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For an alphabetic listing of articles related to this topic, see Category:Brew Day.

The Bar of Brell is open for business again! You can access the bar from Antonica (near the North Qeynos Gate), The Commonlands (by the Freeport gates), Greater Faydark (at the stable near Green Knoll) and from Haven.


Rasel and Snoogle are both back and at it again! Both are still looking for help on their respective quests.

New this year is the Avatar of Below. He is looking for the finest ale on all of Norrath! Help him find it in Beers for Brell!


Rasel is at it again, looking for help from soon-to-be inebriated players so he can brew up this year's batch of Brell's Everlasting Brew.

Also, speak with the gnome, Snoogle Blitzed, down the hall from the bottom of the stairs, to go look for things only those partying with Brell may see while helping with Snoogle's Presentation.


Once inside, talk to Rasel Alechaser the Brew Master. He sends you to gather ingredients for Brell's Everlasting Brew.