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Dwarven Work Boots, or DWB as they are commonly called, are the reward from the Heritage Quest These Boots Were Made For.... The quest rewards the type most fitting for your class, but you can exchange what you get for a different type or replace a pair you sold off by buying it from a Shady Swashbuckler XVIII at the docks in Nektulos Forest.

The four versions are:

  • Dwarven Work Boots (Cloth)
  • Dwarven Work Boots (Leather)
  • Dwarven Work Boots (Chain)
  • Dwarven Work Boots (Plate)

As with all Heritage Quest items, Dwarven Work Boots can be turned into a trophy that can be placed in your room. In this form, they are called The Legendary Dwarven Work Boots.

Dwarven Work Boots can be upgraded with the Leather Insoles quest starter which are dropped in Estate of Unrest. This begins the Reinforcing a Relic quest. There are also four different upgraded versions:

  • Reinforced Very Light Dwarven Work Boots
  • Reinforced Light Dwarven Work Boots
  • Reinforced Medium Dwarven Work Boots
  • Reinforced Heavy Dwarven Work Boots