Море Холодных Ветров

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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Шаблон:Seas of Norrath Relative Island: New Antonica in Karan

This is a cold temperate sea. It has strong winds and choppy waves. It is a great territory for sailing, but only within a ship worthy of ocean travel. Birds of many sizes glide with the currents. Beneath the waters lurk dangers such as sharks and aqua goblins.

[Tomes of Vhalen]

Шаблон:Seas of Norrath Relative Island: New Antonica in Karan

This is a cold temperate sea. It has strong winds and choppy waves. It is a great territory for sailing, but only within a ship worthy of ocean travel. Birds of many sizes glide with the currents. Beneath the waters lurk dangers such as sharks and aqua goblins.

[Tomes of Vhalen]