Просмотр исходного текста страницы MediaWiki:Common.css

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* This file contains all the skinning rules for the RSSReader extension
* if you want to change the look of the RSS feed to better suit your skin
* then this is where you should make the changes. By default the reader
* is coded to look good with monobook.
* Alternatively to modifying the code in here, you could copy and paste it
* into your wiki's MediaWiki:Common.css page and that way you can have 
* different looks for different skins 

.RSSReader-head {

 text-align: center;
 padding: 0.2em;
 border-bottom: 0.1em solid #aaa;



* Example CSS rules for use with the "text" parameter

div.rss {

   margin: 0;

font-size:8pt; } div.rss h3 {

   margin: 0;

font-size:8pt; } div.rss-postinfo { text-align:right; font-style:italic; }

  1. content .rss h3 a { color: #194FA4 }
Источник — «https://norrath.ru/MediaWiki:Common.css»