Пролив Свободных вод

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
Версия от 21:22, 7 ноября 2010; Томдед (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Моря Норрата}} Relative Island: The Commonlands in D’Lere This is a sea of rolling waves and an equally gentle breeze, but a breeze of cutting chill...»)
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Море Мертвого Штиля

Relative Island: The Commonlands in D’Lere

This is a sea of rolling waves and an equally gentle breeze, but a breeze of cutting chill. The water is thick with brine and islands of seaweed float along the surface. There is a gentle uneasy calm about this sea. It is well known for the frequent aqua goblin assaults upon nearly any ship that dare cross it. Some sailors report that their ships were boarded by pirates in aqua goblin costumes or even members of the Seafury Buccaneers. The Seafury Buccaneer piracy reports are quickly dismissed since they are part of the Freeportian armed forces and would never return to their days of high seas raids. The sky of this sea is filled with a canopy of gloomy gray clouds that shower down gentle drizzle. The water’s extreme saline content makes it difficult for even normal salt water denizens to exist for long periods of time.

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Моря Норрата
Море Холодных Ветров
Море Спокойствия
Нериусское течение
Море Туманов
Море Скрещенных Мечей
Море Ярости
Море Песков
Пылающее Море
Залив Гантака
Море Черной Воды
Клыкастое Море
Пролив Свободных вод
Котелковое Море
Пролив Двенадцати
Море Мертвого Штиля

Relative Island: The Commonlands in D’Lere

This is a sea of rolling waves and an equally gentle breeze, but a breeze of cutting chill. The water is thick with brine and islands of seaweed float along the surface. There is a gentle uneasy calm about this sea. It is well known for the frequent aqua goblin assaults upon nearly any ship that dare cross it. Some sailors report that their ships were boarded by pirates in aqua goblin costumes or even members of the Seafury Buccaneers. The Seafury Buccaneer piracy reports are quickly dismissed since they are part of the Freeportian armed forces and would never return to their days of high seas raids. The sky of this sea is filled with a canopy of gloomy gray clouds that shower down gentle drizzle. The water’s extreme saline content makes it difficult for even normal salt water denizens to exist for long periods of time.

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