Эвктрзкай Амдаатк

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Лаборатория Лорда Виемма (Kingdom of Sky)
Раса Глядельщик
Уровень 74 Тир 8 Эпический х4

Дополнительная база: LootDB

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Reaching a certain point down the stairs that lead to him will start off his lengthy dialogue. After a minute or two, he will finally turn aggro. Uses crushing damage that hits for about 3000 a time and occasionally casts Gaze of Writhing agony, which hits for a maximum of 3500 mental damage, is a random cast and sometimes is never cast at all. If a group has made it this far through the zone, these damage levels will be like water off a duck's back.

Often reported as the easiest named in the whole raid zone.

Раса: Глядельщик - чтобы загрузить индивидуальное изображение, нажмите здесь
EverQuest II информация об именном мобе
Зона (Обновление) Лаборатория Лорда Виемма (Kingdom of Sky)
Раса Глядельщик
Уровень 74 Тир 8 Эпический х4

Дополнительная база: LootDB

Очки статуса Да

Что означает эта информация?

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Reaching a certain point down the stairs that lead to him will start off his lengthy dialogue. After a minute or two, he will finally turn aggro. Uses crushing damage that hits for about 3000 a time and occasionally casts Gaze of Writhing agony, which hits for a maximum of 3500 mental damage, is a random cast and sometimes is never cast at all. If a group has made it this far through the zone, these damage levels will be like water off a duck's back.

Often reported as the easiest named in the whole raid zone.