
Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 13:14, 27 ноября 2008; Fuego (обсуждение | вклад)
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This template accepts 2 numeric parameters, and tests the first parameter against a list of VALID Difficulties.

The ONLY valid values at this time are Соло, Героическое and Эпическое. Unlike Template:NormalizeQuestDifficulty, this version uses the second parameter (if defined) to create the category link.

This is a sub-template, used by other templates, and is NOT intended for use by users!
Полезные ссылки: Все шаблоны Information Templates Class Templates

This template accepts 2 numeric parameters, and tests the first parameter against a list of VALID Difficulties.

The ONLY valid values at this time are Соло, Героическое and Эпическое. Unlike Template:NormalizeQuestDifficulty, this version uses the second parameter (if defined) to create the category link.

This is a sub-template, used by other templates, and is NOT intended for use by users!
Полезные ссылки: Все шаблоны Information Templates Class Templates