Лесные Руины

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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EverQuest II информация о зоне
Появилась в
Расколотые Земли FR
Диапазон уровней 3-12
Приграничные зоны Бобблшир, Ивовая Роща
Тип зоны Общедоступные зоны (устарело)
Серии заданий нет

Что значит эта информация?


The mobs inside the ruins of the forest change based on the time of day. At two times during the day, a zone-wide message will appear, indicating which mobs are currently occupying the inside of the ruins. During the day, pirates from The Blackfurl pirate ship occupy the castle. The message that appears as pirates take over the castle is:


During the night, the inside of the ruins is populated largely by undead and elementals. The message that appears as undead take over the castle is:


EverQuest II информация о зоне
Появилась в
Расколотые Земли FR
Диапазон уровней 3-12
Приграничные зоны Бобблшир, Ивовая Роща
Тип зоны Общедоступные зоны (устарело)
Серии заданий нет

Что значит эта информация?


The mobs inside the ruins of the forest change based on the time of day. At two times during the day, a zone-wide message will appear, indicating which mobs are currently occupying the inside of the ruins. During the day, pirates from The Blackfurl pirate ship occupy the castle. The message that appears as pirates take over the castle is:


During the night, the inside of the ruins is populated largely by undead and elementals. The message that appears as undead take over the castle is:
