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EQ2 информация по ремесленному предписанию
Категория в журналеРемесленные предписания
Класс (Уровень) необходим уровень!
Сложность [tier needed] Work Order
Starting the QuestSpeak to a Foreman in any of the Tradeskill Instances
See Tradeskill Writs for more information

This Tradeskill Writ is not timed.

This one should be easy for your kind of talent and ability.

Click on the Orders Desk near the Foreman to collect your invoice.

This HELP file is for Contributors who wish to use Template:TSWritInformation. If you are a user and just wanted to know what the information on a particular Tradeskill Writ page means, CLICK HERE!


IF this is a City Task quest, put the name of the city faction here! See also: Category:Factions
Required Recommended level to complete this quest
Difficulty of the final step. Valid values are Solo, Group, and Epic (Default: Solo)

Sample Call

This example is from For a Charm of Powerful Trouble:

 faction  = Coalition of Tradesfolke|
 class    = Alchemist|
 level    = 54|
 diff     = Talented|
 tier     = Tier 6|
 city     = Freeport|
 writtype = Work Order| <!-- or Rush Order -->
 timer    = | <!-- used only of writtype=Rush Order -->


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Связанные шаблоны: TSWrit Help:TSWritInformation TSWritInformation TSWritInformationEx P/TSWritInformation