Clerics: Divine Awakening (11)
  • Resurrect Ally in Combat, Heal and Increase Resistances: Reforming Soul (22)
  • Resurrect Nearby Allies in Combat, Heal and Increase Resistances: Resurgence (36)
  • Prevent Ally's Death, Heal and Increase Max Health: Redemption (41)
  • Resurrect Ally Without Penalty, Heal and Raise Power: Conversion of the Soul (50)


  • Cure Ally's Debuffs: Cure (6)
  • Cure Group of Arcane and Elemental Debuffs: Flagellant (42)
  • Cure Self of Control Debuffs (Free Instant Cast): Fervent Focus (55)
  • Урон и прерывание врага: Призыв (1)
  • Damage (Mental), Damage Gradually, and Lower Mental Resistance of Enemy : Writhe (3)
  • Damage and Debuff Studied Enemies: Master's Smite (5)
  • Damage (Heat), Damage Gradually, and Lower Divine Resistance of Enemy: Cleansing Fire (23)
  • Damage and Interrupt Grouped Enemies in Area: Litany of Agony (32)
  • Damage, Damage Gradually, and Lower WIS of Enemy: Smite Corruption (35)
  • Reduce Grouped Enemies with Low Health to 1 HP: Verdict (65)
  • Lower Mitigation and Resistances of Enemy: Shame (2)
  • Lower INT and STA of Enemy: Weakness (7)
  • Decrease Crushing, Piercing, Slashing and Ranged of Grouped Enemies in an Area: Forced Submission (20)
  • Decrease Vampire's Strength and Stamina: Vitalic Theft (35)
  • Enemy Radiates Heals to Allies (Strength by Proximity): Inquisition (80)
Reverse Reactives
  • Damage and Stun Enemy After They Successfully Use a Combat Art: Devotee's Repentance (18)
  • Enemy's Group Takes Damage (Heat) when Enemy is Killed: Heretic's Demise (26)
  • Enemy is Damaged After They Successfully Melee Attack: Retaliation (29)
  • Damage and Knock Down Enemies After they Cast a Beneficial Spell: Heresy (52)
Crowd Control
  • Lower Aggression and Help Radius of Enemy: Soothe (10)
  • Stun and Reduce Hate to Nearby Enemies: Distract (13)
  • Root and Stifle Enemy (Breakable): Imprison (39)
  • Scare, Then Mesmerise, Reduce Hate and Reduce Hate Gradually to Enemy: Fearful Conversion (47)
Defensive Buffs
  • Increase Group's STA and Mitigation: Braveness (5)
  • Increase Group's Max Health and Arcane Resistance (More Mental): Conviction (16)
  • Allies are Healed After Receiving your Helpful Spells: Convert (58)
Offensive Buffs
  • Group May Damage Enemy After Aggressive Spell Cast / Attack: Act of Belief (35)
  • Divine Retaliation Against Vampires: Sacred Shield (35)
  • Increase Group's INT, Attack Haste (And Reuse Speed at Higher Levels) (Stifles Caster, Upkeep Cost): Zealotry (50)
General BuffsTravelMisc

Заклинания по тиру и уровню

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

1: Призыв
1: Treatment
2: Shame
3: Minor Recovery
3: Writhe
4: Minor Blessing
5: Braveness
5: Divine Providence
6: Cure
6: Summon Food and Water
7: Weakness
7: Combat Treatment
8: Revive
9: Enduring Breath
9: Admonishing Invocation

10: Guilt
10: Recovery
10: Soothe
11: Divine Awakening
11: Oppress
12: Bestowal of Vitae
13: Distract
13: Odyssey
14: Penitent's Alleviation
14: Soothing Sermon
15: Combat Healing
15: Radiance
16: Blessing
16: Conviction
17: Greater Invocation
18: Greater Recovery
18: Devotee's Repentance
19: Bestowal of Vitality
19: Undaunted

20: Forced Submission
20-50: Bounty of the Virtuous ***
21: Iniquity
22: Reforming Soul
22: Treat Wounds
23: Cleansing Fire
23: Swill
24: Condemn
25: Oppression
26: Favor of the Repentant
26: Heretic's Demise
27: Disorient
28: Contrite Grace
28: Penitent's Sermon
29: Minister Wounds
29: Retaliation

30: Abject Blessing
30: Fanatical Reverence
30: Enforced Reverence *
31: Cruel Invocation
32: Devotee's Retribution
32: Dogmatic Healing
32: Litany of Agony
33: Dauntless
34: Forced Acquiescence
35: Act of Belief
35: Depravity
35: Smite Corruption **
35: Theft of Vitality **
35: Detect Good *
36: Resurgence
37: Cleansing Flames
38: Contempt
39: Imprison
39: Torment

Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8

40: Heretic's Fate
40: Stinging Penance
40: Summon Unholy Symbol *
41: Digression
41: Redemption
42: Flagellant
42: Salutary Diatribe
42: Scolding Alleviation
43: Faithful Ministration
43: Vengeance
44: Hallowed Aura
44: Zealot's Conviction
45: Harrowing Inquest
45: Merciless Invocation
45: Unholy Adept *
46: Coerced Repentance
46: Intolerant Healing
46: Litany of Torment
47: Fearful Conversion
47: Fervence
48: Evidence of Faith
48: Forced Compliance
49: Act of Faith
49: Vitiation

50: Conversion of the Soul
50: Zealotry
50: Unholy Aura *
51: Purifying Flames
52: Heresy ****
52: Sentence
53: Incarcerate
53: Smite Corruption II ***
53: Scourge
54: Woeful Penance
55: Heretic's Doom
55: Improved Digression
55: Exoneration
55: Fervent Focus ****
56: Benign Diatribe
56: Derisive Alleviation
56: Devoted Flagellant
57: Devoted Ministration
57: Fanatical Vengeance
58: Convert ****
58: Fanatic's Faith
58: Consecrated Aura
59: Chilling Inquest
59: Ruthless Invocation

60: Compelled Repentance
60: Fanatical Healing
60: Litany of Anguish
61: Forboding Conversion
61: Pious
62: Forced Obedience
63: Act of Conviction
64: Debase
65: Absolving Flames
65: Verdict
66: Convict
67: Affliction
67: Detain
68: Heretic's Destiny
68: Suffering Penance
69: Absolution
69: Disorientation
70: Resolute Flagellant
70: Fanaticism
70: Malevolent Diatribe
70: Reproachful Alleviation

71: Forced Martyrdom
71: Ministration
71: Smite Corruption III
72: Blasphemy
72: Invocate
72: Tenacity
72: Zeal
73: Arch Recovery
73: Inquest
73: Repentance
74: Fervent Faith
74: Litany
74: Sacred Armor
75: Act of War
75: Tormenting Conversion
76: Deny
76: Dogma
76: Forced Disarmament
77: Cauterizing Flames
77: Condemned
77: Confine
78: Penance
78: Scourging
79: Forgiving Diatribe
79: Greater Disorientation
79: Heretic's Fall
80: Alleviation
80: Devotion
80: Inquisition
80: Redeem

* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Adventure Pack - improves with level up to 50 - same timer as Healing line
**** - from Desert of Flames Expansion
***** - from Echoes of Faydwer Expansion

Выбираемые Гранд-мастера

Уровень 14Уровень 24Уровень 34Уровень 44Уровень 54Уровень 64Уровень 75


В этой категории отображается 7 подкатегорий из имеющихся 7.



Информация о подклассе Инквизитор
Архетип / Класс Жрец / Клирик Инквизитор иконка.jpg
Стартовые города
Доступные расы {{{races}}}
Подкласс при предательстве [[:Category:|]]
Броня Латные доспехи
Оружие Молоты, Посохи, Большие молоты, Символы
Щиты Баклеры, Символы
Ремесленник для изготовления умений [[{{{abilities_crafter}}}]]
Ресурс для умений класса «Эксперт» T1−T8: Редкий самоцвет, T9: [[]]

Ссылки на все связанные категории для:
Жрец » Клирик » Инквизитор
АД (KoS) - Клирик Умения
(EoF) - Инквизитор
(TSO) - Тени Снаряжение
(DoV) - Героическое и Престиж
(ToV) - Драконьи
(AoM) - Престиж классовый

Инквизитор призван выполнять роль военной поддержки, обеспечивая союзников восстанавливающими и защищающими усилениями. Инквизитор излечивает раны и любые недомогания, поражая врагов божественной силой.

Доспехи класса

Эпическое оружие

Заклинания по категориям

The first spell in each category is listed. See the detailed description for the full upgrade line.

Reactive Healing Buffs

Direct Heals


  • Resurrect Ally: Revive (8)
  • Give Group Items to Resurrect Clerics: Divine Awakening (11)
  • Resurrect Ally in Combat, Heal and Increase Resistances: Reforming Soul (22)
  • Resurrect Nearby Allies in Combat, Heal and Increase Resistances: Resurgence (36)
  • Prevent Ally's Death, Heal and Increase Max Health: Redemption (41)
  • Resurrect Ally Without Penalty, Heal and Raise Power: Conversion of the Soul (50)


  • Cure Ally's Debuffs: Cure (6)
  • Cure Group of Arcane and Elemental Debuffs: Flagellant (42)
  • Cure Self of Control Debuffs (Free Instant Cast): Fervent Focus (55)
  • Урон и прерывание врага: Призыв (1)
  • Damage (Mental), Damage Gradually, and Lower Mental Resistance of Enemy : Writhe (3)
  • Damage and Debuff Studied Enemies: Master's Smite (5)
  • Damage (Heat), Damage Gradually, and Lower Divine Resistance of Enemy: Cleansing Fire (23)
  • Damage and Interrupt Grouped Enemies in Area: Litany of Agony (32)
  • Damage, Damage Gradually, and Lower WIS of Enemy: Smite Corruption (35)
  • Reduce Grouped Enemies with Low Health to 1 HP: Verdict (65)
  • Lower Mitigation and Resistances of Enemy: Shame (2)
  • Lower INT and STA of Enemy: Weakness (7)
  • Decrease Crushing, Piercing, Slashing and Ranged of Grouped Enemies in an Area: Forced Submission (20)
  • Decrease Vampire's Strength and Stamina: Vitalic Theft (35)
  • Enemy Radiates Heals to Allies (Strength by Proximity): Inquisition (80)
Reverse Reactives
  • Damage and Stun Enemy After They Successfully Use a Combat Art: Devotee's Repentance (18)
  • Enemy's Group Takes Damage (Heat) when Enemy is Killed: Heretic's Demise (26)
  • Enemy is Damaged After They Successfully Melee Attack: Retaliation (29)
  • Damage and Knock Down Enemies After they Cast a Beneficial Spell: Heresy (52)
Crowd Control
  • Lower Aggression and Help Radius of Enemy: Soothe (10)
  • Stun and Reduce Hate to Nearby Enemies: Distract (13)
  • Root and Stifle Enemy (Breakable): Imprison (39)
  • Scare, Then Mesmerise, Reduce Hate and Reduce Hate Gradually to Enemy: Fearful Conversion (47)
Defensive Buffs
  • Increase Group's STA and Mitigation: Braveness (5)
  • Increase Group's Max Health and Arcane Resistance (More Mental): Conviction (16)
  • Allies are Healed After Receiving your Helpful Spells: Convert (58)
Offensive Buffs
  • Group May Damage Enemy After Aggressive Spell Cast / Attack: Act of Belief (35)
  • Divine Retaliation Against Vampires: Sacred Shield (35)
  • Increase Group's INT, Attack Haste (And Reuse Speed at Higher Levels) (Stifles Caster, Upkeep Cost): Zealotry (50)
General BuffsTravelMisc

Заклинания по тиру и уровню

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

1: Призыв
1: Treatment
2: Shame
3: Minor Recovery
3: Writhe
4: Minor Blessing
5: Braveness
5: Divine Providence
6: Cure
6: Summon Food and Water
7: Weakness
7: Combat Treatment
8: Revive
9: Enduring Breath
9: Admonishing Invocation

10: Guilt
10: Recovery
10: Soothe
11: Divine Awakening
11: Oppress
12: Bestowal of Vitae
13: Distract
13: Odyssey
14: Penitent's Alleviation
14: Soothing Sermon
15: Combat Healing
15: Radiance
16: Blessing
16: Conviction
17: Greater Invocation
18: Greater Recovery
18: Devotee's Repentance
19: Bestowal of Vitality
19: Undaunted

20: Forced Submission
20-50: Bounty of the Virtuous ***
21: Iniquity
22: Reforming Soul
22: Treat Wounds
23: Cleansing Fire
23: Swill
24: Condemn
25: Oppression
26: Favor of the Repentant
26: Heretic's Demise
27: Disorient
28: Contrite Grace
28: Penitent's Sermon
29: Minister Wounds
29: Retaliation

30: Abject Blessing
30: Fanatical Reverence
30: Enforced Reverence *
31: Cruel Invocation
32: Devotee's Retribution
32: Dogmatic Healing
32: Litany of Agony
33: Dauntless
34: Forced Acquiescence
35: Act of Belief
35: Depravity
35: Smite Corruption **
35: Theft of Vitality **
35: Detect Good *
36: Resurgence
37: Cleansing Flames
38: Contempt
39: Imprison
39: Torment

Tier 5 Tier 6 Tier 7 Tier 8

40: Heretic's Fate
40: Stinging Penance
40: Summon Unholy Symbol *
41: Digression
41: Redemption
42: Flagellant
42: Salutary Diatribe
42: Scolding Alleviation
43: Faithful Ministration
43: Vengeance
44: Hallowed Aura
44: Zealot's Conviction
45: Harrowing Inquest
45: Merciless Invocation
45: Unholy Adept *
46: Coerced Repentance
46: Intolerant Healing
46: Litany of Torment
47: Fearful Conversion
47: Fervence
48: Evidence of Faith
48: Forced Compliance
49: Act of Faith
49: Vitiation

50: Conversion of the Soul
50: Zealotry
50: Unholy Aura *
51: Purifying Flames
52: Heresy ****
52: Sentence
53: Incarcerate
53: Smite Corruption II ***
53: Scourge
54: Woeful Penance
55: Heretic's Doom
55: Improved Digression
55: Exoneration
55: Fervent Focus ****
56: Benign Diatribe
56: Derisive Alleviation
56: Devoted Flagellant
57: Devoted Ministration
57: Fanatical Vengeance
58: Convert ****
58: Fanatic's Faith
58: Consecrated Aura
59: Chilling Inquest
59: Ruthless Invocation

60: Compelled Repentance
60: Fanatical Healing
60: Litany of Anguish
61: Forboding Conversion
61: Pious
62: Forced Obedience
63: Act of Conviction
64: Debase
65: Absolving Flames
65: Verdict
66: Convict
67: Affliction
67: Detain
68: Heretic's Destiny
68: Suffering Penance
69: Absolution
69: Disorientation
70: Resolute Flagellant
70: Fanaticism
70: Malevolent Diatribe
70: Reproachful Alleviation

71: Forced Martyrdom
71: Ministration
71: Smite Corruption III
72: Blasphemy
72: Invocate
72: Tenacity
72: Zeal
73: Arch Recovery
73: Inquest
73: Repentance
74: Fervent Faith
74: Litany
74: Sacred Armor
75: Act of War
75: Tormenting Conversion
76: Deny
76: Dogma
76: Forced Disarmament
77: Cauterizing Flames
77: Condemned
77: Confine
78: Penance
78: Scourging
79: Forgiving Diatribe
79: Greater Disorientation
79: Heretic's Fall
80: Alleviation
80: Devotion
80: Inquisition
80: Redeem

* - Fun Spell
** - from Bloodline Chronicles Adventure Pack
*** - from Splitpaw Adventure Pack - improves with level up to 50 - same timer as Healing line
**** - from Desert of Flames Expansion
***** - from Echoes of Faydwer Expansion

Выбираемые Гранд-мастера

Уровень 14Уровень 24Уровень 34Уровень 44Уровень 54Уровень 64Уровень 75