Вопросы к разработчикам 2009.04.06 — различия между версиями

Материал из Энциклопедия EverQuest II
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*Q: Curiosity question (not designed to restart the debate on the xp change):  Levels 20-69 received the curve, but not levels 70-80.  I am curious as to the reasoning not to include the 70-80 in the curve.  AA points? Non-level cap increase? Non-raid content? All of the above?
*Q: Вопрос из любопытства (не для того, чтобы по-новой обсуждать набор опыта):  формула расчета БО была изменена для уровней  20-69, а для 70-80 осталась прежнейПочему было принято такое решение? Из-за ОД? Из-за увеличения капа без добавления новых уровней? Из-за не-рейдового контента? Из-за всего вышеперечисленного?
*A: Изменение формулы расчета БО делается для того, чтобы прогресс по старым зонам\заданиям шел быстрее и у игроков раньше появлялась возможность проводить время в компании своих друзей. Набор БО с 70 до 80 уровней может быть ускорен, когда будет увеличен максимальный уровень, но не раньше.  
*A: When we adjust level curves its generally to make progression through older content a little faster, so that you can get to spending time with your friends just a little faster. The current 71-80 range may get adjusted whenever we raise the level cap again but not until that point.  
*Q: Could you look at the difficulty of the 68ish-80+ solo mobs? As a healer when I have to solo I go splat if I accidently get more than 1 or they stun me for 20 seconds (exaggeration-but it feels like a really long time). I'm not talking about the group mobs. Group play is a lot of fun just the solo mobs can beat a lone healer into the ground with stuns and stifles. Or give us better tools to deal with stuns and stifles. I only have access to one ability that breaks stuns and stifles (thru aa) and it is on a 5 min timer and hardly ever works. Please help the lone healer .
*Q: Можно ли пересмотреть сложность соло-мобов 68-80+ уровней? Когда мой хил играет соло, то он умирает при каждом бое, если выступает против больше чем одного моба, либо когда его станят на 20 секунд (преувеличение, но по собственным ощущениям, это действительно вечность). Я не имею ввиду групповых мобов. Игра в пати это, конечно, весело, но в одиночку становится очень грустно. Дайте хилам возможность противостоять станам и оглушению. У меня есть только одно заклинание, которое позволяет сопротивляться такому воздействию (по веткам ОД) и у него 5и минутный таймер и оно вообще практически никогда не срабатывает. Помогите одинокому хилу.
*A: Для некоторых классов проблема выстоять против несколькимх соло-мобов, дествительно выше, чем для других. Но и сейчас в игре можно отлично сражаться в одиночку, если быть достаточно осторожным. Планов вот так сразу улучшить какой-либо класс, чтобы он легче противостоял нескольким соло-мобам сразу, нет. Если имеется ввиду какой-то конкретный моб, который является соло и использует длительный стан, я бы предложил отправить сообщение разработчикам и тогда можно будет оценить именно эту ситуацию, без изменений для целого класса персонажей.
*A: Some classes naturally have more difficulty with multiple solo mobs than others. However, everyone can currently solo pretty effectively if they are careful. There are no plans though to increase any class handling multiple solo mobs at once. If there is a particular mob that is solo and has long stuns then I would suggest submitting feedback on that so we can take a look at the individual abilitiy rather than adjusting classes to solo better.

Версия 14:56, 5 мая 2009

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  • Q: Будет ли расширен ассортимент коллекционных предметов, которые можно получить от домашнего буриная, чтобы там появились все новые коллекции TSO и другие коллекции, введеные в игру после RoK'а?
  • A: Мы обсуждали эту идею и в ближайшем будущем определенные (но не все) коллекции TSO можно будет также получить покормив своего буриная.


  • Q: Will the neutral avatar charm 2 set bonus ever be upgraded to be more in line with good and evil avatar charm 2 set?
  • A: The neutral set was designed to fit in the middle ground between dps oriented loot setup and the defensive focus of the good. So we think it actually works well for how the neutral deity items are setup and gives a non-dps or defensive oriented option.


  • Q: Появятся ли в игре сеты оружия и брони с различными комбинациями элементов, например сет оружие+щит, сет из двух видов оружия (для основной и вспомогательной ячейки), дальнобойное оружие+талисман?
  • A: Уже существует как минимум один сет из двух видов оружия, который можно получить из Осколка Страха, т.е. такая возможность есть. Какую-то конкретную информацию о том, какие сеты появятся в будущем, мы не можем предоставить, но планы по созданию новых типов сетов имеются.


  • Q: Будут ли добавлены украшения, которые по логике должны существовать, но в игре их нет, напр. кроме +1 к блокировке щита на 50м уровне, должны быть +2% или +3% на 70м...
  • A: Мы планируем провести тщательный пересмотр существующих украшений и скорее всего, будут сделаны определенные изменения. Однако, до того как пересмотр будет закончен, говорить о том что именно поменяется, и даже о том, что может поменяться еще рано.


  • Q: Почему было решено не улучшать некоторые предметы из х4 сета ТСО для менестреля (по сравнению с сетом из RoKа)? Например, заклинатели при обновлении RoK сета на ТСО получают уменьшение времени на повторное использование заклинания и улучшенные характеристики для пета...
  • A: Каждый предмет рейдовой экипировки ТСО для менестреля был значительно улучшен по сравнению с аналогом из RoKа. Для того, чтобы ответить на этот вопрос в деталях, нужно больше конкретной информации по тому, что именно не устраивает.


  • Q: Появятся ли в игре новые виды ездовых животных\предметов? Было бы здорово, чтоб это было что-нибудь летающее (например, летающий дракончик или сококар). И планируется ли добавление новых или улучшение старых ездовых животных\предметов, с увеличенным бонусом передвижения (ну почему понерфили коврик из Лавы?!!!)?
  • A: Да и да =) Создание новых ездовых животных\предметов это нелегкая и долгая задача для наших художников, поэтому они и добавляются достаточно редко, но точно могу сказать, что новые виды будут. Разработку летающих ездовых созданий тоже обсуждали, хотя в игре они бы только парили, а не совсем свободно летали (дизайн текущих зон накладывает на перемещение в воздухе некоторые ограничения). Все еще не решены полностью технические проблемы с увеличением скорости выше определенного значения, но проблему решаем и более быстрые средства передвижения в какой-то момент появятся.


  • Q: Есть ли планы увеличить скорость набора ОД (очков достижений)? Например, изменить формулу расчета, увеличить коэффициент при переводе очков боевого опыта, либо ввести повторяемые задания с наградой в виде ОС (очков статуса).

The game has gone to great lengths to increase level speed as fast as practical to the point where even with casual play the level cap can be reached within 2-4weeks. While the curve is adjusted ever more favorably whenever AP is added, content to gain that AP does not increase in proportion and the push for the remaining AP is more chore than fun.The current system also negatively affects player behaviour;once I neared 140AP in RoK, I stopped doing quests because I knew I'd need the quest Axp to make the AP gain reasonable for the next expansion.

Former producer Scott Hartsman stated at RoK launch that the fun part of the game was not having to worry about the grind and just playing. If that philosophy is still true then it should be applied to AP as well.

  • A: На самом деле, подобные изменения были сделаны перед установкой The Shadow Odyssey. Как выяснилось, особенно трудно было набивать ОД со 100 до 140, и мы немного облегчили ситуацию.


  • Q: На многих ветках форума предлагалось ввести регулятор распределения очков опыта, чтобы игроки могли по собственному выбору влиять на то, какой из разных видов опыта будет увеличиваться (прим. пер. - имеется в виду БО для повышения уровня или ОД). Многие игроки считают, что определенный стиль игры позволяет получать гораздо больше бонусов, нежели другой. Планируется ли ввести подобный механизм?
  • A: Такой регулятор хорошо работал в оригинальной EQ, где был только один способ получения ОД - с ростом уровня приключенца. В EQII игрокам предоставлена возможность более быстрого набора ОД за счет выполнения заданий, открытия новых локаций, убийство именных мобов и даже за получение определенных предметов, без изменения уровня персонажа. По нашему мнению, это оптимальный компромисс, позволяющий набирать ОД и повышать уровень одновременно и достаточно быстро.


  • Q: Будут ли сделаны изменения в механизме получения ОД? Чаще всего игроки вынуждены активно их набирать на более поздних уровнях, что лишает удовольствия от игры. Возможность конвертировать БО в ОД или просто получать больше ОД было бы очень оценено игроками и позволило бы играть в удовольствие, а не откладывать это удовольствие на потом, после зарабатывания нужных ОД.
  • A: После достижения 80го уровня весь БО конвертируется в ОД. Кроме того, дополнительный опыт можно получить множеством способов - выполняя дополнительные задания, обучая игроков, выполняя миссии ТСО и т.д.


  • Q: Вопрос из любопытства (не для того, чтобы по-новой обсуждать набор опыта): формула расчета БО была изменена для уровней 20-69, а для 70-80 осталась прежней. Почему было принято такое решение? Из-за ОД? Из-за увеличения капа без добавления новых уровней? Из-за не-рейдового контента? Из-за всего вышеперечисленного?
  • A: Изменение формулы расчета БО делается для того, чтобы прогресс по старым зонам\заданиям шел быстрее и у игроков раньше появлялась возможность проводить время в компании своих друзей. Набор БО с 70 до 80 уровней может быть ускорен, когда будет увеличен максимальный уровень, но не раньше.


  • Q: Можно ли пересмотреть сложность соло-мобов 68-80+ уровней? Когда мой хил играет соло, то он умирает при каждом бое, если выступает против больше чем одного моба, либо когда его станят на 20 секунд (преувеличение, но по собственным ощущениям, это действительно вечность). Я не имею ввиду групповых мобов. Игра в пати это, конечно, весело, но в одиночку становится очень грустно. Дайте хилам возможность противостоять станам и оглушению. У меня есть только одно заклинание, которое позволяет сопротивляться такому воздействию (по веткам ОД) и у него 5и минутный таймер и оно вообще практически никогда не срабатывает. Помогите одинокому хилу.
  • A: Для некоторых классов проблема выстоять против несколькимх соло-мобов, дествительно выше, чем для других. Но и сейчас в игре можно отлично сражаться в одиночку, если быть достаточно осторожным. Планов вот так сразу улучшить какой-либо класс, чтобы он легче противостоял нескольким соло-мобам сразу, нет. Если имеется ввиду какой-то конкретный моб, который является соло и использует длительный стан, я бы предложил отправить сообщение разработчикам и тогда можно будет оценить именно эту ситуацию, без изменений для целого класса персонажей.


  • Q: What I would like to know is whether they are EVER going to look at certain spell lines and AA stuff. For instance, what good is the heresy/blasphemy line outside PvP? Or that Maladroit line in Inquisitor AA? Make that puppy read "Reduces all of target encounter's AoEs by 25%". What good is attribute and skill reduction debuff?

The new armor appearances from the X2 raid zone are awesome and unique, but is there any intention of implementing these same appearances for those of us who don't have the opportunity, time, etc, to raid? If so, when?

  • A: These appearances will eventually make their way into solo or small group content, but I would not expect to see that happen for quite some time.


  • Q: Will there be more gear with less classes on them in the future?

Like how bards have gear made for them, and only useable by them. Get more gear that instead of 'all ___' would be 'sorcerers and summoners' or 'predators and rogues' for example? A few classes have an easier time gearing up, and cheaper as well. A bard has an easy time gearing up, usually on gear the only other classes able to use them are crusaders for some reason. Meanwhile most mage and scout dps items are very open, meaning they ma have to compete with atleast 5 other classes, if not more, resulting in these classes having a much harder time to gear up.

  • A: Bards and Crusaders have more class-limited armor designed for them because their design is much more dependant on a broad set of stats than other classes. In order to be as effective as a non-hybrid, they require equal or nearly equal amounts of multiple stats which, in the hands of a non-hybrid, could be unbalancing. While it is true that there is less competition for these items, they are also less abundant and drop at a much lower rate.


  • Q: Will there ever be an 14 to 21 piece set, so that there is a slight chance templars are not forced to melee but can cast without loosing the Set-Bonus? Since i cannot change to CA like the inqs i really like to see some caster gear without switching to cover my body with tissues.
  • A: I’m not sure I understand most of this question, so I apologize in advance if this is not the answer you were looking for: You’re unlikely to see very large sets of this nature mainly due to the difficulty of upgrading individual pieces later. The better a set bonus is, the less likely it is that a player will be willing to remove it to use new equipment. As far as offensive caster plate is concerned, you may see some of this, but the templar class is not intended to be a high dps caster, and thus not much equipment is created to help fill this role. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be any pieces of this type available, but they will not be widespread.


  • Q: Are shards/tickets/various other bits to trade to merchants now the standard for World Events, Pre-expansion events, Expansions, and Holiday Events?
  • A: They were not originally designed to be, but as the events have expanded drastically over the past year they have been used more and more. It started as a merchant system for Erollisi Day in 2008 and was then used more extensively in the TSO Pre-expansion events last summer. We had not planned on using it again for Frostfell, but after receiving player feedback from the Test servers it became the obvious choice. You will see them used more often, particularly for events as it allows players to choose their own reward. Some players are interested in house items, others are not. Some like new armor choices, others love their current look. By using a merchant it doesn’t matter if they are interested in house items, armor, equipment, mounts, pets, etc.; everyone has a better chance of finding something that catches their eye.


  • Q: This question was discussed in December chat but I think it's right time to ask again - shall we see new summer events or the Nights of the Dead is the closest one?
  • A: There are some celebrations coming this summer, but that’s all we can say right now, sorry.


  • Q: The spell name convention got quite a positive feedback on the Russian forum. A related question is - does dev's team plan any changes in spell rank system? Currently Apprentice II-IV, Adept II and IV, Master III-IV tiers are almost not used at all if ever were. Should we make this clean and neat as well?
  • A: Actually we have removed that system with the spell renaming project in favor of a simpler naming convention. Apprentice II spells were removed altogether since few use them. Apprentice IV was renamed to Journeyman. Adept 1 became simply Adept. Adept IIIs have become Expert. Master I is simply Master while Master II spells are now Grandmaster.


  • Q: Will you be expanding tinkered items? I would love to blast through Sinking Sands on a gnomish dirt bike with dual elemental capacitors WOO WOO And think about raising the level of our Cow Launcher I wanna pull new raid mobs with cattle
  • A: As the level cap continues to rise, all tradeskills can expect more recipes and items. Tinkerers can also expect a bit of upcoming live event fun, as well.


  • Q: Can someone confirm if harvesting is working as intended? With the ability to easily parse harvesting via ACT it is shown, time and time again on threads on this site, that the use of +harvesting gear has little or no effect on the success rates. A capped out t8 harvester with all the modifiers available is barely any more successful in harvest rates or rare rates than a harvester progressing through the tiers, at or significantly below cap. T5 is the obvious example of this. Is this tied in with the RNG again? While I acknowledge that a RNG can only truly be assessed over an "infinite" sample, most of us won't be around for the results of such a test. Therefore I really think that the RNG needs to "appear" to be random over the short term, as well as "be" random over the (infinitely) long term.
  • A: You need to be significantly over the skill cap of a harvesting tier before you see a significant difference in the success rates. While higher harvesting skill does have an effect in T8, it is much more noticeable the higher your skill is above the node you are harvesting.
  • Q: Since druids are healer/dps hybrids (traded good mt/group buffs, debuffs and specialty heals that land after cleric and shaman heals, and less protective armor for dps) where should a druids DPS potentional be (when DPSing, not healing) in relation to the pure non dps classes like plate tanks, non druid healers, bards and chanters ideally if gear/skill were equal?

All healers heal relatively equally but from boxng (but not really doing anything but occasiaonal autoattacking a brigand, swashy, and now working a templer) on a second account, the buffs from clerics allows me to take on up to 3 yellow 3 up mobs and kill them usually unless a named is involved where with the other classes, 2 3 up yellow mobs would be a stretch sometimes. Templer is lvl 67 or 68 now. If I dont run shard instances, will probalby get her up closer to 72 in POA and then start RoK before raid tonight.

This is pre ROK content while mentoring btw and the buffs are only app 1 since I can level them so fast that getting non dropped upgrades is a waste pre T-8 and i just got 8 pts in SA with lvl 50 crafted gear on the templer and maybe a low 60's treasured helm.

My point being that the secondary side of cleric and shaman with buffs and debuffs should not be underestimated and for balance, the dps of a druid should be much higher.

  • A: Generally speaking, Priest classes are not supposed to be high on the pure damage scale. Their “DPS” is supposed to really come through healing. Druid healing is more inefficient though so we are looking at ways to increase efficiency of heal over time spells. Of course, that is something that we will talk about later in the year.


  • Q: I know this a long shot, but is there anyway to roll back Devastation fist back to what it was before TSO came out. This CA was a perfect "finish him" move. Kinda like Bruce Lee's one inch punch, only moreso with a full swing and boom. This CA is no longer Devastating or Desolating.
  • A: This was a percentage based skill which was problematic as npc healthy scaled up exponentially. The current values are currently inline with the higher damage fighter combat arts, and we don’t anticipate making any significant changes to it at this point.

Another long shot question, can someone explain why the disparity of DA/MC/AE-Auto Attack between plate tanks and brawlers exist. (AA-wise that is.)


  • Q: Coercer pets - there were rumors in the air the the pets will be made less meaningful for the class. What can we expect to be changed?
  • A: Heh. Players should stop reading the National Enquirer for in game information. On a serious note though, unless you see it in the live release notes it is rumor and nothing more than that. Certain npcs might be tuned slightly for charm because of their special abilities but these are done on a zone by zone basis and not as some sort of global damage reduction plan.


  • Q: Do you plan to change Templar Achievements Tree to enhance offensive abilities of the class? Any plans for new templar's gear to give bonus to his offense? Or such changes can be discussed after the fighters revamp?
  • A: As Priests are not an offensive archetype, we don’t have any plans to increase their damage overall through skills or achievements.


  • Q: More and more scripted encounters are being deployed that involved a specific detrimental effect as a key role in executing the script successfully. Is it possible to add a list of detrimental effects to dynamic data for the raidmember set? Just like for personal detrimental effects, but for each raid member? So we can make custom UI's that show mini flags for detrimentals on each raid member or UI's with specific flags for encounter significant detrimentals. The naga in ToMC is a prime example where identifying who is cursed with mark of the serpent vs the other trivial curse would be significantly beneficial to be able to report this via game ui. Instead your pushing us to hard requirements of 3rd party applications to provide the same data that really should be readily available from the client.
  • A: This is a lot of extra data to add for 24 people and could impact performance on raids quite a bit. We are being very careful about doing anything that would hurt performance, so at the moment we have no plans to add this information. These encounters are designed so that there is enough time for a player to communicate their detriment to the rest of the raid and still receive a cure in time.


  • Q: Can AFK status be added to the group/raid window metadata?
  • A: This is a good idea and something I think we can add in the future.


  • Q: Will we ever see multiple item drag-and-drop like there is in EQ1?

From what I have seen during my playtime I know that, although there is no highlight indicating something in your inventory has been "selected", there is a selection mechanic. I have encountered several times where trying to split several, different stacks of items I end up splitting *again* a previous stack (and that stack could be in another container entirely) instead of the new stack I am trying to work with, as if the previous stack is still selected.

In EQ1, you could hold shift or ctrl down while clicking items in your containers and (with shift) it would highlight all items between the first and last items clicked or (with ctrl) highlight/deselect each individual item clicked, the same way this mechanic works in Windows. When this got implimented in EQ1 I LOVED it. It'd save my wrist that much more movement.

I'm finding now, in my older age, my wrist and elbow are beginning to suffer a lot more from all the individual clicking and dragging.

  • A: This would be a nice feature to have, but would also be a pretty significant change on the client side. We have no plans to do something like this in the near future but will keep it in mind.


  • Q: One of the things i'd love to see are the information listed in the maintained spell effects window and detrimental spell effects windows be open to dynamic data. Are there any plans on opening up this type of data to the interface modding community?
  • A: No plans at this time due to potential performance issues.


  • Q: Is there any chance that we could have an increase in amount of quests we can have in our journal? Almost always it's a struggle to keep some journal entries open for new quests or deciding which quests i can delete and save for another time.
  • A: We already increased the journal size once for the same reason. This is one of those situations where no matter how big we make it, players would most likely use the entire space. Because of performance reasons, we don’t have any plans to increase the size at this time.


  • Q: Please give us more hotbars! Will we ever get them? It's impossible for a hardcore raider to fit it all in 10 hotbars, for me anyways. I asked this question last month but it wasn't answered to some chagrin.
  • A: We don’t have plans to increase the number of hotbars. If there is a valid reason for the majority of players to have anywhere near 120 hotkeys, we have other issues to consider.


  • Q: Will there be more functionality in the guild window?

For instance, it already states number of accounts , so how about organising it by account, rather than toons. Makes promotions easier, booting easier, seeing when people (the account) were last on, seeing what toons online people have that we may be able to put a group together with, etc.

  • A: If we see that a large interest develops for making changes to the guild window, we could certainly look into it.


  • Q: Are there any plans to add an in-game guild calendar for guild usage? It would be a nice addition that other competitors have already taken up.
  • A: This is something we’ve been talking about for a long time and think it would be a nice addition to the game. We don’t have any plans to implement it in the near future but something we would consider.


  • Q: Are there any plans to add a auto attack casting bar to the default UI, or maybe just make it so that casting CA's don't stop auto attacks, so melee don't have to worry about timing, alot like casters?
  • A: We currently don’t have any plans to add something like that to our UI. I understand that there are some custom UI that will display when an auto attack is incoming, though.


  • Q: Would it be possible to get an in game list of nameds/discos/etc we have already rewarded aaxp for?
  • A: We will certainly consider making this information available in the future.


  • Q: Can soemthing be set in the guild hall interface to allow Guild status to be automatically donated to the guild hall once the guild has reached max level? This would allow guilds that are level 80 to have the status used and have it not go poof.
  • A: There are two different types of status. There is status that your guild earns to level. This is similar to adventure XP and tradeskill XP, but for your guild. Then there is personal status that characters earn. This personal status is what is used to purchase items, pay house upkeep etc. There are no plans to change this system so that guild XP (status) can be used to pay upkeep. Perhaps a better fix is to rename guild status to guild XP so there is less confusion about these two point systems.


  • Q: Is the journal ever going to stop jumping to a random unfinished quest when you complete one?

It used to drop to a grey quest (for me it was the grey Nek Forest HQ) but now it always goes to the Everfrost TSO 'complete something in each of the shard zones' quest. It never ever goes to another quest in the same zone where I am which would be the handier thing for it to do since I am often doing more than one series in the same zone.

  • A: Yes, this is something we can look at fixing.


  • Q: I'm a Fury that has a heal spec and a DPS spec. When I swap specs, I swap out all my equipment except my Mythical via macros. I also like to swap my appearance gear from plate armor when dps'ing to leather gear when healing. Currently the macro tool only allows X (i think 13) number of "commands". So my question is this.....

Can we please get the number of commands used within a macro increased high enough to equip both armor and appearance slots at one time??

P.S. Please don't tell me to make 2 macros!

  • A: We will take this suggestion into consideration.


  • Q: Are there any roleplayers on the Dev team? The team's focus seems to be shifting from lore and immersion toward a greater emphasis on mechanics and numbers. There is a perception among the playerbase that certain things -- certain classes, certain spells or items, certain tactics -- are required to complete some of the game's content, and the team seems to be reinforcing that perception, rather than reiterating the game's original design intent, where any fighter can tank and any priest can heal. Do you think that maybe a shift away from mechanics and numbers and back toward immersion on the part of the Dev team would alleviate some of that negative pressure?
  • A: There’s a fine balance between roleplay and the numbers/mechanics, though. If we don’t satisfy the numbers side, then there isn’t much in the game to roleplay around. We’re certainly trying to move away from “only x class can accomplish y task”, and we’ll continue to walk that line very carefully. Falling down on either side of it is bad for all of us, number crunchers and RPers alike (and those who are both!)

We just announced a new feature coming out in GU52, user-creatable books. This new feature should provide many new avenues for roleplay.


  • A: The Russian servers are part of a business agreement that SOE has with Akella, and have a different subscription plan, not through SOE, so they’re listed differently. It’s also why you can’t use a normal SOE sub to log into the Russian servers, and vice versa. But we certainly appreciate your participation in our community boards!


  • Q: it was mentioned a long time back that freeport and qeynos would be made into one large zone is this something you are still considering?
  • A: It’s still something we want to do in the future, yes. We’ve done a few tests and it looks feasible on the art side, but there are a lot more pressing things we’re working on currently so there’s no timeframe for this project yet.


  • Q: Is Ward of elements supposed to be tuned to guilds who are not currently clearing mobs like venril and levi and vp? if so.

Will the difficulty of Ward of elements be reajusted to fit its target audiance?

  • A: While we continue to monitor the success or failure of those doing this raid, we don’t currently have any plans to drastically adjust the balance within the zone.


  • Q: Related to a question answered in February -

Could you add more variety to the color palates of the character creation?

Though more hair, etc., options are nice, I'd rather have the ability to perhaps play a punk human with purple hair or have a black High Elf. Right now, Arasai seem to have the best hair palate, if you want a template example.

  • A: At this point, we have no plan to change the character customization color choices.


  • Q: Is it possible to change the NPC that gives out flags and sends you away to show where the current flag is placed? Its easy to miss the message that pops when its placed.

Somthing like: - The Current flag is placed in Commonlands ! Would you like to travel there ?

  • A: Yes, we are considering different methods to communicate the current location of the flag to the guild.

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  • Q: Будет ли расширен ассортимент коллекционных предметов, которые можно получить от домашнего буриная, чтобы там появились все новые коллекции TSO и другие коллекции, введеные в игру после RoK'а?
  • A: Мы обсуждали эту идею и в ближайшем будущем определенные (но не все) коллекции TSO можно будет также получить покормив своего буриная.


  • Q: Will the neutral avatar charm 2 set bonus ever be upgraded to be more in line with good and evil avatar charm 2 set?
  • A: The neutral set was designed to fit in the middle ground between dps oriented loot setup and the defensive focus of the good. So we think it actually works well for how the neutral deity items are setup and gives a non-dps or defensive oriented option.


  • Q: Появятся ли в игре сеты оружия и брони с различными комбинациями элементов, например сет оружие+щит, сет из двух видов оружия (для основной и вспомогательной ячейки), дальнобойное оружие+талисман?
  • A: Уже существует как минимум один сет из двух видов оружия, который можно получить из Осколка Страха, т.е. такая возможность есть. Какую-то конкретную информацию о том, какие сеты появятся в будущем, мы не можем предоставить, но планы по созданию новых типов сетов имеются.


  • Q: Будут ли добавлены украшения, которые по логике должны существовать, но в игре их нет, напр. кроме +1 к блокировке щита на 50м уровне, должны быть +2% или +3% на 70м...
  • A: Мы планируем провести тщательный пересмотр существующих украшений и скорее всего, будут сделаны определенные изменения. Однако, до того как пересмотр будет закончен, говорить о том что именно поменяется, и даже о том, что может поменяться еще рано.


  • Q: Почему было решено не улучшать некоторые предметы из х4 сета ТСО для менестреля (по сравнению с сетом из RoKа)? Например, заклинатели при обновлении RoK сета на ТСО получают уменьшение времени на повторное использование заклинания и улучшенные характеристики для пета...
  • A: Каждый предмет рейдовой экипировки ТСО для менестреля был значительно улучшен по сравнению с аналогом из RoKа. Для того, чтобы ответить на этот вопрос в деталях, нужно больше конкретной информации по тому, что именно не устраивает.


  • Q: Появятся ли в игре новые виды ездовых животных\предметов? Было бы здорово, чтоб это было что-нибудь летающее (например, летающий дракончик или сококар). И планируется ли добавление новых или улучшение старых ездовых животных\предметов, с увеличенным бонусом передвижения (ну почему понерфили коврик из Лавы?!!!)?
  • A: Да и да =) Создание новых ездовых животных\предметов это нелегкая и долгая задача для наших художников, поэтому они и добавляются достаточно редко, но точно могу сказать, что новые виды будут. Разработку летающих ездовых созданий тоже обсуждали, хотя в игре они бы только парили, а не совсем свободно летали (дизайн текущих зон накладывает на перемещение в воздухе некоторые ограничения). Все еще не решены полностью технические проблемы с увеличением скорости выше определенного значения, но проблему решаем и более быстрые средства передвижения в какой-то момент появятся.


  • Q: Есть ли планы увеличить скорость набора ОД (очков достижений)? Например, изменить формулу расчета, увеличить коэффициент при переводе очков боевого опыта, либо ввести повторяемые задания с наградой в виде ОС (очков статуса).

The game has gone to great lengths to increase level speed as fast as practical to the point where even with casual play the level cap can be reached within 2-4weeks. While the curve is adjusted ever more favorably whenever AP is added, content to gain that AP does not increase in proportion and the push for the remaining AP is more chore than fun.The current system also negatively affects player behaviour;once I neared 140AP in RoK, I stopped doing quests because I knew I'd need the quest Axp to make the AP gain reasonable for the next expansion.

Former producer Scott Hartsman stated at RoK launch that the fun part of the game was not having to worry about the grind and just playing. If that philosophy is still true then it should be applied to AP as well.

  • A: На самом деле, подобные изменения были сделаны перед установкой The Shadow Odyssey. Как выяснилось, особенно трудно было набивать ОД со 100 до 140, и мы немного облегчили ситуацию.


  • Q: На многих ветках форума предлагалось ввести регулятор распределения очков опыта, чтобы игроки могли по собственному выбору влиять на то, какой из разных видов опыта будет увеличиваться (прим. пер. - имеется в виду БО для повышения уровня или ОД). Многие игроки считают, что определенный стиль игры позволяет получать гораздо больше бонусов, нежели другой. Планируется ли ввести подобный механизм?
  • A: Такой регулятор хорошо работал в оригинальной EQ, где был только один способ получения ОД - с ростом уровня приключенца. В EQII игрокам предоставлена возможность более быстрого набора ОД за счет выполнения заданий, открытия новых локаций, убийство именных мобов и даже за получение определенных предметов, без изменения уровня персонажа. По нашему мнению, это оптимальный компромисс, позволяющий набирать ОД и повышать уровень одновременно и достаточно быстро.


  • Q: Будут ли сделаны изменения в механизме получения ОД? Чаще всего игроки вынуждены активно их набирать на более поздних уровнях, что лишает удовольствия от игры. Возможность конвертировать БО в ОД или просто получать больше ОД было бы очень оценено игроками и позволило бы играть в удовольствие, а не откладывать это удовольствие на потом, после зарабатывания нужных ОД.
  • A: После достижения 80го уровня весь БО конвертируется в ОД. Кроме того, дополнительный опыт можно получить множеством способов - выполняя дополнительные задания, обучая игроков, выполняя миссии ТСО и т.д.


  • Q: Вопрос из любопытства (не для того, чтобы по-новой обсуждать набор опыта): формула расчета БО была изменена для уровней 20-69, а для 70-80 осталась прежней. Почему было принято такое решение? Из-за ОД? Из-за увеличения капа без добавления новых уровней? Из-за не-рейдового контента? Из-за всего вышеперечисленного?
  • A: Изменение формулы расчета БО делается для того, чтобы прогресс по старым зонам\заданиям шел быстрее и у игроков раньше появлялась возможность проводить время в компании своих друзей. Набор БО с 70 до 80 уровней может быть ускорен, когда будет увеличен максимальный уровень, но не раньше.


  • Q: Можно ли пересмотреть сложность соло-мобов 68-80+ уровней? Когда мой хил играет соло, то он умирает при каждом бое, если выступает против больше чем одного моба, либо когда его станят на 20 секунд (преувеличение, но по собственным ощущениям, это действительно вечность). Я не имею ввиду групповых мобов. Игра в пати это, конечно, весело, но в одиночку становится очень грустно. Дайте хилам возможность противостоять станам и оглушению. У меня есть только одно заклинание, которое позволяет сопротивляться такому воздействию (по веткам ОД) и у него 5и минутный таймер и оно вообще практически никогда не срабатывает. Помогите одинокому хилу.
  • A: Для некоторых классов проблема выстоять против несколькимх соло-мобов, дествительно выше, чем для других. Но и сейчас в игре можно отлично сражаться в одиночку, если быть достаточно осторожным. Планов вот так сразу улучшить какой-либо класс, чтобы он легче противостоял нескольким соло-мобам сразу, нет. Если имеется ввиду какой-то конкретный моб, который является соло и использует длительный стан, я бы предложил отправить сообщение разработчикам и тогда можно будет оценить именно эту ситуацию, без изменений для целого класса персонажей.


  • Q: What I would like to know is whether they are EVER going to look at certain spell lines and AA stuff. For instance, what good is the heresy/blasphemy line outside PvP? Or that Maladroit line in Inquisitor AA? Make that puppy read "Reduces all of target encounter's AoEs by 25%". What good is attribute and skill reduction debuff?

The new armor appearances from the X2 raid zone are awesome and unique, but is there any intention of implementing these same appearances for those of us who don't have the opportunity, time, etc, to raid? If so, when?

  • A: These appearances will eventually make their way into solo or small group content, but I would not expect to see that happen for quite some time.


  • Q: Will there be more gear with less classes on them in the future?

Like how bards have gear made for them, and only useable by them. Get more gear that instead of 'all ___' would be 'sorcerers and summoners' or 'predators and rogues' for example? A few classes have an easier time gearing up, and cheaper as well. A bard has an easy time gearing up, usually on gear the only other classes able to use them are crusaders for some reason. Meanwhile most mage and scout dps items are very open, meaning they ma have to compete with atleast 5 other classes, if not more, resulting in these classes having a much harder time to gear up.

  • A: Bards and Crusaders have more class-limited armor designed for them because their design is much more dependant on a broad set of stats than other classes. In order to be as effective as a non-hybrid, they require equal or nearly equal amounts of multiple stats which, in the hands of a non-hybrid, could be unbalancing. While it is true that there is less competition for these items, they are also less abundant and drop at a much lower rate.


  • Q: Will there ever be an 14 to 21 piece set, so that there is a slight chance templars are not forced to melee but can cast without loosing the Set-Bonus? Since i cannot change to CA like the inqs i really like to see some caster gear without switching to cover my body with tissues.
  • A: I’m not sure I understand most of this question, so I apologize in advance if this is not the answer you were looking for: You’re unlikely to see very large sets of this nature mainly due to the difficulty of upgrading individual pieces later. The better a set bonus is, the less likely it is that a player will be willing to remove it to use new equipment. As far as offensive caster plate is concerned, you may see some of this, but the templar class is not intended to be a high dps caster, and thus not much equipment is created to help fill this role. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be any pieces of this type available, but they will not be widespread.


  • Q: Are shards/tickets/various other bits to trade to merchants now the standard for World Events, Pre-expansion events, Expansions, and Holiday Events?
  • A: They were not originally designed to be, but as the events have expanded drastically over the past year they have been used more and more. It started as a merchant system for Erollisi Day in 2008 and was then used more extensively in the TSO Pre-expansion events last summer. We had not planned on using it again for Frostfell, but after receiving player feedback from the Test servers it became the obvious choice. You will see them used more often, particularly for events as it allows players to choose their own reward. Some players are interested in house items, others are not. Some like new armor choices, others love their current look. By using a merchant it doesn’t matter if they are interested in house items, armor, equipment, mounts, pets, etc.; everyone has a better chance of finding something that catches their eye.


  • Q: This question was discussed in December chat but I think it's right time to ask again - shall we see new summer events or the Nights of the Dead is the closest one?
  • A: There are some celebrations coming this summer, but that’s all we can say right now, sorry.


  • Q: The spell name convention got quite a positive feedback on the Russian forum. A related question is - does dev's team plan any changes in spell rank system? Currently Apprentice II-IV, Adept II and IV, Master III-IV tiers are almost not used at all if ever were. Should we make this clean and neat as well?
  • A: Actually we have removed that system with the spell renaming project in favor of a simpler naming convention. Apprentice II spells were removed altogether since few use them. Apprentice IV was renamed to Journeyman. Adept 1 became simply Adept. Adept IIIs have become Expert. Master I is simply Master while Master II spells are now Grandmaster.


  • Q: Will you be expanding tinkered items? I would love to blast through Sinking Sands on a gnomish dirt bike with dual elemental capacitors WOO WOO And think about raising the level of our Cow Launcher I wanna pull new raid mobs with cattle
  • A: As the level cap continues to rise, all tradeskills can expect more recipes and items. Tinkerers can also expect a bit of upcoming live event fun, as well.


  • Q: Can someone confirm if harvesting is working as intended? With the ability to easily parse harvesting via ACT it is shown, time and time again on threads on this site, that the use of +harvesting gear has little or no effect on the success rates. A capped out t8 harvester with all the modifiers available is barely any more successful in harvest rates or rare rates than a harvester progressing through the tiers, at or significantly below cap. T5 is the obvious example of this. Is this tied in with the RNG again? While I acknowledge that a RNG can only truly be assessed over an "infinite" sample, most of us won't be around for the results of such a test. Therefore I really think that the RNG needs to "appear" to be random over the short term, as well as "be" random over the (infinitely) long term.
  • A: You need to be significantly over the skill cap of a harvesting tier before you see a significant difference in the success rates. While higher harvesting skill does have an effect in T8, it is much more noticeable the higher your skill is above the node you are harvesting.
  • Q: Since druids are healer/dps hybrids (traded good mt/group buffs, debuffs and specialty heals that land after cleric and shaman heals, and less protective armor for dps) where should a druids DPS potentional be (when DPSing, not healing) in relation to the pure non dps classes like plate tanks, non druid healers, bards and chanters ideally if gear/skill were equal?

All healers heal relatively equally but from boxng (but not really doing anything but occasiaonal autoattacking a brigand, swashy, and now working a templer) on a second account, the buffs from clerics allows me to take on up to 3 yellow 3 up mobs and kill them usually unless a named is involved where with the other classes, 2 3 up yellow mobs would be a stretch sometimes. Templer is lvl 67 or 68 now. If I dont run shard instances, will probalby get her up closer to 72 in POA and then start RoK before raid tonight.

This is pre ROK content while mentoring btw and the buffs are only app 1 since I can level them so fast that getting non dropped upgrades is a waste pre T-8 and i just got 8 pts in SA with lvl 50 crafted gear on the templer and maybe a low 60's treasured helm.

My point being that the secondary side of cleric and shaman with buffs and debuffs should not be underestimated and for balance, the dps of a druid should be much higher.

  • A: Generally speaking, Priest classes are not supposed to be high on the pure damage scale. Their “DPS” is supposed to really come through healing. Druid healing is more inefficient though so we are looking at ways to increase efficiency of heal over time spells. Of course, that is something that we will talk about later in the year.


  • Q: I know this a long shot, but is there anyway to roll back Devastation fist back to what it was before TSO came out. This CA was a perfect "finish him" move. Kinda like Bruce Lee's one inch punch, only moreso with a full swing and boom. This CA is no longer Devastating or Desolating.
  • A: This was a percentage based skill which was problematic as npc healthy scaled up exponentially. The current values are currently inline with the higher damage fighter combat arts, and we don’t anticipate making any significant changes to it at this point.

Another long shot question, can someone explain why the disparity of DA/MC/AE-Auto Attack between plate tanks and brawlers exist. (AA-wise that is.)


  • Q: Coercer pets - there were rumors in the air the the pets will be made less meaningful for the class. What can we expect to be changed?
  • A: Heh. Players should stop reading the National Enquirer for in game information. On a serious note though, unless you see it in the live release notes it is rumor and nothing more than that. Certain npcs might be tuned slightly for charm because of their special abilities but these are done on a zone by zone basis and not as some sort of global damage reduction plan.


  • Q: Do you plan to change Templar Achievements Tree to enhance offensive abilities of the class? Any plans for new templar's gear to give bonus to his offense? Or such changes can be discussed after the fighters revamp?
  • A: As Priests are not an offensive archetype, we don’t have any plans to increase their damage overall through skills or achievements.


  • Q: More and more scripted encounters are being deployed that involved a specific detrimental effect as a key role in executing the script successfully. Is it possible to add a list of detrimental effects to dynamic data for the raidmember set? Just like for personal detrimental effects, but for each raid member? So we can make custom UI's that show mini flags for detrimentals on each raid member or UI's with specific flags for encounter significant detrimentals. The naga in ToMC is a prime example where identifying who is cursed with mark of the serpent vs the other trivial curse would be significantly beneficial to be able to report this via game ui. Instead your pushing us to hard requirements of 3rd party applications to provide the same data that really should be readily available from the client.
  • A: This is a lot of extra data to add for 24 people and could impact performance on raids quite a bit. We are being very careful about doing anything that would hurt performance, so at the moment we have no plans to add this information. These encounters are designed so that there is enough time for a player to communicate their detriment to the rest of the raid and still receive a cure in time.


  • Q: Can AFK status be added to the group/raid window metadata?
  • A: This is a good idea and something I think we can add in the future.


  • Q: Will we ever see multiple item drag-and-drop like there is in EQ1?

From what I have seen during my playtime I know that, although there is no highlight indicating something in your inventory has been "selected", there is a selection mechanic. I have encountered several times where trying to split several, different stacks of items I end up splitting *again* a previous stack (and that stack could be in another container entirely) instead of the new stack I am trying to work with, as if the previous stack is still selected.

In EQ1, you could hold shift or ctrl down while clicking items in your containers and (with shift) it would highlight all items between the first and last items clicked or (with ctrl) highlight/deselect each individual item clicked, the same way this mechanic works in Windows. When this got implimented in EQ1 I LOVED it. It'd save my wrist that much more movement.

I'm finding now, in my older age, my wrist and elbow are beginning to suffer a lot more from all the individual clicking and dragging.

  • A: This would be a nice feature to have, but would also be a pretty significant change on the client side. We have no plans to do something like this in the near future but will keep it in mind.


  • Q: One of the things i'd love to see are the information listed in the maintained spell effects window and detrimental spell effects windows be open to dynamic data. Are there any plans on opening up this type of data to the interface modding community?
  • A: No plans at this time due to potential performance issues.


  • Q: Is there any chance that we could have an increase in amount of quests we can have in our journal? Almost always it's a struggle to keep some journal entries open for new quests or deciding which quests i can delete and save for another time.
  • A: We already increased the journal size once for the same reason. This is one of those situations where no matter how big we make it, players would most likely use the entire space. Because of performance reasons, we don’t have any plans to increase the size at this time.


  • Q: Please give us more hotbars! Will we ever get them? It's impossible for a hardcore raider to fit it all in 10 hotbars, for me anyways. I asked this question last month but it wasn't answered to some chagrin.
  • A: We don’t have plans to increase the number of hotbars. If there is a valid reason for the majority of players to have anywhere near 120 hotkeys, we have other issues to consider.


  • Q: Will there be more functionality in the guild window?

For instance, it already states number of accounts , so how about organising it by account, rather than toons. Makes promotions easier, booting easier, seeing when people (the account) were last on, seeing what toons online people have that we may be able to put a group together with, etc.

  • A: If we see that a large interest develops for making changes to the guild window, we could certainly look into it.


  • Q: Are there any plans to add an in-game guild calendar for guild usage? It would be a nice addition that other competitors have already taken up.
  • A: This is something we’ve been talking about for a long time and think it would be a nice addition to the game. We don’t have any plans to implement it in the near future but something we would consider.


  • Q: Are there any plans to add a auto attack casting bar to the default UI, or maybe just make it so that casting CA's don't stop auto attacks, so melee don't have to worry about timing, alot like casters?
  • A: We currently don’t have any plans to add something like that to our UI. I understand that there are some custom UI that will display when an auto attack is incoming, though.


  • Q: Would it be possible to get an in game list of nameds/discos/etc we have already rewarded aaxp for?
  • A: We will certainly consider making this information available in the future.


  • Q: Can soemthing be set in the guild hall interface to allow Guild status to be automatically donated to the guild hall once the guild has reached max level? This would allow guilds that are level 80 to have the status used and have it not go poof.
  • A: There are two different types of status. There is status that your guild earns to level. This is similar to adventure XP and tradeskill XP, but for your guild. Then there is personal status that characters earn. This personal status is what is used to purchase items, pay house upkeep etc. There are no plans to change this system so that guild XP (status) can be used to pay upkeep. Perhaps a better fix is to rename guild status to guild XP so there is less confusion about these two point systems.


  • Q: Is the journal ever going to stop jumping to a random unfinished quest when you complete one?

It used to drop to a grey quest (for me it was the grey Nek Forest HQ) but now it always goes to the Everfrost TSO 'complete something in each of the shard zones' quest. It never ever goes to another quest in the same zone where I am which would be the handier thing for it to do since I am often doing more than one series in the same zone.

  • A: Yes, this is something we can look at fixing.


  • Q: I'm a Fury that has a heal spec and a DPS spec. When I swap specs, I swap out all my equipment except my Mythical via macros. I also like to swap my appearance gear from plate armor when dps'ing to leather gear when healing. Currently the macro tool only allows X (i think 13) number of "commands". So my question is this.....

Can we please get the number of commands used within a macro increased high enough to equip both armor and appearance slots at one time??

P.S. Please don't tell me to make 2 macros!

  • A: We will take this suggestion into consideration.


  • Q: Are there any roleplayers on the Dev team? The team's focus seems to be shifting from lore and immersion toward a greater emphasis on mechanics and numbers. There is a perception among the playerbase that certain things -- certain classes, certain spells or items, certain tactics -- are required to complete some of the game's content, and the team seems to be reinforcing that perception, rather than reiterating the game's original design intent, where any fighter can tank and any priest can heal. Do you think that maybe a shift away from mechanics and numbers and back toward immersion on the part of the Dev team would alleviate some of that negative pressure?
  • A: There’s a fine balance between roleplay and the numbers/mechanics, though. If we don’t satisfy the numbers side, then there isn’t much in the game to roleplay around. We’re certainly trying to move away from “only x class can accomplish y task”, and we’ll continue to walk that line very carefully. Falling down on either side of it is bad for all of us, number crunchers and RPers alike (and those who are both!)

We just announced a new feature coming out in GU52, user-creatable books. This new feature should provide many new avenues for roleplay.


  • A: The Russian servers are part of a business agreement that SOE has with Akella, and have a different subscription plan, not through SOE, so they’re listed differently. It’s also why you can’t use a normal SOE sub to log into the Russian servers, and vice versa. But we certainly appreciate your participation in our community boards!


  • Q: it was mentioned a long time back that freeport and qeynos would be made into one large zone is this something you are still considering?
  • A: It’s still something we want to do in the future, yes. We’ve done a few tests and it looks feasible on the art side, but there are a lot more pressing things we’re working on currently so there’s no timeframe for this project yet.


  • Q: Is Ward of elements supposed to be tuned to guilds who are not currently clearing mobs like venril and levi and vp? if so.

Will the difficulty of Ward of elements be reajusted to fit its target audiance?

  • A: While we continue to monitor the success or failure of those doing this raid, we don’t currently have any plans to drastically adjust the balance within the zone.


  • Q: Related to a question answered in February -

Could you add more variety to the color palates of the character creation?

Though more hair, etc., options are nice, I'd rather have the ability to perhaps play a punk human with purple hair or have a black High Elf. Right now, Arasai seem to have the best hair palate, if you want a template example.

  • A: At this point, we have no plan to change the character customization color choices.


  • Q: Is it possible to change the NPC that gives out flags and sends you away to show where the current flag is placed? Its easy to miss the message that pops when its placed.

Somthing like: - The Current flag is placed in Commonlands ! Would you like to travel there ?

  • A: Yes, we are considering different methods to communicate the current location of the flag to the guild.