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EverQuest II - Серия Великий Фейдарк
Начальная зона Великий Фейдарк (LU35)
Рекомендуемые уровни от 10 до 21
Степень сложности Соло
[[Серия Келетин]]
Соло серии заданий
Панель Навигации
[[Серия Горы Батчерблока]]

Что значит эта информация?

Нижеследующие задания можно выполнить в Великом Фейдарке и Келетине. Они предназначены для персонажей 1-20 уровней. Некоторые задания можно выполнить только добрыми персонажами.

Волшебный Сад

Эти задания должны выполнять по порядку.

Серия заданий в Волшебном Саду

Воспитательница Альвина

  1. Паразиты (1)
  2. Избавиться от гробинов-разведчиков (2)
  3. Гробины и неприятности у пруда (3)
  4. Травы исцеления и роста (3)
  5. Послание воспитателя (4)
  6. Рапорт часового Триллиса (4)
  7. Поиски Спелангла (5)
  8. Источник яиц шрамблеров (6)
  9. Гонец для капитана (6) - Continue with Shroom Cave series

Серия заданий в пещере грибней


  1. Мрачная Микория (6)
  2. Непрошенные гости (6)
  3. Спасение грибницы (7)
  4. Остановить нападение (7)
  5. Гробины наносят ответный удар (8)
  6. Орки костоломы? (8) - серия заданий продолжается в Аванпосте Шип Ростка

Необязательные задания

Эми Орген

  1. Пчелобой (2)
  2. Оторванные пуговицы (3)
  3. Кукла (4)

Бринк Траджер

  1. Шкуры матерых волков для Бринка (4)
  2. Паутина для Бринка (4)
  3. Панцири защиты (5)

Аванпост Шип Ростка

The following quest series are independent of each other, and can be done simultaneously. Note: although some of these quests will direct you to Spire Shadow Outpost to continue questing, it's a good idea to do the Kelethin quest series first.

Lady Astaar Evinien

Jenthis Viridar

  1. Stomping the Crushbone Plans (8)
  2. Gathering Information (8)
  3. News From the South (9)
  4. Assault on Orc Hill (9)
  5. Behind Orc Lines (9)
  6. Vile Tactics (9)
  7. Thwarting the Orcs (10) - leads to Mentha's quest series

Thekela Gillywump

  1. Growzzat Honey (8)
  2. Klixie Honey (8)
  3. Emerald Trout (9)
  4. Limecap Mushrooms (9)

Brodo Gillywump

  1. Tilting the Scale (8)
  2. Further Investigation (8)
  3. Checking the Source (9)
  4. Help From A Friend (9)
  5. Sounding the Alarm (9)
  6. Ongoing Efforts (10) - leads to Mentha's quest series


(For levels 6-12)

The following quest series are meant to be done in order.

Grender Series


  1. Lady Katri (8)
  2. Beginning the Fae Rite of Passage (8)
  3. A Lesson in History (8)
  4. A Ring of Fate (8)
  5. Rumors of the Grender (8)
  6. The End of the Grender (9) - rewards your first cloak

Fae Spirit series

For Fae Characters

Lady Aileeta Reila

  1. The Fae Rings (9)
  2. Testing, Testing! (9)
  3. Healing Properties (9)
  4. Where's Whittier? (10)

For Non-Fae Characters

Traeger Verdegreen

  1. Learning the Ropes (9)
  2. Handling the Merchandise (9)
  3. Traeger's Sign (9)

Whittier Series


  1. Whittier's Wisdom (10)
  2. Wasps Up? (10)
  3. Extermination (11)
  4. The Greater Faydark (11) - leads to Mentha's quest series in the Greater Faydark Timeline

Optional Kelethin Quests

Zephyre Voilethair

  1. Clearing the Way (7)
  2. The Underwood Crawlers (7)
  3. Competition (9) - repeatable

Spire Shadow Outpost

unlocked by Brodo's series, Jenthis' series or Whittier's series from the Kelethin Timeline (also seems to be unlocked by level)

Mentha Haora

  1. Scorched Skeletons of the Spires (11)
  2. Arcanic Disruption (11)
  3. Princess Zhyleen of Tunare's Glade (12)
  4. A Guardian's Meal (12)
  5. Atop the High-Cap (13)
  6. Curing the Saplings (14)
  7. Returning to Mentha (14)
  8. Into Crushbone Territory (15) - leads to Tuathil's series in Crushbone Territory

Optional Shadow Outpost Quests


  1. A Meal for Grum: Part I (10)
  2. A Meal for Grum: Part II (10)
  3. A Meal for Grum: Part III (10)
  4. A Meal for Grum: Part IV (12)

Ceft Stoutarm

  1. Wicked Brew (10)
  2. New Brew Barrel (13)


  1. Orc Ears for Kresp (10) repeatable

Matstyr Alesmith

  1. Part Time Help: I (10)
  2. Part Time Help: II (10)
  3. Part Time Help: III (14)
  4. Part Time Help: IV (20)

Grimply Sniffwistle

  1. Sniffwistle's Superior Idea: Part I (10)
  2. Sniffwistle's Superior Idea: Part II (12)
  3. Sniffwistle's Superior Idea: Part III (13)
  4. Sniffwistle's Superior Idea: Part IV (15)

Randu K'Van at Spire Shadow Outpost - flows into Crushbone Territory

  1. Orcish Information: Part I (15)
  2. Orcish Information: Part II (16)
  3. Orcish Information: Part III (18)

Crushbone Territory

unlocked after Into Crushbone Territory in Mentha's series

Tuathil Laeds

  1. Crushbone Territory (14) - opens Crushbone Assault series
  2. Ashway Ulm (Quest) (15)
  3. The Crushbone Water (15)
  4. Corruptor Thurizil (Quest) (17)
  5. The Emerald Lake (Quest) (18)
  6. The Plan (19)
  7. The Stone of Ul'Alarum (20)
  8. The Malgurt (20)
  9. Back to the Plan (21)
  10. Cleansing of the Tause (21)

Optional Crushbone Quests

Daruk Granite Nose Dobbson - unlocked after Crushbone Territory from Tuathil Laeds

  1. Crushbone Assault: Footmen (15)
  2. Crushbone Assault: Camp Rutok (16)
  3. Crushbone Assault: Oracles (17)

Starts with Elonca Nusback

  1. Belts of the Centurions (16)
  2. On the Shoulders of Legionnaires (28) Heroic

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