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Зал Гильдии 3-го тира в Кейносе
Зал Гильдии 3-го тира во Фрипорте

Основная информация

Currently there are three different tiers of guild halls. For each tier you have different locations to choose among. The guild halls also vary visibly in size, inside layout, lightning, and textures on the floors, walls and ceilings.

The following is a list of things which are common for all of them, depending on which tier they are categorized under.

Тир Мин. уровень гильдии Макс. кол-во улучшений Макс. кол-во предметов обстановки Стоимость покупки Стоимость содержания
1 30 15 750 50п 50з 50,000 ОС
2 50 25 1000 250п 2п 50з 100,000 ОС
3 70 30 1500 1 000п 10п 200,000 ОС

The initial purchase cost is taken directly from the inventory of the guild leader (thus no status cost). When someone presses the "Pay Upkeep" button, the cost is primarily taken from the guild's escrow. If there currently is not enough coin and status in there, it will attempt to take what is missing of coin and status from the person that pressed the button. If that fails too, you will get a message saying you can't afford to pay the upkeep.

The guild hall's escrow can be contributed to by anyone by using the deposit tab on the housing window. Depending on your access-level you can get this up from outside before entering the guild hall, or by clicking the door once inside. Alternately you can type /house anywhere inside the guild hall.

You can pay upkeep for 12 weeks in advance.


Each tier of guild halls have several possible options for location, depending on what your guild leader chooses. There is no restriction against a good-aligned guild leader buying an "evil" guild hall, or an evil-aligned buying a "good" guild hall. Although, the initial travelling might be an obstacle.

The following is a list of currently available locations.

Name or address Tier Zone in from /waypoint Description of location
Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 1 1 North Qeynos ( 331, -20, 5 ) /waypoint 331, -20, 5 Building between the Claymore statue and the Castle steps
Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 2 2 South Qeynos ( 483, -11, 111 ) /waypoint 483, -11, 111 Building northwest of the gate to North Qeynos
Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 3 3 Antonica ( 441, -37, 823 ) /waypoint 441, -37, 823 Bell placed on the southwest Antonica dock
Kelethin Guild Hall 1 Greater Faydark, Kelethin ( 357, 131, 411 ) /waypoint 357, 131, 411 Acorn in the blank area on the map southeast of Silver Leaf Inn
Freeport Guild Hall, Tier 1 1 South Freeport ( -24, -7, 197 ) /waypoint -24, -7, 197 Westernmost building, all the way on the top
Freeport Large Guild Hall 2 North Freeport ( -14, -18, -261 ) /waypoint -14, -18, -261 Northwest building, close to the gate to Stonestair Byway
Freeport Guild Hall, Tier 3 3 Commonlands ( -1055, -144, -683 ) /waypoint -1055, -144, -683 Bell placed on the northeast Commonlands docks
Neriak Guild Hall 1 Neriak ( -626, 13, 272 ) /waypoint -626, 13, 272 Spinning teleporter inside the Hex Tower, south of Christanos Plaza.
Gorowyn Guild Hall 1 Gorowyn ( 2830, 122, 1236 ) /waypoint 2830, 122, 1236 All the way west in Gorowyn's housing area (take the first elevator halfway up then go south, up, and around in a counter-clockwise circle)

To get a /waypoint you can also press Alt+W and the Guild Hall should be listed under "Houses".

How to get to a guild hall in a different hometown

If your guild leader is of opposite alignment than you, or chooses to buy a guild hall in a different hometown, you have a couple of options on how to get there.

Файл:Magic door to guild hall.jpg
Buying the Magic Door from the City Merchant
  • From the City Merchants (for example Rabbleson in Qeynos Harbor) you can buy a Magic Door to the Guild Hall which you can place in your inn room. Once placed you can right-click this door and you will be teleported to the guild hall. The cost for this item is 30з 100,000 ОС.
  • If you are unable or unwilling to get this item the next choice is find someone with an inn room close by and attempt to use theirs.
  • If that fails the obvious choice is to walk there by foot (or horse etc) and if necessary sneak through the city's sewer system if your level is too low compared to the city guards. See the above section for the guild hall locations.
  • Once you are inside the guild hall and if your guild has the Guild Translocation Beacon amenity, you can now activate this one to get your Call to Guild Hall spell.

If you move, upgrade, or downgrade your guild hall

If or when you are wanting to move to a different kind of guild hall, either a higher tier one, or a lower tier one, or an equal one in a different hometown the same things will currently happen:

  • If you purchased the Harvesting Supply Depot amenity this one has to be cleared of all raw materials inside of it.
  • When attempting to buy the new guild hall you will get a pop-up box where you have to confirm that you really want to move.
  • The coin for the purchase will be taken from your inventory, not from the guild's escrow.

Once bought, what was in the escrow of your old guild hall will move with you to your new location. In addition the new escrow will get the following things added:

  • 75% of the original coin cost of purchase of the old guild hall will be refunded into the new hall's escrow. All prepaid upkeep will get lost in the move.
  • All amenities that were in the old guild hall will have been sold. You start out clean. Their original cost of purchase, unmodified by any upkeep, will be put into the new escrow, both coin and status. So DO NOT REMOVE amenities prior to moving.

Finally, all house items will be placed inside a moving crate which is placed inside the new guild hall.


For an overview of all the amenities possible in a guild hall, see the Guild Hall Amenities list (pictures included). The maximum number of amenities you can have in your guild hall is limited by the guild hall's tier (see above) or by your guild's level, whichever is lowest.

The following table shows how the guild level maps to available amenity slots.

Guild level Number of Amenities
30 - 34 5
35 - 39 7
40 - 44 10
45 - 49 12
50 - 54 15
55 - 59 17
60 - 61 20
62 - 63 21
64 - 65 22
66 - 67 23
68 - 69 24
70 - 71 25
72 - 73 26
74 - 75 27
76 - 77 28
78 - 79 29
80 30

All amenities are available right away, but with the disclaimer that not all the decoration amenities are accessible for all the guild hall tiers. It is up to your guild to decide which amenities you want to buy and pay the weekly upkeep for.

To purchase an amenity you just have to make sure there is enough coin and status in the guild halls's escrow. With the exception of the statue decorations, which are placed in a fixed spot, all amenities will initially be placed in the guild hall's first main room. You can then move them away.

If you remove an amenity, currently half (50%) of its original coin and status cost will be returned to the guild's escrow. So be careful.
