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Охота за сокровищами \ Treasure Hunt - это новый необычный вид приключений, добавленный в игру с дополнением Terrors of Thalumbra.


This page is info purposes as it is generic to all key quest turn in. Also these NPCs are not up all the time they have a cycle. Not sure what that time interval is, but rest assured you are not going insane if you don't find them up anywhere on their path, they always follow the same path, once you learn them. (Possible 15-20 minute interval, i.e. they not up at all, for a particular one)

Once you unpack your keys, A polished elemental stone key is the common, the semi common is A polished sandstorm pearl key (rewarded an epic infuser), you have to turn these keys into wandering NPCS, third type of key is Polished Magma Crystal Key, probably rare group level gear like KA was.

