Чат с разработчиками 2009.05.14

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Чат с разработчиками - 23 марта 2009г.


  • Raven: Привет всем и добро пожаловать в чат с разработчиками на Zam.com[1]! Сегодня от Зама здесь присутствуют Calthine, Kain, Spyderbite и я. И предоставляю слово для представления команде разработчиков.
  • Froech: Здравствуйте, Брюс Фергюсон, продюсер. Всем добро пожаловать.
  • Kirstie: Привет, я Дженифер Джералл aka Kirstie, руководитель отдела игровой механики
  • ImagoQuem: Райан Фейвел - программист графическог движка
  • patherpanchali: Я Роджер Узен, отвечаю за рейдовый контент
  • GlipSOE: Привет всем, я Ник Паркинсон aka 'Glip the Gnome' -- ассоциированный продюсер :-)
  • timetravelling: Приветы, я Бретт Шайнерт, ассоциированный гейм-дизайнер, отвечаю за общий контент
  • Rothgar: Здравствуйте! Я Грег Спенс aka Rothgar, старший программист
  • Domino: Привет, я Эмили "Domino" Тейлор, ремесленный гуру и понемножку всего, что требует внимания =)
  • Aeralik: Я Крис Козак, программист по боевой системе и балансу классов
  • Fyreflyte: Привет, я Джейсон Ворнер (или Fyreflyte, как вы могли заметить - это мой ник). Работаю над предметами в игре.
  • Kaitheel: Я Натан "Kaitheel" МакКолл, главный по игровым событиям и дизайнер по квестам
  • Fyreflyte: черт, ошибся в собственной фамилии
  • Fyreflyte прикрывает голову от стыда


  • (Q) Feoghal:
  • (Q) feldon30: Оберег Стихий получился интересным и достаточно сложным. Одна из проблем, с которой мы столкнулись там - это бонусы сетов экипировки. Если надеть хотя бы одну вещь из комплека Т3, то бонусы комплекта Т2 перестают работать. Для танков это означает потерю 7% критического сопротивления. Если говорить о дальнейшем прогрессе брони - можно ли сделать так, чтобы один из предметов более высокого тира нес на себе бонус комплекта предыдущего тира?
Kiara фыркает
Fyreflyte: В последнее время мы постоянно сталкиваемся с этим вопросом и долго обдумывали наилучшее решение. К сожалению, не все так просто и не решается только добавлением бонусов текущего сета к следующему по тиру. Как ни крути, возникнут проблемы задвоенных бонусов и нам придется добавлять программный код для решения таких случаев. Однако, планы по разрешению противоречий у нас имеются и мы попробуем реализовать их в экипировке следующего тира. Пока все находится в закрытом тестировании и детали не разглашаются =)
  • (Q) Sharakari: Многие из игроков пытаются выполнить как можно больше имеющихся квестов, но сталкиваются с фракционными ограничениями из-за принадлежности к Кейносу, либо Фрипорту. Способы, как обойти эту проблему, постоянно обсуждаются на форуме "Quests and Live Events". Может быть стоит ввести в игру линейку заданий "Дипломат", которая бы позволила установить отношения с противоположной фракцией на уровень, позволяющий получать чужие задания? Или как-то по другому решить вопрос.
Froech: Очень интересная идея. Мы обсуждали упомянутое ограничение несколько раз, но так и не пришли пока к окончательному решению. Честно говоря, мне нравится текущее положение дел - несколько различных способов познания игрового мира, два противоположных мировоззрения, задания на предательство. Мы продолжим обдумывание, но не стоит ждать радикальных изменений в ближайшее время. Спасибо.
  • (Q) Frekkles: Как показала себя новая система GPU-теней? Не могу дождаться, когда она появится в игре - мир выглядит таким плоским без теней.
ImagoQuem: Система GPU-теней находится на тестировании уже около месяца. Результаты отличные. Более мягкий контур, более хорошие показатели FPS, деревья и растения отбрасывают динамические тени, включая листья и перья.
  • (Q) udeg|vox: Задумывались ли вы о добавлении сервера ТимСпик (teamspeak server) для каждого из серверов, чтобы любой мог говорить в канал, но без группировки, как например в канале Фрипорта?
Rothgar: В настоящее время у нас нет планов на добавление глобальных каналов. Однако мы работаем над новой версией Vivox wrapper, которая вскоре станет доступна. После релиза новой версии можно будет говорить о дополнительных опциях голосового чата.
  • (Q) Kulssin: Выходные с экстра БО. Из чего вы исходили, вводя в игру данный ивент? Подтолкнуть игроков к исследованию безлюдных зон? Набор опыта и так уже слишком быстрый. Зачем же заставлять людей поднимать игровой уровень еще быстрее? В результате всего этого, у новых игроков нет возможности найти себе группу. Может быть, лучше было продумать ускоренный набор ОД?
Froech: Идея заключалась в том, чтобы более равномерно распределить игроков по некоторым из зон, которые сейчас не пользуются популярностью, и дать возможность подкачать своих альтов. Ваше предложение тоже заслуживает внимания. И в любом случае, мы не пытаемся ограничить возможность игроков найти себе подходящую группу. :)
  • (Q) Stuegin - Новый концепт "Пустоты\Теней" становится похож на EQII версию Дискорда. Все идет к тому, что эти существа станут нашими основными противниками и будут определять развитие событий в мире Норрата следующие пару лет. Это действительно так? Будет ли следующий год, а то и два, посвящен событиям, связанным с "Пустотой", или же эта сюжетная ветка будет свернута в недалеком будущем?
timetravelling: Ближайшее будущее Норрата отнюдь не ограничивается нашествием Пустоты, которое мы наблюдали в последнее время. Очень скоро появятся новые противники...(размышляя) разве превью ЛУ52 еще не появилось? ^_^ Нам нетерпится показать вам отличные места, куда всех игроков скоро заведет за собой судьба Норрата =)
  • (Q) Anvill: В отдел графической разработки... Есть ли планы уменьшить объем загрузки, который необходим для предметов в гилд холлах, и порождает зонинг при попытке попасть в гилд холл? Сейчас игрокам приходится ждать по 3 минуты для того чтобы просто попасть в гильдию, если у них размещено более 300 предметов.
Rothgar: Время загрузки, необходимое для перемещения в гильдхолл зависит по большей части от скорости работы компьютера, т.к. он сам создает гильдхолл. Более быстрый жесткий диск может значительно уменьшить время подгрузки. На моем домашнем компьютере с жестким диском со скоростью вращения 10 тыс об\мин. гильдхолл с 1600 предметами загружается за 30 секунд. Мы постоянно рассматриваем способы улучшить ситуацию на сервере, но если у вас зонинг в гильдхолл с 300 предметами занимает действительно 3 минуты, наверное, стоит подумать над апгрейдом копьютера.
Rothgar: Я не пытаюсь все проблемы со скоростью подгрузки свалить на других, но во многих случаях железо игрока может очень сильно тормозить загрузку. :)
  • (Q) feldon30:Будет ли что-то сделано, чтобы Пик Виишан остался играбельной зоной после выпуска следующего расширения? Предполагая, что кап по уровню будет поднят до 90, получение мификов станет совсем обыденным делом. Думает ли SOE скалировать зону до 90го уровня и добавить игрокам квестовый предмет, который поднимал бы уровнеь игрока до 90го, аналогично предметам сосредоточения пустоты за задание Крюк, канат и якорь?
timetravelling: Да, у нас в планах есть идея как сделать старый низкоуровневый контент более актуальным. И не только для Пика Виишан! Но пока все секреты раскрывать не буду =D
  • (Q) Qualinel - Is Jumjum a radish-like tuber or a strawberry-like fruit, and how on earth do you make sandwiches, beer and preserves all out of the same damn plant??

Domino: Jumjum is a sweet tuber-like root. It looks similar to a sugar beet, but tastes more fruit-like. Like a sugar beet, it can be eaten plain or made into other things. And remember, halflings can make just about ANYTHING into beer. ;)

  • (Q) Kaldonia asks Domino - chores such as dust distillation are mind numbing. Any chance that you are looking in to making the task of distilling a stack of 500+ dusts take less than two weeks? Perhaps distilling 20 dusts at a time at the same cost distilling them one at a time?

Domino: This is something that I'm pondering, and we're discussing. I hope to see some improvements, but I can't say exactly what yet. You'll hear about it when we have something to confirm!

  • (Q) Cayanetta: Why did you choose to revisit Kunark with GU 52 instead of expanding on TSO content?

timetravelling: There are always a number of reasons for those sorts of decisions, but a huge part of this one was the lore. The story we're telling with the update revolves around quite a bit of stuff specifically in Kunark. Just wait til y'all get the chance to dive into the huge # of awesome quests Kaitheel is making =)

  • (Q) Ojeda: Are there any plans to expand on what the Provisioners can create. We use no rares at the moment. Even if its just an increase in quantities which would be wondeful! But, imbued food, food with bonuses.. etc.

Domino: This is a question that comes up quite frequently! The main concern about increasing quantities is that food already sells barely over cost price on the broker, and allowing people to make it in big numbers would reduce the profit severely. On the other hand, it CAN be annoying if you want to feed all your alts. (And I do have an epic'd provisioner, so I sympathize here!) It's something that we're considering a number of options for, but we want to be sure we don't unintentionally nerf provisioners while trying to help them, so we haven't come to a firm conclusion yet. That said, provisioners already do get a wider range of stats on food as of Kunark and that will certainly continue.

  • (Q) Sharakari: Do you think the drop rate on quest starters could be increased? Or maybe even take off the no-trade tag so we could buy them off the broker? I’m tired of farming grey mobs for days trying to get a quest starter to drop. And if you happen to take off the no-trade, it would be nice if you could search the broker for "quest starters". We questers would greatly appreciate this!

Kirstie: These are some ideas we'll think about. It's not something we have planned right now but it is worth some thought.

  • (Q) feldon30: - Is there anything new to report on Research Assistants?

Kirstie: Not if you've done your research Froech: hee! Kirstie: That being said, they should be on test next week and I'd encourage everyone to go check out how they turned out there and give feedback. I know the threads are long are hard to get through on the forums right now so data can be tough to find.

  • (Q) Stugein: - So...Vegas again, huh?

Kiara: yes :) Fyreflyte: Vegas, baby... Vegas. BruinenTheInsane: Aeralik: what happens in vegas stays in vegas :) timetravelling: none of us could remember what happened last time, so we decided to go again Domino: lol Rothgar: I remember making the team late for leaving because we were in the Star Trek experience. :) BruinenTheInsane: BruinenTheInsane:* we almost left you Kiara: pft. What almost? I left without him! Raven: before the devs start to fight - next question... Rothgar: I can think of worse places to be left. :)

  • (Q) Frekkles: Is there anything in GU 52 for crafters?

Domino: Stuff for crafters? Do we add tradeskill content? Domino looks around Domino: Let's see.... Domino: Level 50+ Sages will soon be able to make a set of notebooks, which can hold user-created content (see Rothgar's EQII blog post and the forum thread for more information about this). Domino: Carpenters may find it worthwhile to investigate -- or send their friends to investigate -- the Estate of Unrest a little more closely. Domino: Tailors will see some changes to their hex dolls, which include a much reduced casting time, stat increase, and a set bonus for the mastercrafted ones. Domino: Woodworkers and tailors will see their ranged weapons (bows, satchels, bandoliers, etc.) get a stat upgrade also! Domino: Adventurers may find some small goodies in the new Charasis West wing, including perhaps a couple small goodies for provisioners. Domino: I've made a few minor changes to the void tradeskill instance that folks have been asking for... including a slightly more satisfying ending, and more harvests per click. Domino: Oh, and lots more I don't really have room to talk about... Domino: So no ... nothin' really. ;) Sorry!

  • (Q) Pagengamer-AB: Are there any plans in effect for revamping the HO system so that people will feel that it an effective tactic again and worth the effort to use them? I have a few basic ideas for changes if suggestions are welcome in this area.

Froech: Plans, yes. In effect, not right now. This system is something the team's been looking at and kicking around ideas for a long time. It hasn't gotten to the front of the plate yet, but we still continue to look at it regularly, and discuss ideas about how we can improve it.

  • (Q) Faofilie: Now, what currently is the xp to aa conversion (numbers wise)? At this point in time, what is the planned increase that will go into test?

Aeralik: Currently the adventure xp to achievement xp is really small. So to better match the current level scaling this had been adjusted for gu52. Completing a dungeon should net you a good amount of achievement xp now. Aeralik: Also in gu52 there are 80+ quests which will net you a good chunk of achievement experience.

  • (Q) Camphor: how will the difficulty of the new group zones comming in GU52 stack up against other RoK or TSO instances

timetravelling: The two new group zones will certainly be challenging, but not extremely difficult. There will be some really fun scripted encounters, but they shouldn't be nearly as difficult as somewhere like Palace of Ferzhul or Guk Stronghold.

  • (Q) Elquinjena: question about quest starters on books in places such as runnyeye, varsoons, CT will they ever be looked at and increased?

Domino: this was kinda answered before ... we can take a look at these.

  • (Q) Uoge|Vox: will we ever learn how to write master spell and combat arts?

Domino: we have no current plans to make master spells tradeskilled, but you'll surely hear about it if that ever changes. At present, we do not predict it.

  • (Q) Guest746: are we going to get any new adornment for crushing weapon such as 3% riposte or 3% mitigation increase?

Domino: There's a thread in the tradeskill forum where folks have been discussing ideas on adornment changes for a while, if you have specific comments, feel free to track it down and add them! We're definitely aware that adornments need a looking over and I'm hoping to fit this into my schedule this year. However, I don't have specifics yet. When I do, the tradeskill forum will hear about it :)

  • (Q) Pagengamer-AB: Despite the RP community being the smaller portion of your player base, do you have any plans to increase or support role-play on the role-play servers? If you are taking suggestions on this I have a few that may, or may not, work.

Kirstie: Even if the RP community is small they are a lot of fun. If you have suggestions please /feedback them (we do read it) or post it on the forums and we'll take a look. Domino thinks the RP'ers are going to love the user books, too...

  • (Q) xphenix: For Domino : Someone spoke about a tinkerer event ?

Domino: Hmmm ... now where did that rumour come from? Domino: Those gnomes get up to all sorts of things when you don't watch them carefully, and sometimes when you do! There are indeed some important festivals in the gnomish year, and we're likely to learn more about this in the coming months. =)

  • (Q) Raven: and in the grand zam tradition... our last question is the big one..... SpyderBite: Adam Lambert vs. Kris Allen in PvP... who would win?

Kiara: No one knows who those people are... Fyreflyte: Err... who? Domino: who are they? HaohmaruEQ: bear grylls Froech: Never heard of them. Kirstie: Adam would win :)


SpyderBite: Thank you everyone! :)

Aeralik: thanks for stopping by everyone!

Froech: Thanks folks!

Rothgar: Thanks for having us!

HaohmaruEQ: G'nite all!

Fyreflyte waves!

timetravelling: toodles! =)

Raven: Thank you all for attending tonight - and for all the questions. The log will be on the site later thanks to the ever-wonderful Calthine!

Kirstie: Night all, /feedback me some smiley faces if you read this!

Kaitheel: Have a good night! Now to get back to the quest creation fun....

Domino: thanks for coming folks! See you next time and see you 'round the forums! (Where I'll be happy to provide a recipe for Toad in the Hole!)

Domino: oh, and belated happy birthday Dellmon ;)

ImagoQuem: Goodnight, goodbye.

FFA Chat

Следующие вопросы-ответы взяты из канала чата EQ2-FFA, который открыт во время чата с разработчиками.

Fyreflyte: Btw, I have some additional info on the sets question I answered earlier. I don;t want to detract from the chat, but if you hang around for a sec afterward, I can give a more complete answer (I never have much time during these things to really explain w/o making everyone else wait for me ;))

Feldon: Fyreflyte: what I said earlier before you joined #eq2ffa:

Feldon: > I'm not sure how you'd handle a mixture of T2 and T3 and which bonuses to implement.

Feldon: > That's why I came up with the "make the 3rd or 4th boss in the T3 zone award an item which has the set bonus from the T2.

Fyreflyte: Ahh, interesting. That is very similar to one of the ideas I had ;)

Feldon: I couldn't think of a smart way to have T2 and T3 pieces work together

Fyreflyte: Nods Feldon. I ran into the same problem. For every idea someone proposed on the forums, there was always an exploit attached to it that the poster hadn't considered.

Fyreflyte: I actually had the coders create me a way to make large sets like that without listing all the pieces ;)

Fyreflyte: We haven't refined it much yet, but it works, and keeps the examine window a bit less cluttered

Fyreflyte: Ok, so...

Faofilie: about them armour sets...

Fyreflyte: we already commented on some of this, but here's what I wrote earlier

Fyreflyte: The problem with upgrading set bonuses was compounded this expansion due to the way players upgrade their shard sets. It's an issue we hadn't run into much before. One idea I've had to help alleviate it would be to drop set pieces in WoE that were inferior to the actual shard armor, but helped complete the set for classes that absolutely needed their set bonuses.

Fyreflyte: This takes a bit of new code that allows for larger, slightly more dynamic sets, but may present an option to avoid this same problem in the future. It's still just in the idea phase, but is an example of the types of solutions we're looking at. For future gear, I'm definitely going to be careful about using such powerful bonuses high up in the set, as that by itself will reduce this issue a lot.

Fyreflyte: I'm probably just reiterating things at this point ;)

xphenix: btw mute option on mischief charm

Fyreflyte: oh, yeah someone PMed me about that

Fyreflyte: I'll take a look at it ;)

Raven: if you're working on items - stop all the dang heals proccing from hostile spells!!!!!!

Fyreflyte: "all the"? O.o you mean Unstable Emollient?

Raven: there are a lot of items that have the effect - and hell if furies can't heal properly don't let their items do it ;)

arch: has the proc rate on death chimes etc been fixed yet?

Fyreflyte: I actually don't know arch. that was a code problem and Aeralik was looking at it. I suspect he's got it fixed locally

Faofilie: dev tracker shows aeralick stating he fixed ill will and death chimes internally

xphenix: more set of jewelry from raid/group instances ?

Fyreflyte:Bold Text Set jewelry from instances/raids: yes. I've had some plans for some extra shard gear too for awhile, but have had zero time in which to implement it =/

Raven: too busy working on those armor dyes??? hehehehe

Fyreflyte: So many projects, so little time!

Fyreflyte: I'm not a big fan of armor dyes

Fyreflyte: We actually have some technical issues with them as well, since a LOT of our armor isn;t tintable

Fyreflyte: all of the new sets that have been coming out, I've had to ask artists for specific colors of when I need them. When they use a fresnel shader, they become difficult to tint

xphenix: TSO top shields are bit shabby :( the one from Ykesha don't look so good

Fyreflyte: Shield progression got a bit messed up last expansion, and it was hard to correct it without a level cap increase =/

xphenix: oh appearance i meant

xphenix: stats are sound and nice

Fyreflyte: We'll be paying good attention to it in the future though =) I've got more help with itemization now, which gives me more time to provide oversight, rather than just scrambling to pump out items

Fyreflyte: oh, hm, we had a few cool ones I thought. Maybe the designers weren;t using them =/

Faofilie: I've seen some cool ones meself. Which ones are you referring to, xphenix?

xphenix: harder part with some of those stats is how depending of which expansion an item as been made it mean something different

Fyreflyte: Usually when I'm checking items someone else did, I focus on the stats. Whcih means I often forget to check the appearance beyond that fact that it's the right type of item.

Kendricke: was the new UI discussed at all?

Kendricke: or did that question not get asked?

Kendricke: I'd heard rumors you guys were looking into a Lua friendly UI

Kendricke: is that something you can confirm?

Fyreflyte has no diea

Fyreflyte: idea too

Kendricke: ok

Fyreflyte: sorry =/

Kendricke: I know that Rothgar's working on "something"(TM)

Kendricke: but he hasn't gone into much detail on it

xphenix: some of the new stats are hard for people to understand, got to explain a defiler that his TSO 6set bonus was heal crit bonus and heal crit chance he didn't know the difference

Fyreflyte: xphenix: I've bugged Aeralik about that from time to time. I'd kind of like to do it all at once and get some better naming conventions added

Fyreflyte: rather than pick the bonus names apart piecemeal. I'll bring that up at our next meeting xphenix: some stats have been renamed from time to time

xphenix: like EH crafted boots people understand base damage from the description when it is actually spell damage

xphenix: or just between http://eq2.xanadu-community.com/items.php?page=viewItem&id=2304 and http://eq2.xanadu-community.com/items.php?page=viewItem&id=2994 i guess it's shield effectiveness for both but not sure

xphenix: also give trouble with the nice personnal status window there's a reuse stat in offensive and healing spell except there's specific offensive and healing reuse + some reuse that does both

xphenix: usually it just show the lowest reuse it can show

Fyreflyte: unfortunately I don't think we can fix that

Fyreflyte: not without a major overhaul of the spell mod system

Fyreflyte:Bold Text I've been trying to use more generic bonuses when I can, so that it all shows up in the persona window

Fyreflyte: as I shift to the more generic bonuses, that problem will become less and less apparent


[1] Allakhazam.com [1] - один из основных западных ресурсов, посвященных он-лайн играм и в том числе Everquest II.
[2] информация по Бистлордам из EK на английском языке



Чат с разработчиками - 23 марта 2009г.


  • Raven: Привет всем и добро пожаловать в чат с разработчиками на Zam.com[1]! Сегодня от Зама здесь присутствуют Calthine, Kain, Spyderbite и я. И предоставляю слово для представления команде разработчиков.
  • Froech: Здравствуйте, Брюс Фергюсон, продюсер. Всем добро пожаловать.
  • Kirstie: Привет, я Дженифер Джералл aka Kirstie, руководитель отдела игровой механики
  • ImagoQuem: Райан Фейвел - программист графическог движка
  • patherpanchali: Я Роджер Узен, отвечаю за рейдовый контент
  • GlipSOE: Привет всем, я Ник Паркинсон aka 'Glip the Gnome' -- ассоциированный продюсер :-)
  • timetravelling: Приветы, я Бретт Шайнерт, ассоциированный гейм-дизайнер, отвечаю за общий контент
  • Rothgar: Здравствуйте! Я Грег Спенс aka Rothgar, старший программист
  • Domino: Привет, я Эмили "Domino" Тейлор, ремесленный гуру и понемножку всего, что требует внимания =)
  • Aeralik: Я Крис Козак, программист по боевой системе и балансу классов
  • Fyreflyte: Привет, я Джейсон Ворнер (или Fyreflyte, как вы могли заметить - это мой ник). Работаю над предметами в игре.
  • Kaitheel: Я Натан "Kaitheel" МакКолл, главный по игровым событиям и дизайнер по квестам
  • Fyreflyte: черт, ошибся в собственной фамилии
  • Fyreflyte прикрывает голову от стыда


  • (Q) Feoghal:
  • (Q) feldon30: Оберег Стихий получился интересным и достаточно сложным. Одна из проблем, с которой мы столкнулись там - это бонусы сетов экипировки. Если надеть хотя бы одну вещь из комплека Т3, то бонусы комплекта Т2 перестают работать. Для танков это означает потерю 7% критического сопротивления. Если говорить о дальнейшем прогрессе брони - можно ли сделать так, чтобы один из предметов более высокого тира нес на себе бонус комплекта предыдущего тира?
Kiara фыркает
Fyreflyte: В последнее время мы постоянно сталкиваемся с этим вопросом и долго обдумывали наилучшее решение. К сожалению, не все так просто и не решается только добавлением бонусов текущего сета к следующему по тиру. Как ни крути, возникнут проблемы задвоенных бонусов и нам придется добавлять программный код для решения таких случаев. Однако, планы по разрешению противоречий у нас имеются и мы попробуем реализовать их в экипировке следующего тира. Пока все находится в закрытом тестировании и детали не разглашаются =)
  • (Q) Sharakari: Многие из игроков пытаются выполнить как можно больше имеющихся квестов, но сталкиваются с фракционными ограничениями из-за принадлежности к Кейносу, либо Фрипорту. Способы, как обойти эту проблему, постоянно обсуждаются на форуме "Quests and Live Events". Может быть стоит ввести в игру линейку заданий "Дипломат", которая бы позволила установить отношения с противоположной фракцией на уровень, позволяющий получать чужие задания? Или как-то по другому решить вопрос.
Froech: Очень интересная идея. Мы обсуждали упомянутое ограничение несколько раз, но так и не пришли пока к окончательному решению. Честно говоря, мне нравится текущее положение дел - несколько различных способов познания игрового мира, два противоположных мировоззрения, задания на предательство. Мы продолжим обдумывание, но не стоит ждать радикальных изменений в ближайшее время. Спасибо.
  • (Q) Frekkles: Как показала себя новая система GPU-теней? Не могу дождаться, когда она появится в игре - мир выглядит таким плоским без теней.
ImagoQuem: Система GPU-теней находится на тестировании уже около месяца. Результаты отличные. Более мягкий контур, более хорошие показатели FPS, деревья и растения отбрасывают динамические тени, включая листья и перья.
  • (Q) udeg|vox: Задумывались ли вы о добавлении сервера ТимСпик (teamspeak server) для каждого из серверов, чтобы любой мог говорить в канал, но без группировки, как например в канале Фрипорта?
Rothgar: В настоящее время у нас нет планов на добавление глобальных каналов. Однако мы работаем над новой версией Vivox wrapper, которая вскоре станет доступна. После релиза новой версии можно будет говорить о дополнительных опциях голосового чата.
  • (Q) Kulssin: Выходные с экстра БО. Из чего вы исходили, вводя в игру данный ивент? Подтолкнуть игроков к исследованию безлюдных зон? Набор опыта и так уже слишком быстрый. Зачем же заставлять людей поднимать игровой уровень еще быстрее? В результате всего этого, у новых игроков нет возможности найти себе группу. Может быть, лучше было продумать ускоренный набор ОД?
Froech: Идея заключалась в том, чтобы более равномерно распределить игроков по некоторым из зон, которые сейчас не пользуются популярностью, и дать возможность подкачать своих альтов. Ваше предложение тоже заслуживает внимания. И в любом случае, мы не пытаемся ограничить возможность игроков найти себе подходящую группу. :)
  • (Q) Stuegin - Новый концепт "Пустоты\Теней" становится похож на EQII версию Дискорда. Все идет к тому, что эти существа станут нашими основными противниками и будут определять развитие событий в мире Норрата следующие пару лет. Это действительно так? Будет ли следующий год, а то и два, посвящен событиям, связанным с "Пустотой", или же эта сюжетная ветка будет свернута в недалеком будущем?
timetravelling: Ближайшее будущее Норрата отнюдь не ограничивается нашествием Пустоты, которое мы наблюдали в последнее время. Очень скоро появятся новые противники...(размышляя) разве превью ЛУ52 еще не появилось? ^_^ Нам нетерпится показать вам отличные места, куда всех игроков скоро заведет за собой судьба Норрата =)
  • (Q) Anvill: В отдел графической разработки... Есть ли планы уменьшить объем загрузки, который необходим для предметов в гилд холлах, и порождает зонинг при попытке попасть в гилд холл? Сейчас игрокам приходится ждать по 3 минуты для того чтобы просто попасть в гильдию, если у них размещено более 300 предметов.
Rothgar: Время загрузки, необходимое для перемещения в гильдхолл зависит по большей части от скорости работы компьютера, т.к. он сам создает гильдхолл. Более быстрый жесткий диск может значительно уменьшить время подгрузки. На моем домашнем компьютере с жестким диском со скоростью вращения 10 тыс об\мин. гильдхолл с 1600 предметами загружается за 30 секунд. Мы постоянно рассматриваем способы улучшить ситуацию на сервере, но если у вас зонинг в гильдхолл с 300 предметами занимает действительно 3 минуты, наверное, стоит подумать над апгрейдом копьютера.
Rothgar: Я не пытаюсь все проблемы со скоростью подгрузки свалить на других, но во многих случаях железо игрока может очень сильно тормозить загрузку. :)
  • (Q) feldon30:Будет ли что-то сделано, чтобы Пик Виишан остался играбельной зоной после выпуска следующего расширения? Предполагая, что кап по уровню будет поднят до 90, получение мификов станет совсем обыденным делом. Думает ли SOE скалировать зону до 90го уровня и добавить игрокам квестовый предмет, который поднимал бы уровнеь игрока до 90го, аналогично предметам сосредоточения пустоты за задание Крюк, канат и якорь?
timetravelling: Да, у нас в планах есть идея как сделать старый низкоуровневый контент более актуальным. И не только для Пика Виишан! Но пока все секреты раскрывать не буду =D
  • (Q) Qualinel - Is Jumjum a radish-like tuber or a strawberry-like fruit, and how on earth do you make sandwiches, beer and preserves all out of the same damn plant??

Domino: Jumjum is a sweet tuber-like root. It looks similar to a sugar beet, but tastes more fruit-like. Like a sugar beet, it can be eaten plain or made into other things. And remember, halflings can make just about ANYTHING into beer. ;)

  • (Q) Kaldonia asks Domino - chores such as dust distillation are mind numbing. Any chance that you are looking in to making the task of distilling a stack of 500+ dusts take less than two weeks? Perhaps distilling 20 dusts at a time at the same cost distilling them one at a time?

Domino: This is something that I'm pondering, and we're discussing. I hope to see some improvements, but I can't say exactly what yet. You'll hear about it when we have something to confirm!

  • (Q) Cayanetta: Why did you choose to revisit Kunark with GU 52 instead of expanding on TSO content?

timetravelling: There are always a number of reasons for those sorts of decisions, but a huge part of this one was the lore. The story we're telling with the update revolves around quite a bit of stuff specifically in Kunark. Just wait til y'all get the chance to dive into the huge # of awesome quests Kaitheel is making =)

  • (Q) Ojeda: Are there any plans to expand on what the Provisioners can create. We use no rares at the moment. Even if its just an increase in quantities which would be wondeful! But, imbued food, food with bonuses.. etc.

Domino: This is a question that comes up quite frequently! The main concern about increasing quantities is that food already sells barely over cost price on the broker, and allowing people to make it in big numbers would reduce the profit severely. On the other hand, it CAN be annoying if you want to feed all your alts. (And I do have an epic'd provisioner, so I sympathize here!) It's something that we're considering a number of options for, but we want to be sure we don't unintentionally nerf provisioners while trying to help them, so we haven't come to a firm conclusion yet. That said, provisioners already do get a wider range of stats on food as of Kunark and that will certainly continue.

  • (Q) Sharakari: Do you think the drop rate on quest starters could be increased? Or maybe even take off the no-trade tag so we could buy them off the broker? I’m tired of farming grey mobs for days trying to get a quest starter to drop. And if you happen to take off the no-trade, it would be nice if you could search the broker for "quest starters". We questers would greatly appreciate this!

Kirstie: These are some ideas we'll think about. It's not something we have planned right now but it is worth some thought.

  • (Q) feldon30: - Is there anything new to report on Research Assistants?

Kirstie: Not if you've done your research Froech: hee! Kirstie: That being said, they should be on test next week and I'd encourage everyone to go check out how they turned out there and give feedback. I know the threads are long are hard to get through on the forums right now so data can be tough to find.

  • (Q) Stugein: - So...Vegas again, huh?

Kiara: yes :) Fyreflyte: Vegas, baby... Vegas. BruinenTheInsane: Aeralik: what happens in vegas stays in vegas :) timetravelling: none of us could remember what happened last time, so we decided to go again Domino: lol Rothgar: I remember making the team late for leaving because we were in the Star Trek experience. :) BruinenTheInsane: BruinenTheInsane:* we almost left you Kiara: pft. What almost? I left without him! Raven: before the devs start to fight - next question... Rothgar: I can think of worse places to be left. :)

  • (Q) Frekkles: Is there anything in GU 52 for crafters?

Domino: Stuff for crafters? Do we add tradeskill content? Domino looks around Domino: Let's see.... Domino: Level 50+ Sages will soon be able to make a set of notebooks, which can hold user-created content (see Rothgar's EQII blog post and the forum thread for more information about this). Domino: Carpenters may find it worthwhile to investigate -- or send their friends to investigate -- the Estate of Unrest a little more closely. Domino: Tailors will see some changes to their hex dolls, which include a much reduced casting time, stat increase, and a set bonus for the mastercrafted ones. Domino: Woodworkers and tailors will see their ranged weapons (bows, satchels, bandoliers, etc.) get a stat upgrade also! Domino: Adventurers may find some small goodies in the new Charasis West wing, including perhaps a couple small goodies for provisioners. Domino: I've made a few minor changes to the void tradeskill instance that folks have been asking for... including a slightly more satisfying ending, and more harvests per click. Domino: Oh, and lots more I don't really have room to talk about... Domino: So no ... nothin' really. ;) Sorry!

  • (Q) Pagengamer-AB: Are there any plans in effect for revamping the HO system so that people will feel that it an effective tactic again and worth the effort to use them? I have a few basic ideas for changes if suggestions are welcome in this area.

Froech: Plans, yes. In effect, not right now. This system is something the team's been looking at and kicking around ideas for a long time. It hasn't gotten to the front of the plate yet, but we still continue to look at it regularly, and discuss ideas about how we can improve it.

  • (Q) Faofilie: Now, what currently is the xp to aa conversion (numbers wise)? At this point in time, what is the planned increase that will go into test?

Aeralik: Currently the adventure xp to achievement xp is really small. So to better match the current level scaling this had been adjusted for gu52. Completing a dungeon should net you a good amount of achievement xp now. Aeralik: Also in gu52 there are 80+ quests which will net you a good chunk of achievement experience.

  • (Q) Camphor: how will the difficulty of the new group zones comming in GU52 stack up against other RoK or TSO instances

timetravelling: The two new group zones will certainly be challenging, but not extremely difficult. There will be some really fun scripted encounters, but they shouldn't be nearly as difficult as somewhere like Palace of Ferzhul or Guk Stronghold.

  • (Q) Elquinjena: question about quest starters on books in places such as runnyeye, varsoons, CT will they ever be looked at and increased?

Domino: this was kinda answered before ... we can take a look at these.

  • (Q) Uoge|Vox: will we ever learn how to write master spell and combat arts?

Domino: we have no current plans to make master spells tradeskilled, but you'll surely hear about it if that ever changes. At present, we do not predict it.

  • (Q) Guest746: are we going to get any new adornment for crushing weapon such as 3% riposte or 3% mitigation increase?

Domino: There's a thread in the tradeskill forum where folks have been discussing ideas on adornment changes for a while, if you have specific comments, feel free to track it down and add them! We're definitely aware that adornments need a looking over and I'm hoping to fit this into my schedule this year. However, I don't have specifics yet. When I do, the tradeskill forum will hear about it :)

  • (Q) Pagengamer-AB: Despite the RP community being the smaller portion of your player base, do you have any plans to increase or support role-play on the role-play servers? If you are taking suggestions on this I have a few that may, or may not, work.

Kirstie: Even if the RP community is small they are a lot of fun. If you have suggestions please /feedback them (we do read it) or post it on the forums and we'll take a look. Domino thinks the RP'ers are going to love the user books, too...

  • (Q) xphenix: For Domino : Someone spoke about a tinkerer event ?

Domino: Hmmm ... now where did that rumour come from? Domino: Those gnomes get up to all sorts of things when you don't watch them carefully, and sometimes when you do! There are indeed some important festivals in the gnomish year, and we're likely to learn more about this in the coming months. =)

  • (Q) Raven: and in the grand zam tradition... our last question is the big one..... SpyderBite: Adam Lambert vs. Kris Allen in PvP... who would win?

Kiara: No one knows who those people are... Fyreflyte: Err... who? Domino: who are they? HaohmaruEQ: bear grylls Froech: Never heard of them. Kirstie: Adam would win :)


SpyderBite: Thank you everyone! :)

Aeralik: thanks for stopping by everyone!

Froech: Thanks folks!

Rothgar: Thanks for having us!

HaohmaruEQ: G'nite all!

Fyreflyte waves!

timetravelling: toodles! =)

Raven: Thank you all for attending tonight - and for all the questions. The log will be on the site later thanks to the ever-wonderful Calthine!

Kirstie: Night all, /feedback me some smiley faces if you read this!

Kaitheel: Have a good night! Now to get back to the quest creation fun....

Domino: thanks for coming folks! See you next time and see you 'round the forums! (Where I'll be happy to provide a recipe for Toad in the Hole!)

Domino: oh, and belated happy birthday Dellmon ;)

ImagoQuem: Goodnight, goodbye.

FFA Chat

Следующие вопросы-ответы взяты из канала чата EQ2-FFA, который открыт во время чата с разработчиками.

Fyreflyte: Btw, I have some additional info on the sets question I answered earlier. I don;t want to detract from the chat, but if you hang around for a sec afterward, I can give a more complete answer (I never have much time during these things to really explain w/o making everyone else wait for me ;))

Feldon: Fyreflyte: what I said earlier before you joined #eq2ffa:

Feldon: > I'm not sure how you'd handle a mixture of T2 and T3 and which bonuses to implement.

Feldon: > That's why I came up with the "make the 3rd or 4th boss in the T3 zone award an item which has the set bonus from the T2.

Fyreflyte: Ahh, interesting. That is very similar to one of the ideas I had ;)

Feldon: I couldn't think of a smart way to have T2 and T3 pieces work together

Fyreflyte: Nods Feldon. I ran into the same problem. For every idea someone proposed on the forums, there was always an exploit attached to it that the poster hadn't considered.

Fyreflyte: I actually had the coders create me a way to make large sets like that without listing all the pieces ;)

Fyreflyte: We haven't refined it much yet, but it works, and keeps the examine window a bit less cluttered

Fyreflyte: Ok, so...

Faofilie: about them armour sets...

Fyreflyte: we already commented on some of this, but here's what I wrote earlier

Fyreflyte: The problem with upgrading set bonuses was compounded this expansion due to the way players upgrade their shard sets. It's an issue we hadn't run into much before. One idea I've had to help alleviate it would be to drop set pieces in WoE that were inferior to the actual shard armor, but helped complete the set for classes that absolutely needed their set bonuses.

Fyreflyte: This takes a bit of new code that allows for larger, slightly more dynamic sets, but may present an option to avoid this same problem in the future. It's still just in the idea phase, but is an example of the types of solutions we're looking at. For future gear, I'm definitely going to be careful about using such powerful bonuses high up in the set, as that by itself will reduce this issue a lot.

Fyreflyte: I'm probably just reiterating things at this point ;)

xphenix: btw mute option on mischief charm

Fyreflyte: oh, yeah someone PMed me about that

Fyreflyte: I'll take a look at it ;)

Raven: if you're working on items - stop all the dang heals proccing from hostile spells!!!!!!

Fyreflyte: "all the"? O.o you mean Unstable Emollient?

Raven: there are a lot of items that have the effect - and hell if furies can't heal properly don't let their items do it ;)

arch: has the proc rate on death chimes etc been fixed yet?

Fyreflyte: I actually don't know arch. that was a code problem and Aeralik was looking at it. I suspect he's got it fixed locally

Faofilie: dev tracker shows aeralick stating he fixed ill will and death chimes internally

xphenix: more set of jewelry from raid/group instances ?

Fyreflyte:Bold Text Set jewelry from instances/raids: yes. I've had some plans for some extra shard gear too for awhile, but have had zero time in which to implement it =/

Raven: too busy working on those armor dyes??? hehehehe

Fyreflyte: So many projects, so little time!

Fyreflyte: I'm not a big fan of armor dyes

Fyreflyte: We actually have some technical issues with them as well, since a LOT of our armor isn;t tintable

Fyreflyte: all of the new sets that have been coming out, I've had to ask artists for specific colors of when I need them. When they use a fresnel shader, they become difficult to tint

xphenix: TSO top shields are bit shabby :( the one from Ykesha don't look so good

Fyreflyte: Shield progression got a bit messed up last expansion, and it was hard to correct it without a level cap increase =/

xphenix: oh appearance i meant

xphenix: stats are sound and nice

Fyreflyte: We'll be paying good attention to it in the future though =) I've got more help with itemization now, which gives me more time to provide oversight, rather than just scrambling to pump out items

Fyreflyte: oh, hm, we had a few cool ones I thought. Maybe the designers weren;t using them =/

Faofilie: I've seen some cool ones meself. Which ones are you referring to, xphenix?

xphenix: harder part with some of those stats is how depending of which expansion an item as been made it mean something different

Fyreflyte: Usually when I'm checking items someone else did, I focus on the stats. Whcih means I often forget to check the appearance beyond that fact that it's the right type of item.

Kendricke: was the new UI discussed at all?

Kendricke: or did that question not get asked?

Kendricke: I'd heard rumors you guys were looking into a Lua friendly UI

Kendricke: is that something you can confirm?

Fyreflyte has no diea

Fyreflyte: idea too

Kendricke: ok

Fyreflyte: sorry =/

Kendricke: I know that Rothgar's working on "something"(TM)

Kendricke: but he hasn't gone into much detail on it

xphenix: some of the new stats are hard for people to understand, got to explain a defiler that his TSO 6set bonus was heal crit bonus and heal crit chance he didn't know the difference

Fyreflyte: xphenix: I've bugged Aeralik about that from time to time. I'd kind of like to do it all at once and get some better naming conventions added

Fyreflyte: rather than pick the bonus names apart piecemeal. I'll bring that up at our next meeting xphenix: some stats have been renamed from time to time

xphenix: like EH crafted boots people understand base damage from the description when it is actually spell damage

xphenix: or just between http://eq2.xanadu-community.com/items.php?page=viewItem&id=2304 and http://eq2.xanadu-community.com/items.php?page=viewItem&id=2994 i guess it's shield effectiveness for both but not sure

xphenix: also give trouble with the nice personnal status window there's a reuse stat in offensive and healing spell except there's specific offensive and healing reuse + some reuse that does both

xphenix: usually it just show the lowest reuse it can show

Fyreflyte: unfortunately I don't think we can fix that

Fyreflyte: not without a major overhaul of the spell mod system

Fyreflyte:Bold Text I've been trying to use more generic bonuses when I can, so that it all shows up in the persona window

Fyreflyte: as I shift to the more generic bonuses, that problem will become less and less apparent


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