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Возврат к странице Обсуждение:Вопросы к разработчикам 2009.07.02.

  • What is the future of the game economy? There's a groing disbalance between more and less populated servers - buying the same purchasable item can be a piece of cake on one server and almost just a dream on another with much fewer players and where one's income is very limited. Can we expect any changes?
  • Can we have more usable icons for macros please?
  • Any news about the guild alliances that were discussed some time ago?
  • Can the rally flags display the name of the guild to which they belong?
  • Are there any plans to make the following changes for fury spells that would allow better soloing:
  • Back into the Fray (52) and Return to the Pack (72) could be applied to the fury itself
  • Porcupine (50)\Urchin (70)\Hedgehog(80) and Call of Storms (65)\Call of Karana (78) would work better is the stun effect is removed
  • Is it possible to change the recipe window and split it into two parts so the right pannel would display the materials needed for craft and the crafted item?
  • Could you please dot all i's and cross all t's regarding the GU51 fame changes. The question is pretty simple - are there plans to change the fame mechanics (or may be even roll back to pre-GU51 state) or no changes are planned for a certain period of time.
  • What other tipe of non-tradeble items can get the "HEIRLOOM' tag in the future?
  • What are the plans towards old pre-TSO zone loot? Will the items get a revamp to mach those from TSO?
  • When can we try on a Fae or an Arasai illusory image? Seems those two were left aside as we have available most of the other race illusions.
  • Shell the players get an option to choose themselves which fun illusion or buff illusion to apply?
  • All in-game robes have a common apeearance stile now - can we expect and veriaties?
  • Avatars have gotten a huge nerfs over the time and now are easier than some of the raid mobs. Do you plan any tweaks to make avatars again really powerful and hard to kill?
  • Do you plan to change the current AA cap for the mid-levels (max AA = 1,5*lvl) and make the curve more smooth?

Tinkerer corner:

  • What changes will see tinkerers in the coming updates?
  • Shell the tinkerers get some recepes for armor items?
  • Do you plan to give the tinkerers a recepe for a mount? That could be a mechanoraptor for example :)
  • Could you give the the tinkerers an ability to craft a mass restoration device and group fake death?

Russian specific

  • There are still some problems with cyrillic texts in the Russian EQ2. That seems to be not only the localizator's headache but a deeper issue that they can't resolve themselves. Is the tech team going to look into that? The issue became evem more hot after the LU52 and user created books.
  • Could you please comment the situation with STATION PLAYERS for the Russian community. We've heard that the service is not available due to the current agreement conditions and the future is dependant on the localizator's plans. As the feedback from the company was last time given over a year ago we are completely unaware of the current state of the matters.