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Линейка заданий AoM

Предварительные требования:

  • Вы должны быть крафтером 95 уровня, чтобы начать линейку этих квестов.
  • Стартер придёт вам на игровую почту.
  • Для прохождения квестов запаситесь различной растопкой 10 тира: лучезарная свеча, лучезарный фимиам, лучезарная растопка и др.
  • В локациях дополнения Altar of Malice можно добыть все необходимые ресурсы 11 тира (96-105).

  1. A Missing Crewman
  2. D.I.R.T.Y. Explosives
  3. D.I.R.T.Y. Work
  4. D.I.R.T.Y. Business
  5. D.I.R.T.Y. News
  6. Scampering to Investigate
  7. Repairing the Records
  8. Taking Stock of Strangeness
  9. Village of Dshinn
  10. In a Pickle
  11. Shopping List
  12. Northward Bound
  13. Unfriendly Forest
  14. Reviving the Ratonga
  15. Highhold Ho
  16. Armament Improvisation
  17. Spiteweed Snare
  18. Better Barricades
  19. Return to Refuge
  20. A Call for Expertise
  21. Scale of Research
  22. Borrowed Knowledge
  23. Final Assessment

Линейка заданий 5-100 уровня

The timeline is a part of the larger Tradeskill Timeline.

This questline is intended to introduce new players to some new concepts, guide tradeskillers past areas where there are other tradeskill quests they may also want to pick up, and reward recipes for some useful-at-all-levels items.

For new players/characters this questline is intended to be spaced out through their whole career levelling up. One mail message will be received every 10 levels. Already-high-level tradeskillers will be able to do the quests all at once, with about a half hour delay between each mail, although zoning will instantly send the player a mail.

  1. [5] Shipwrecked!
  2. [10] Изгой (ремесленное задание)
  3. [20] Piratical Fashion
  4. [30] Adorning the Pirate
  5. [40] Encompassing Goal
  6. [50] Halasians for Hire
  7. [60] Halasian Hangover
  8. [70] Hired Scales
  9. [80] Air Fare
  10. [90] Flying Feathers
  11. [100] On a Boat (ремесленное задание)

Ежедневные Задания

  1. [100] Grim Running

Еженедельные Задания