Сложность мобов

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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When you target a monster, one of the following terms will appear beside his level. If nothing is to the right of his level, he is soloable. Also beware of up and down arrows.

See this article for more complete information regarding the Consider system.


Подобного монстра по силам одолеть игроку равного по уровню этому монстру. Не откажите себе в удовольствии отпинать его как следует.


Такой монстр должен быть по зубам группе из 6 игроков одинакового с монстром уровня.

Эпический x2, Эпический x3, Эпический x4

This monster is intended as a challenge for 2-4 full groups (12-24 players) within the level range indicated. There may be earlier steps that are soloable or can be done by a single group, but the final step will require a lot of friends.

Generally speaking, Epic Quests are some of the most difficult and challenging content in the game, and should not be attempted lightly.

NOTE the number after the x indicates the number of full groups of 6 players the encounter is designed for.

необходимо закончить перевод данной статьи

When you target a monster, one of the following terms will appear beside his level. If nothing is to the right of his level, he is soloable. Also beware of up and down arrows.

See this article for more complete information regarding the Consider system.


Подобного монстра по силам одолеть игроку равного по уровню этому монстру. Не откажите себе в удовольствии отпинать его как следует.


Такой монстр должен быть по зубам группе из 6 игроков одинакового с монстром уровня.

Эпический x2, Эпический x3, Эпический x4

This monster is intended as a challenge for 2-4 full groups (12-24 players) within the level range indicated. There may be earlier steps that are soloable or can be done by a single group, but the final step will require a lot of friends.

Generally speaking, Epic Quests are some of the most difficult and challenging content in the game, and should not be attempted lightly.

NOTE the number after the x indicates the number of full groups of 6 players the encounter is designed for.