
Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 10:49, 13 июня 2009; ValleyKing (обсуждение | вклад) (Создана новая страница размером {{NamedInformation | iname = | type = | race = | level = 50| levelmod = ^^^| diff = Героический| patch...)
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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Лавасторм (Расколотые Земли)
Раса [необходимо указать расу]
Уровень 50▲▲▲ Тир 6 Героический
Местонахождение Рядом со входом в Око Солусека ( -247, 86, -225 ) /waypoint -247.25, 85.57, -225.14
Трофеи Необходимо указать: или названия трофеев в параметре drops, или оригинальное имя моба в параметре originalname
Время появления 2 часа (неподтверждено)
Связанные задания Спасая подметки
АД Yes
Очки статуса Неизвестно

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Normally an NPC, only attackable during Saving Soles quest. Will be attackable after the non-attackable version is approached during the quest, following the step wherein the spires are disabled. The Magolemus will then remain for fifteen minutes, and finally despawn for two hours (unconfirmed). When he is approachable again, the non-levelled version will appear in his place once again.


As an formerly Epic x2, The Magolemus can be one-grouped with a decently-geared group. The largest concern is handling his knock-back. It is recommended that the nearby mobs be cleared and the tank quickly move the Magolemus near a rock or wall (without lava) so that the tank's back can rest against the wall. All other personnel should be behind the Magolemus the entire time.

Finally, make sure that when he dies, all people on the Saving Soles Heritage Quest are located nearby and that they quickly hail the ghost NPC that appears following his death. (Usually, she is hard to see as she tends to stand inside his corpse) The NPC does not despawn as a result of conversation options, but rather, will despawn after roughly a 2 minute timer. (Unconfirmed)

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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Лавасторм (Расколотые Земли)
Раса [необходимо указать расу]
Уровень 50▲▲▲ Тир 6 Героический
Местонахождение Рядом со входом в Око Солусека ( -247, 86, -225 ) /waypoint -247.25, 85.57, -225.14
Трофеи Необходимо указать: или названия трофеев в параметре drops, или оригинальное имя моба в параметре originalname
Время появления 2 часа (неподтверждено)
Связанные задания Спасая подметки
АД Yes
Очки статуса Неизвестно

Что означает эта информация?

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Normally an NPC, only attackable during Saving Soles quest. Will be attackable after the non-attackable version is approached during the quest, following the step wherein the spires are disabled. The Magolemus will then remain for fifteen minutes, and finally despawn for two hours (unconfirmed). When he is approachable again, the non-levelled version will appear in his place once again.


As an formerly Epic x2, The Magolemus can be one-grouped with a decently-geared group. The largest concern is handling his knock-back. It is recommended that the nearby mobs be cleared and the tank quickly move the Magolemus near a rock or wall (without lava) so that the tank's back can rest against the wall. All other personnel should be behind the Magolemus the entire time.

Finally, make sure that when he dies, all people on the Saving Soles Heritage Quest are located nearby and that they quickly hail the ghost NPC that appears following his death. (Usually, she is hard to see as she tends to stand inside his corpse) The NPC does not despawn as a result of conversation options, but rather, will despawn after roughly a 2 minute timer. (Unconfirmed)