Кости из сундука

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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displaytl = y|
timeline = Peacock Club|
jcat     = Маж'Дул |
level    = 47 |
diff     = Solo |
szone    = Маж'Дул  |
patch    = Desert of Flames |
prereq   = Дева в беде |
start    = Изучите Коробку костей, которая стоит рядом с НПС  Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael ( -238, 135, -8 ) /waypoint -238, 135, -8|
next     = Дева в беде|

Это подквест задания Дева в беде в Серии Клуб Павлинов.


  1. Speak to Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael, you first need to click on the open box next to him. Then you can speak to him.
  2. Slay 8 glyphskull skeletons in The Sinking Sands loc. -865.31, -130.19, -424.85.
  3. Return to Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael.
  4. Inspect The Box of Bones ( -238, 135, -8 ) /waypoint -238, 135, -8.



displaytl = y|
timeline = Peacock Club|
jcat     = Маж'Дул |
level    = 47 |
diff     = Solo |
szone    = Маж'Дул  |
patch    = Desert of Flames |
prereq   = Дева в беде |
start    = Изучите Коробку костей, которая стоит рядом с НПС  Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael ( -238, 135, -8 ) /waypoint -238, 135, -8|
next     = Дева в беде|

Это подквест задания Дева в беде в Серии Клуб Павлинов.


  1. Speak to Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael, you first need to click on the open box next to him. Then you can speak to him.
  2. Slay 8 glyphskull skeletons in The Sinking Sands loc. -865.31, -130.19, -424.85.
  3. Return to Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael.
  4. Inspect The Box of Bones ( -238, 135, -8 ) /waypoint -238, 135, -8.
