Тюремщик Йноси

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Якорь Баззала (The Shadow Odyssey)
Раса Сокрытый в тенях
Уровень 84▲▲▲ Тир 9 Героический , (Приблизительно HP: 560 000)
Местонахождение Второй этаж
Атака заклинаниями Щит
Очки статуса Неизвестно

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Appears you have to clear the 6 rooms around him carefully. Soothe is an excellent idea here. Once all 6 rooms are clear, each member of the group needs to click on the stones in front of the 6 rooms to become "possessed". Once you are possessed, the named does little damage, but went grey, so we're not sure about this fight. We got no AA, no exp, etc. Once we killed named, cancel buff and move on.

Important: To get any loot, you MUST drop monster form and kill wisp looking mob normally. It has very few hitpoints, so don't hit it accidentally. It drops the key for the chest, and that chest has loot as if from the Imprisoner.

Раса: Сокрытый в тенях - чтобы загрузить индивидуальное изображение, нажмите здесь
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Якорь Баззала (The Shadow Odyssey)
Раса Сокрытый в тенях
Уровень 84▲▲▲ Тир 9 Героический , (Приблизительно HP: 560 000)
Местонахождение Второй этаж
Атака заклинаниями Щит
Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?


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Appears you have to clear the 6 rooms around him carefully. Soothe is an excellent idea here. Once all 6 rooms are clear, each member of the group needs to click on the stones in front of the 6 rooms to become "possessed". Once you are possessed, the named does little damage, but went grey, so we're not sure about this fight. We got no AA, no exp, etc. Once we killed named, cancel buff and move on.

Important: To get any loot, you MUST drop monster form and kill wisp looking mob normally. It has very few hitpoints, so don't hit it accidentally. It drops the key for the chest, and that chest has loot as if from the Imprisoner.