
Раса: элементаль

Planar in origin, these are creatures composed of the raw stuff of the Elemental Planes. Not Golems, things which are created by powerful users of magic, but beings which embody the pure essence of their material. Although Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the first Elementals to spring to the mind of most, they can also be made of Spirit, Storm, Magic, Shadow, or any of the elemental planes. 

Легенды и предания

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Раса: элементаль

Planar in origin, these are creatures composed of the raw stuff of the Elemental Planes. Not Golems, things which are created by powerful users of magic, but beings which embody the pure essence of their material. Although Earth, Air, Fire and Water are the first Elementals to spring to the mind of most, they can also be made of Spirit, Storm, Magic, Shadow, or any of the elemental planes. 

Легенды и предания

Для задания серии "Легенды и предания" на эту расу см. Легенды и предания: Элементали.