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Раса: Скелет - чтобы загрузить индивидуальное изображение, нажмите здесь
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Чарасис: Свод Вечного Сна (Rise of Kunark)
Раса Скелет
Уровень 80▲▲▲ Тир 9 Героический
Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?


When you enter the Altar of the Dragonslayer take note of the two sarcophagi on the same platform as Praetor. Each time you attack Praetor, he will summon two 79^^ undertaker supplicants. If these supplicants make it to Praetor, they will heal him to full health. The supplicants are best handled by mezzing or rooting them away from the named while you burn the named down, then return and deal with the supplicants.

As an alternative, consider a two-tank strategy, where one tank taunts one supplicant, another group member roots the other supplicant, and a second tank burns down Praetor. Once Praetor is burned down, switch to the second tank's supplicant, then finish off the rooted or mezzed supplicant last.