
Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 19:11, 16 мая 2008; Fye D. FlowRight (обсуждение | вклад) (1 версия)
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Вы можете загрузить JPG или PNG изображение .
Effect Information
Target Self category needed!
Cast Time casting time needed!
Recast Time recast time needed!
Duration Instant
Range None
Effect Radius None


To display an information box of all the basic information about a Spell-type Effect or Proc.


All of the following parameters MAY be left blank. If REQUIRED, they will be filled in with attention grabbers to attract editors.

Name of the image file showing the examine info, or blank. PAGENAME used if blank
Self, Pet, Group Friend, Group or Raid Friend, or Enemy (Default: Self)
REQUIRED seconds to cast, or Instant. DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT!
REQUIRED how many seconds before you can cast something else? DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT!
REQUIRED how many seconds before you can cast this again?? DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT!
How long does it last? ex. "1 min. 30 secs", "10 minutes", "15 secs", "12 hours" (Default:Instant)
What is the maximum distance target can be from caster, in meters? (Default: None)
IF this is an AOE, what is the radius of effect, in meters? (Default: None)


 iname    = |
 target   = |
 casting  = |
 recovery = |
 recast   = |
 duration = |
 range    = |
 aoerange = 


An easy way to load a blank page, or begin converting an old one to the newer format, is to use substitution to load an example page. Put {{subst:SpellInformationEx}} whereever you want the calling block to appear, save the page, and then re-edit it again. DO NOT USE THE BACK BUTTON!


Taken from Courage:

category = Buff|
target   = Group|
casting  = 3.0|
recovery = 0.5|
recast   = 10.0|
duration = Until Cancelled|
aoerange = |
range    = |
mastery  = Ordination}}

Полезные ссылки по шаблонам: Все шаблоны Информация о шаблонах
Связанные шаблоны: Effect Help:EffectInformation EffectInformation EffectInformationEx P/EffectInformation

Вы можете загрузить JPG или PNG изображение .
Effect Information
Target Self category needed!
Cast Time casting time needed!
Recast Time recast time needed!
Duration Instant
Range None
Effect Radius None


To display an information box of all the basic information about a Spell-type Effect or Proc.


All of the following parameters MAY be left blank. If REQUIRED, they will be filled in with attention grabbers to attract editors.

Name of the image file showing the examine info, or blank. PAGENAME used if blank
Self, Pet, Group Friend, Group or Raid Friend, or Enemy (Default: Self)
REQUIRED seconds to cast, or Instant. DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT!
REQUIRED how many seconds before you can cast something else? DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT!
REQUIRED how many seconds before you can cast this again?? DO NOT ADD "seconds" AFTER IT!
How long does it last? ex. "1 min. 30 secs", "10 minutes", "15 secs", "12 hours" (Default:Instant)
What is the maximum distance target can be from caster, in meters? (Default: None)
IF this is an AOE, what is the radius of effect, in meters? (Default: None)


 iname    = |
 target   = |
 casting  = |
 recovery = |
 recast   = |
 duration = |
 range    = |
 aoerange = 


An easy way to load a blank page, or begin converting an old one to the newer format, is to use substitution to load an example page. Put {{subst:SpellInformationEx}} whereever you want the calling block to appear, save the page, and then re-edit it again. DO NOT USE THE BACK BUTTON!


Taken from Courage:

category = Buff|
target   = Group|
casting  = 3.0|
recovery = 0.5|
recast   = 10.0|
duration = Until Cancelled|
aoerange = |
range    = |
mastery  = Ordination}}

Полезные ссылки по шаблонам: Все шаблоны Информация о шаблонах
Связанные шаблоны: Effect Help:EffectInformation EffectInformation EffectInformationEx P/EffectInformation