Для того, чтобы увидеть все статьи, посвященные сбору ресурсов, смотри Category:Сбор ресурсов.


Зачем собирать ресурсы?

Есть три причины: зарабатывание денег, сохранение денег, выполнение заданий.

Ремесленники нуждаются в сырье, чтобы изготавливать свои товары. Некоторые ремесленники нуждаются в тысячах единиц ресурсов одного тира, чтобы повысить свой уровень и перейти к изготовлению вещей следующего тира. Многие ремесленники, не озабоченные вопросом времени, сами собирают необходимые им для прокачки ремесленного мастерства ресурсы. Те же, кто сами не хотят собирать, покупают их у других игроков.

Цена на ресурсы очень сильно колеблется в зависимости от спроса и предложения, но зачастую можно заработать довольно много денег, поставляя на рынок нужные ресурсы в нужное время. Изучайте ассортимент у брокера, не отставайте от рынка, идите собирать то, что пользуется спросом. Кроме того редкие (рарные) ресурсы, необходимые для изготовления вещей категории "Работа мастера", стоят существенно дороже обычных и всегда пользуются спросом. Так что есть множество способов заработать на сборе ресурсов.

Если вы ремесленник и у вас пока еще недостаточно много денег, или вы просто любите чувствовать себя независимым, сбор ресурсов самостоятельно - ваш путь. Прокачивайте свои навыки сбора ресурсов до максимума; ищите места сбора ресурсов, где поменьше конкурентов; вооружитесь специальными инструментами, увеличивающими скорость сбора ресурсов - и вперед и с песней! Не успеете оглянуться, как у вас будет необходимый запас ресурсов, необходимый для вашей ремесленной профессии, а также еще и запас золота или платины, которые вы сможете потратить на что-нибудь еще.

Не все, что вы собрали нужно вам в вашей профессии? Продайте! Мало того, что вы экономите деньги, вы еще можете получить неплохую компенсацию за время, потраченное на сбор ресурсов.

Наконец, есть задания, для выполнения которых требуется определенный навык сбора ресурсов. Их не так много, но существует большая вероятность того, что выполняя задания вы в конце концов столкнетесь с тем, что без навыка сбора ресурсов вам не обойтись. Собирайте ресурсы на своем пути во время путешествий по Норрату, поднимая постепенно все виды навыков сбора, и вам не придется потом тратить массу времени для того, чтобы прокачать эти навыки с нуля.

Как собирать ресурсы

Для сбора ресурсов из специальных точек сбора используются следующие умения: Mining, Сбор, Fishing, Ловля, and Foresting. Harvest a node using one of these actions:

  • Target the node and activate the appropriate skill - you can also drag the harvesting action keys from your Knowledge book to your hotbar and click them as you would a spell or combat art. This also allows you to queue your actions.
  • Right-click the node and select 'Harvest'
  • Place the cursor over the node and use the default action key
  • Double-click the node (or single click if you have your options set that way)

Nodes vary by tier, requiring a higher minimum skill to harvest in each successive tier. View the required minimum skill for a particular node by right-clicking the node and selecting 'Examine'. Or, just try to harvest the node; if you're below the minimum required skill, you'll get a helpful message that lists your skill and the minimum requirement. Checking your skill levels in the "Persona" window of your user interface is a quick way to get a complete overview of your skill progress.

Harvesting skills have a chance to improve with each harvest attempt. Harvesting skills are capped both by your level and by the zone you're harvesting in:

  • Your character's cap is your highest level (either tradeskill or adventure) times five.
  • Each tier has a cap at which the node will become trivial. The cap varies in number, but is always higher than the value required for the next higher tier.

Once your skill hits either cap, harvesting a node will always succeed.

Each node can be successfully harvested three times. Each successful harvest results in one or more resources:

  • 1, 3, or 5 common resources
  • 1 rare resource
  • 10 common resources and 1 rare resource

A low harvesting skill will result in fewer successes and more cases where nothing is found. Failure to harvest a resource does not deplete the node.

Where to Find Nodes

Nodes may be found throughout outdoor zones, including some instances.

  • Nodes appear randomly in the zones from the initial release. They tend to cluster in specific regions of the zone. After a node is harvested, a new node of any applicable type will spawn somewhere within that region.
  • For the zones introduced in and after the Desert of Flames expansion, nodes spawn in geographically appropriate locations; for example, ore and stone will be found near cliffs, mountains, and caves; shrubs, roots and wood will be found in grasslands or forested areas. After a node is harvested, a new node of a similar type will spawn. Fish, of course, are found only in water in all zones.

Zones (By Harvestable Tier)

Tier Minimum Skill Zones
Tier 1 1+ Queen's Colony, Outpost of the Overlord, Greater Faydark (Nursery + main area), Darklight Wood (East), Timorous Deep (Chrykori and Gorowyn islands), Forest Ruins, The Caves, Oakmyst Forest, The Peat Bog, Ruins, The Graveyard, Sunken City and Sprawl
Tier 2 20+ Antonica, The Commonlands, Greater Faydark (east side), Darklight Wood (West), and Timorous Deep (Mok island)
Tier 3 90+ The Thundering Steppes, Nektulos Forest, Zarvonn's Tower and Butcherblock Mountains
Tier 4 140+ Enchanted Lands, Zek, the Orcish Wastes, Cove of Decay and Steamfont Mountains (north & west)
Tier 5 190+ Lavastorm, Everfrost, Rivervale, The Feerrott and Steamfont Mountains (south & east)
Tier 6 240+ All Desert of Flames zones: (The Sinking Sands, The Pillars of Flame), all Fallen Dynasty zones (Village of Shin, Mystic Lake), Lesser Faydark
Tier 7 (varies) Kingdom of Sky zones: (Tenebrous Tangle(250), Barren Sky(250) and Bonemire(240)), Loping Plains
Tier 8 340+ Kylong Plains and other Rise of Kunark zones other than Timorous Deep

*with the launch of Echoes of Faydwer, some of the new zones contain resource nodes for more than one tier.

What Nodes Should You Harvest?

If you only have one kind of material to harvest in the original zones, there's a natural tendency to zoom all over the zone, harvesting the one kind of node you need and moving on. Whether done for good intentions ("I'll leave the other nodes for other players") or bad ("I don't care who else is harvesting in the area; I need this stuff"), the net result of this behavior over time is actually reduced availability of just the node you need. Here's why:

Harvesting nodes are distributed in a semi-random, semi-even fashion in an area. Let's say an area has 25 nodes: five roots and 20 others made up of different nodes. When the five root nodes are harvested, they have to be replaced. When the zone repopulates those harvest nodes, it does not put back five root nodes (not regularly, anyway); it will randomly allocate different kinds of harvest nodes into those five spots. Maybe you'll get only one or two roots the next time around. Harvest those one or two, and on the third repopulation you probably won't see any roots spawn.
Ever come into an area to find only food bushes and logs? That's not a server accident; that's a consequence of selective harvesting. You're not going to find more rocks and roots in there until somebody goes in and clears out the deadwood.

Here's an alternate suggestion: Harvest everything in one area. Five great reasons to do this:

  1. Most important, your repopulation of nodes will be consistent. If you find five roots in an area with 25 nodes, and you clear all the nodes, you will get several of those roots again when the area repopulates. You might get three, or five, or eight, depending on the random rolls, but the chances of getting more are greater the more free spots you provide.
  2. You're going to be out waiting for the repopulation anyway, so harvesting the non-needed nodes gives you something to do.
  3. You stay out of the way of other harvesters, letting them enjoy the game and be effective gatherers while you have that same experience.
  4. You have a better chance of competing against those zoom-around cherry pickers if you stay put. When you stake out and clear an area, you'll catch on pretty quickly to how the server is putting in the new nodes. If you're really hoping to find ore rocks, it won't take long before you can anticipate when the rocks are about to spawn. Jump over and grab them as they pop. The guy on the carpet? Once in a while he'll arrive in time to get a rock or two; often, he'll be on the other side of the zone and will completely miss the rock spawn; some of the time, he'll just cruise past your empty area because it doesn't even look like there's anything to harvest there.
  5. When you're all done, you'll have stacks of what you need, stacks of junk material that isn't worth anything, AND you'll probably have stacks of something you can sell at a good price on the broker. If you're moving frantically around, you won't get the chance to make anything extra to pay for your time. Remember, rare materials can drop from any node; a few of those can buy a nice Master spell for one of your characters. The more nodes you harvest (and the less time you spend running around), the better your chances of getting rare items to sell.

Oh, and if someone else is in the same area harvesting, try cooperative harvesting: if she needs roots and you need loam, agree to leave those for each other and to clear out everything else between you. No anxiety, more fun, and someone to talk to about that guy on the carpet.

Of course, all this is not an issue in the newer zones with non-random node spawns. No pattern of harvesting will affect the availability of nodes once they start respawning.

Harvesting Tools and Items

Many harvesting tools are available to reduce harvest time by a varying amount and/or provide a bonus to harvesting skills. These items improve the efficiency of harvesting, allowing more resources to be acquired in the same amount of time. They are made by woodworkers or tinkerers.

Для того, чтобы увидеть все статьи, посвященные сбору ресурсов, смотри Category:Сбор ресурсов.

Зачем собирать ресурсы?

Есть три причины: зарабатывание денег, сохранение денег, выполнение заданий.

Ремесленники нуждаются в сырье, чтобы изготавливать свои товары. Некоторые ремесленники нуждаются в тысячах единиц ресурсов одного тира, чтобы повысить свой уровень и перейти к изготовлению вещей следующего тира. Многие ремесленники, не озабоченные вопросом времени, сами собирают необходимые им для прокачки ремесленного мастерства ресурсы. Те же, кто сами не хотят собирать, покупают их у других игроков.

Цена на ресурсы очень сильно колеблется в зависимости от спроса и предложения, но зачастую можно заработать довольно много денег, поставляя на рынок нужные ресурсы в нужное время. Изучайте ассортимент у брокера, не отставайте от рынка, идите собирать то, что пользуется спросом. Кроме того редкие (рарные) ресурсы, необходимые для изготовления вещей категории "Работа мастера", стоят существенно дороже обычных и всегда пользуются спросом. Так что есть множество способов заработать на сборе ресурсов.

Если вы ремесленник и у вас пока еще недостаточно много денег, или вы просто любите чувствовать себя независимым, сбор ресурсов самостоятельно - ваш путь. Прокачивайте свои навыки сбора ресурсов до максимума; ищите места сбора ресурсов, где поменьше конкурентов; вооружитесь специальными инструментами, увеличивающими скорость сбора ресурсов - и вперед и с песней! Не успеете оглянуться, как у вас будет необходимый запас ресурсов, необходимый для вашей ремесленной профессии, а также еще и запас золота или платины, которые вы сможете потратить на что-нибудь еще.

Не все, что вы собрали нужно вам в вашей профессии? Продайте! Мало того, что вы экономите деньги, вы еще можете получить неплохую компенсацию за время, потраченное на сбор ресурсов.

Наконец, есть задания, для выполнения которых требуется определенный навык сбора ресурсов. Их не так много, но существует большая вероятность того, что выполняя задания вы в конце концов столкнетесь с тем, что без навыка сбора ресурсов вам не обойтись. Собирайте ресурсы на своем пути во время путешествий по Норрату, поднимая постепенно все виды навыков сбора, и вам не придется потом тратить массу времени для того, чтобы прокачать эти навыки с нуля.

Как собирать ресурсы

Для сбора ресурсов из специальных точек сбора используются следующие умения: Mining, Сбор, Fishing, Ловля, and Foresting. Harvest a node using one of these actions:

  • Target the node and activate the appropriate skill - you can also drag the harvesting action keys from your Knowledge book to your hotbar and click them as you would a spell or combat art. This also allows you to queue your actions.
  • Right-click the node and select 'Harvest'
  • Place the cursor over the node and use the default action key
  • Double-click the node (or single click if you have your options set that way)

Nodes vary by tier, requiring a higher minimum skill to harvest in each successive tier. View the required minimum skill for a particular node by right-clicking the node and selecting 'Examine'. Or, just try to harvest the node; if you're below the minimum required skill, you'll get a helpful message that lists your skill and the minimum requirement. Checking your skill levels in the "Persona" window of your user interface is a quick way to get a complete overview of your skill progress.

Harvesting skills have a chance to improve with each harvest attempt. Harvesting skills are capped both by your level and by the zone you're harvesting in:

  • Your character's cap is your highest level (either tradeskill or adventure) times five.
  • Each tier has a cap at which the node will become trivial. The cap varies in number, but is always higher than the value required for the next higher tier.

Once your skill hits either cap, harvesting a node will always succeed.

Each node can be successfully harvested three times. Each successful harvest results in one or more resources:

  • 1, 3, or 5 common resources
  • 1 rare resource
  • 10 common resources and 1 rare resource

A low harvesting skill will result in fewer successes and more cases where nothing is found. Failure to harvest a resource does not deplete the node.

Where to Find Nodes

Nodes may be found throughout outdoor zones, including some instances.

  • Nodes appear randomly in the zones from the initial release. They tend to cluster in specific regions of the zone. After a node is harvested, a new node of any applicable type will spawn somewhere within that region.
  • For the zones introduced in and after the Desert of Flames expansion, nodes spawn in geographically appropriate locations; for example, ore and stone will be found near cliffs, mountains, and caves; shrubs, roots and wood will be found in grasslands or forested areas. After a node is harvested, a new node of a similar type will spawn. Fish, of course, are found only in water in all zones.

Zones (By Harvestable Tier)

Tier Minimum Skill Zones
Tier 1 1+ Queen's Colony, Outpost of the Overlord, Greater Faydark (Nursery + main area), Darklight Wood (East), Timorous Deep (Chrykori and Gorowyn islands), Forest Ruins, The Caves, Oakmyst Forest, The Peat Bog, Ruins, The Graveyard, Sunken City and Sprawl
Tier 2 20+ Antonica, The Commonlands, Greater Faydark (east side), Darklight Wood (West), and Timorous Deep (Mok island)
Tier 3 90+ The Thundering Steppes, Nektulos Forest, Zarvonn's Tower and Butcherblock Mountains
Tier 4 140+ Enchanted Lands, Zek, the Orcish Wastes, Cove of Decay and Steamfont Mountains (north & west)
Tier 5 190+ Lavastorm, Everfrost, Rivervale, The Feerrott and Steamfont Mountains (south & east)
Tier 6 240+ All Desert of Flames zones: (The Sinking Sands, The Pillars of Flame), all Fallen Dynasty zones (Village of Shin, Mystic Lake), Lesser Faydark
Tier 7 (varies) Kingdom of Sky zones: (Tenebrous Tangle(250), Barren Sky(250) and Bonemire(240)), Loping Plains
Tier 8 340+ Kylong Plains and other Rise of Kunark zones other than Timorous Deep

*with the launch of Echoes of Faydwer, some of the new zones contain resource nodes for more than one tier.

What Nodes Should You Harvest?

If you only have one kind of material to harvest in the original zones, there's a natural tendency to zoom all over the zone, harvesting the one kind of node you need and moving on. Whether done for good intentions ("I'll leave the other nodes for other players") or bad ("I don't care who else is harvesting in the area; I need this stuff"), the net result of this behavior over time is actually reduced availability of just the node you need. Here's why:

Harvesting nodes are distributed in a semi-random, semi-even fashion in an area. Let's say an area has 25 nodes: five roots and 20 others made up of different nodes. When the five root nodes are harvested, they have to be replaced. When the zone repopulates those harvest nodes, it does not put back five root nodes (not regularly, anyway); it will randomly allocate different kinds of harvest nodes into those five spots. Maybe you'll get only one or two roots the next time around. Harvest those one or two, and on the third repopulation you probably won't see any roots spawn.
Ever come into an area to find only food bushes and logs? That's not a server accident; that's a consequence of selective harvesting. You're not going to find more rocks and roots in there until somebody goes in and clears out the deadwood.

Here's an alternate suggestion: Harvest everything in one area. Five great reasons to do this:

  1. Most important, your repopulation of nodes will be consistent. If you find five roots in an area with 25 nodes, and you clear all the nodes, you will get several of those roots again when the area repopulates. You might get three, or five, or eight, depending on the random rolls, but the chances of getting more are greater the more free spots you provide.
  2. You're going to be out waiting for the repopulation anyway, so harvesting the non-needed nodes gives you something to do.
  3. You stay out of the way of other harvesters, letting them enjoy the game and be effective gatherers while you have that same experience.
  4. You have a better chance of competing against those zoom-around cherry pickers if you stay put. When you stake out and clear an area, you'll catch on pretty quickly to how the server is putting in the new nodes. If you're really hoping to find ore rocks, it won't take long before you can anticipate when the rocks are about to spawn. Jump over and grab them as they pop. The guy on the carpet? Once in a while he'll arrive in time to get a rock or two; often, he'll be on the other side of the zone and will completely miss the rock spawn; some of the time, he'll just cruise past your empty area because it doesn't even look like there's anything to harvest there.
  5. When you're all done, you'll have stacks of what you need, stacks of junk material that isn't worth anything, AND you'll probably have stacks of something you can sell at a good price on the broker. If you're moving frantically around, you won't get the chance to make anything extra to pay for your time. Remember, rare materials can drop from any node; a few of those can buy a nice Master spell for one of your characters. The more nodes you harvest (and the less time you spend running around), the better your chances of getting rare items to sell.

Oh, and if someone else is in the same area harvesting, try cooperative harvesting: if she needs roots and you need loam, agree to leave those for each other and to clear out everything else between you. No anxiety, more fun, and someone to talk to about that guy on the carpet.

Of course, all this is not an issue in the newer zones with non-random node spawns. No pattern of harvesting will affect the availability of nodes once they start respawning.

Harvesting Tools and Items

Many harvesting tools are available to reduce harvest time by a varying amount and/or provide a bonus to harvesting skills. These items improve the efficiency of harvesting, allowing more resources to be acquired in the same amount of time. They are made by woodworkers or tinkerers.